Source code for

Bookkeeping provided by FileStucture class

keeps directory structure consistant over the many modules if changes need to be made

# system imports
import json
import os
from os.path import join
# from pathlib import Path  # should eventually make use of this

# third party imports

# local imports
from . import file_name
from ..log_conf import log
from ..vibronic import vIO

# the names of the sub directories
# TODO - clean this up
list_sub_dirs = [

# should this be renamed to DirectoryStructure?
[docs]class FileStructure: """handles creation and verification of default file structure storing data from/to jobs""" template_vib = "data_set_{:d}/" template_rho = template_vib + "rho_{:d}/" template_vib_params = template_vib + "parameters/" template_vib_results = template_vib + "results/" template_vib_output = template_vib + "execution_output/" template_vib_plots = template_vib + "plots/" template_rho_params = template_rho + "parameters/" template_rho_results = template_rho + "results/" template_rho_output = template_rho + "execution_output/" template_rho_plots = template_rho + "plots/" # TODO - make sure all the old output files are not needed or have been converted to new file names """ template_pimc_suffix = "D{D:d}_R{R:d}_P{P:d}_T{T:.2f}_J*_data_points.npz" template_jackknife_suffix = "D{D:d}_R{R:d}_P{P:d}_T{T:.2f}_X{X:d}_thermo" template_sos_suffix = "sos_B{B:d}.json" """ # template_pimc_suffix = file_name.pimc # template_jackknife_suffix = file_name.jackknife # template_sos_suffix = file_name.sos
[docs] @classmethod def from_boxdata(cls, path_root, data): """constructor wrapper that takes a data object from""" return cls(path_root, data.id_data, data.id_rho)
def __init__(self, path_root, id_data, id_rho=0, no_makedir=False): """ If the flag no_makedir is true then no directories are created and the object is simply a container of strings that represent the various paths to files and folders""" # assert type(path_root) is str, "did not provide a path in str format" """ should FileStructure use log or return something to indicate if the folders already exist? should it automatically choose a new data set number if the currently provided one is being used? or should it throw an error? """ self.id_rho = id_rho self.id_data = id_data assert os.path.exists(path_root), f"the path_root ({path_root:}) does not exist" assert os.path.isdir(path_root), f"the path_root ({path_root:}) is not a directory" self.path_root = os.path.abspath(path_root) # main directories self.path_data = join(self.path_root, self.template_vib.format(id_data)) self.path_rho = join(self.path_root, self.template_rho.format(id_data, id_rho)) # special self.path_es = join(self.path_data, "electronic_structure") # sub directories self.path_vib_params = join(path_root, self.template_vib_params.format(id_data)) self.path_vib_results = join(path_root, self.template_vib_results.format(id_data)) self.path_vib_output = join(path_root, self.template_vib_output.format(id_data)) self.path_vib_plots = join(path_root, self.template_vib_plots.format(id_data)) self.path_rho_params = join(path_root, self.template_rho_params.format(id_data, id_rho)) self.path_rho_results = join(path_root, self.template_rho_results.format(id_data, id_rho)) self.path_rho_output = join(path_root, self.template_rho_output.format(id_data, id_rho)) self.path_rho_plots = join(path_root, self.template_rho_plots.format(id_data, id_rho)) # root_suffix = "D{:d}_R{:d}_".format(id_data, id_rho) # self.pimc_suffix = root_suffix + "P{P:d}_T{T:.2f}_J*_data_points.npz" # self.jackknife_suffix = root_suffix + "P{P:d}_T{T:.2f}_X{X:d}_thermo" # can't use os.path.join on these because they are format strings that haven't been fully resolved yet self.template_pimc = self.path_rho_results + file_name.pimc(J="{J:s}") self.template_jackknife = self.path_rho_results + file_name.jackknife() self.template_sos_rho = self.path_rho_params + file_name.sos() self.template_sos_vib = self.path_vib_params + file_name.sos() self.template_trotter_vib = self.path_vib_params + file_name.trotter() # TODO - should we factor this out into the file_name module? # self.template_pimc = file_name.pimc # self.pimc_suffix = "P{P:d}_T{T:.2f}_J*_data_points.npz" # self.jackknife_suffix = self.template_jackknife_suffix # TODO - remember that the dir_list is used to make the directories, so all class variables declared afterwards are not in the dir_list self.dir_list = [a for a in dir(self) if a.startswith('path_')] # print(self.dir_list, '\n\n') # self.dir_list = [self.path_data, self.path_es] # self.dir_list.extend([self.path_data + x for x in list_sub_dirs]) # self.dir_list.extend([self.path_rho + x for x in list_sub_dirs]) """ TODO - possibly rename the sampling and coupled paths? they are paths but shouldn't be in the dir_list """ self.path_vib_model = join(self.path_vib_params, file_name.coupled_model) self.path_har_model = join(self.path_vib_params, file_name.harmonic_model) self.path_iter_model = join(self.path_vib_params, file_name.iterative_model) self.path_iter_mat = join(self.path_vib_params, file_name.iterative_matrix) self.path_rho_model = join(self.path_rho_params, file_name.sampling_model) # TODO - maybe these should begin with file_* instead of path_* ? self.path_analytic_rho = join(self.path_rho_params, file_name.analytic_results) self.path_analytic_vib = join(self.path_vib_params, file_name.analytic_results) self.path_analytic_orig = join(self.path_vib_params, file_name.original_analytic_results) # only used for artificial systems self.path_orig_model = join(self.path_vib_params, file_name.original_model) self.path_ortho_mat = join(self.path_vib_params, file_name.orthogonal_matrix) if not no_makedir: # TODO - possibly check to see if directories exist instead of just blindly creating them? like so? if not self.directories_exist(): self.make_directories() return
[docs] def directories_exist(self): """x""" if False in map(os.path.isdir, self.dir_list): return False return True
[docs] def make_directories(self): """x""" for directory in self.dir_list: path = getattr(self, directory) log.debug(path) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) log.flow(f"Created directories in {self.path_root:s}") return
[docs] def make_rho_directories(self, id_rho): """creates (if they don't already exist) the necessary directories for storing the data of an additional sampling distribution (choice of rho) """ if id_rho == self.id_rho: self.make_directories() return # TODO - could improve the use of 'template_rho' to be more concise directories = [join(self.path_root, self.template_rho.format(self.id_data, id_rho), x ) for x in list_sub_dirs] for directory in directories: os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) return
[docs] def change_rho(self, id_rho): """ modifies all the FileStructure's paths to point to the new rho id calls make_rho_directories() to ensure the directories exist """ self.make_rho_directories(id_rho) # update all the rho paths self.path_rho_params = join(self.path_root, self.template_rho_params.format(self.id_data, id_rho)) self.path_rho_results = join(self.path_root, self.template_rho_results.format(self.id_data, id_rho)) self.path_rho_output = join(self.path_root, self.template_rho_output.format(self.id_data, id_rho)) self.path_rho_plots = join(self.path_root, self.template_rho_plots.format(self.id_data, id_rho)) # self.template_pimc = self.path_rho_results + file_name.pimc(J="{J:s}") self.template_jackknife = self.path_rho_results + file_name.jackknife() self.template_sos_rho = self.path_rho_params + file_name.sos() # TODO - now we can't reliably update the self.dir_list # should have a mode modular way of doing this # self.path_rho_model = join(self.path_rho_params, file_name.sampling_model) # self.path_analytic_rho = join(self.path_rho_params, file_name.analytic_results) return
[docs] def verify_directories_exists(self, id_data, path_root=None): """ if directory structure exists does nothing, creates the file structure otherwise""" # assume default if path_root is None: raise Exception("NO DEFAULT ROOT!?") # path_root = path_default_root # fix this ? files = FileStructure(path_root, id_data) if files.directories_exist(): return files.make_directories() return
def _has_vib_hash(self): """ returns the result of hasattr(self, 'hash_vib') """ return hasattr(self, 'hash_vib') def _has_rho_hash(self): """ returns the result of hasattr(self, 'hash_rho') """ return hasattr(self, 'hash_rho') def _has_hash_values(self): """ returns the result of hasattr(self, 'hash_vib') and hasattr(self, 'hash_rho') """ return self._has_vib_hash() and self._has_rho_hash()
[docs] def generate_model_hashes(self, force_flag=False): """ create two new data attributes (if they don't already exist) which store the hash values (hash_vib, hash_rho) created by the functions vIO.create_model_hash() and vIO.create_sampling_hash()""" if self._has_hash_values() and not force_flag: return self.hash_vib = vIO.create_model_hash(FS=self) self.hash_rho = vIO.create_diagonal_model_hash(FS=self) return
[docs] def valid_vib_hash(self, model_dict): """ takes a dictionary and returns bool if value of 'hash_vib' key is same as hash_vib attribute of self""" assert self._has_vib_hash(), f"This {type(self).__name__} object has no vib hash attribute, you should probably call generate_model_hashes() to generate one" return bool(model_dict["hash_vib"] == self.hash_vib)
[docs] def valid_rho_hash(self, model_dict): """ takes a dictionary and returns bool if value of 'hash_rho' key is same as hash_rho attribute of self""" assert self._has_rho_hash(), f"This {type(self).__name__} object has no rho hash attribute, you should probably call generate_model_hashes() to generate one" return bool(model_dict["hash_rho"] == self.hash_rho)
[docs] def valid_vib_and_rho_hashes(self, path): return self.valid_rho_hash(path) and self.valid_vib_hash(path)