pibronic package



pibronic.constants module


returns a value of beta for a given temperature in Kelvin


returns a temperature (in Kelvin) for a given value of beta

pibronic.everything module

Usuage: {scriptName #}.format(scriptName = sys.argv[0])

pibronic.everything.copyInput(FS, file_name)[source]


pibronic.everything.execute(file_path, id_model)[source]


pibronic.everything.generate_analytical_results(root, id_data, id_rho, temperature_list)[source]

generate analytical results using julia

pibronic.helper module

pibronic.helper.find_string_in_file(mmFile, filePath, targetString)[source]

wrapper that raises error if no substr can be found finds the last occurrence of a substring in memory mapped file

pibronic.helper.readlines(mmFile, number_of_lines)[source]

if we need to skip multiple lines

pibronic.helper.rfind_string_in_file(mmFile, filePath, targetString)[source]

wrapper that raises error if no substr can be found finds the last occurrence of a substring in memory mapped file

pibronic.helper.skip_back_lines(mm, numLines, startIndex)[source]

gives the byte location numLines lines before the given byte location startIndex

pibronic.helper.skip_forward_lines(mm, numLines, startIndex)[source]

gives the byte location numLines lines after the given byte location startIndex



pibronic.julia_wrapper module

pibronic.julia_wrapper.analytic_of_original_coupled_model(FS, beta)[source]

attempts to analytically calculate Z from the original model checks for previous results data, reads it in, then tosses the data if the hashes are not valid attempts to execute the analytical Julia script, and if successful saves the output writes the combined old data and new data to the appropriate file

pibronic.julia_wrapper.analytic_of_sampling_model(FS, beta)[source]

attempts to analytically calculate Z from the sampling model (rho_#) checks for previous results data, reads it in, then tosses the data if the hashes are not valid attempts to execute the analytical Julia script, and if successful saves the output writes the combined old data and new data to the appropriate file

pibronic.julia_wrapper.analytic_wrapper(FS, beta, **kwargs)[source]

this wrapper evaluates the given command with the appropriate arguments before passing the args to the base_func()

pibronic.julia_wrapper.base_func(FS, beta, path_dst=None, path_src=None, validate=None, command=None)[source]
pibronic.julia_wrapper.compute(command, path_src, old_dict, input_beta)[source]




pibronic.julia_wrapper.convert_keys(old_dict, output_dict, input_beta)[source]

uses the keyDict to map keys from the output_dict to new keys stores the resulting key,value pairs in a new_dict calls update on old_dict using this new_dict it has created

pibronic.julia_wrapper.iterate_method(FS, n_iterations=50)[source]

this is just a wrapper for the iterative method at the moment it doesn’t check for old data - it just regenerates the output every time


main function for testing or using from the command line


takes the byte string output from the Julia script as input splits it into a list of string representations of each line makes a dictionary by splitting each line at the semicolon with the key as all characters on the left and the value as all characters on the right


preform any tasks necessary to setup the environment for executing Julia code

pibronic.julia_wrapper.sos_of_coupled_model(FS, basis_size, beta)[source]

attempts to calculate Z using SOS checks for previous results data, reads it in, then tosses the data if the hashes are not valid attempts to execute the SOS Julia script, and if successful saves the output writes the combined old data and new data to the appropriate file

pibronic.julia_wrapper.sos_wrapper(FS, basis_size, beta, **kwargs)[source]

this wrapper evaluates the given command with the appropriate arguments before passing the args to the base_func()

pibronic.julia_wrapper.trotter_of_coupled_model(FS, nbeads, basis_size, beta)[source]

attempts to calculate Z using SOS, including the trotter error checks for previous results data, reads it in, then tosses the data if the hashes are not valid attempts to execute the trotter Julia script, and if successful saves the output writes the combined old data and new data to the appropriate file

pibronic.julia_wrapper.trotter_wrapper(FS, nbeads, basis_size, beta, **kwargs)[source]

this wrapper evaluates the given command with the appropriate arguments before passing the args to the base_func()

pibronic.julia_wrapper.validate_old_model_data(old_dict, FS)[source]

check if the old hashes match the new ones, otherwise we have to throw away all the old data

pibronic.julia_wrapper.validate_old_rho_data(old_dict, FS)[source]

check if the old hashes match the new ones, otherwise we have to throw away all the old data

pibronic.log_conf module

class pibronic.log_conf.MyLogger(name, level=0)[source]

Bases: logging.Logger

flow(message, *args, **kwargs)[source]
lock(message, *args, **kwargs)[source]