Source code for pibronic.everything

#! /usr/bin/env python3
Usuage: {scriptName \#}.format(scriptName = sys.argv[0])


# system imports
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import shutil
import sys
import os
from os.path import join

# third party imports

# local imports
# sys.path.append('/home/ngraymon/pibronic/')
from . import constants
from .log_conf import log
from .vibronic import vIO
from .vibronic import electronic_structure as ES
from .data import file_structure
from . import pimc
from .server import job_boss

# source for generating vibronic models
from examples import input_files

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

model_dict = {
    0:    ("acetonitrile", 200),
    1:    ("ammonia", 201),
    2:    ("boron_trifluoride", 202),
    3:    ("formaldehyde", 203),
    4:    ("methane", 204),
    5:    ("formamide", 205),
    6:    ("formic_acid", 206),
    7:    ("hydrogen_peroxide", 207),
    8:    ("water", 208),
    9:    ("pyridine", 209),
    10:   ("furan", 210),
    11:   ("trichloroethylene", 211),
    12:   ("chloroethylene", 212),
    13:   ("acrolein", 213),
    14:   ("acrylonitrile", 214),
    15:   ("cis_12_dichloroethylene", 215),
    16:   ("trans_12_dichloroethylene", 216),
    17:   ("11_dichloroethylene", 217),
    # 18:   ("", 218),
    # 19:   ("", 219),
    # 20:   ("", 220),
    # 21:   ("", 221),

[docs]def copyInput(FS, file_name): """x""" path_root = os.path.abspath(input_files.__file__) src_params = join(path_root, file_name, "_params.txt") src_zmat = join(path_root, file_name, "_zmat.txt") dst_params = join(FS.path_es, file_name, "_params.txt") dst_zmat = join(FS.path_es, file_name, "_zmat.txt") shutil.copyfile(src_params, dst_params) shutil.copyfile(src_zmat, dst_zmat) s = "Successfully created input files {:s} {:s}" log.flow(s.format(dst_params, dst_zmat))
[docs]def generate_analytical_results(root, id_data, id_rho, temperature_list): """generate analytical results using julia""" # need a check to see if analytical results exist return # hacks for now for T in temperature_list: # this should also be generalized command = "python3 ~/pibronic/pibronic/ {:s} {:d} {:d} {:.2f}\n" # should replace this with a function call that isn't dependent on our server # sshProcess = subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "-t", "dev002"], sshProcess = subprocess.Popen(["srun", "--pty"], # dev002 is out of commission universal_newlines=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) sshProcess.stdin.write(command.format(root, id_data, id_rho, T)) sshProcess.stdin.close() log.flow("Currently generating analytical parameters at Temperature {:.2f}".format(T)) sshProcess.wait(timeout=120) return
[docs]def execute(file_path, id_model): """x""" if id_model not in model_dict.keys(): raise Exception("Argument must be one of " + str(model_dict.keys())) molecule_tuple = model_dict[id_model] molecule_name = molecule_tuple[0] id_data = molecule_tuple[1] id_rho = 0 # for now we just do the simple option # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CREATE THE DIRECTORIES files = file_structure.FileStructure('/work/ngraymon/pimc/', id_data) if not files.directories_exist(): files.make_directories() else:"directories already exist") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COPY THE INPUT FILES copyInput(files, molecule_name) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CREATE THE VIBRONIC MODEL path_result = files.path_es + molecule_name + "_vibron.h" if (not os.path.isfile(path_result)): log.flow("{:s} file not found, attempting to calculate vibronic model".format(path_result)) job = ES.VibronExecutionClass(molecule_name, files.path_es) job.calculate_vibronic_model() log.flow("Finished calculating vibronic model") else: log.flow("Vibronic model already calculated at: {:s}".format(path_result)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PREPARE INPUT FOR PIMC CALCULATION # extract the model from *_vibron.h and store in json format path_model_coupled = vIO.create_coupling_from_h_file(path_result) # Create the harmonic version path_model_harmonic = vIO.create_harmonic_model(id_data) # Create the sampling model path_model_sampling = vIO.create_basic_diagonal_model(id_data, id_rho) # Copy to rho_0 to represent the simple sampling model # path_model_sampling = files.path_data + "rho_0/parameters/sampling_model.json" # shutil.copyfile(path_model_harmonic, path_model_sampling) temperature_list = [250., 275., 300., 325., 350.] bead_list = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, ] generate_analytical_results(files.path_root, id_data, id_rho, temperature_list) log.flow("Finished preparing input for PIMC calculation") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SUBMIT PIMC JOBS A, N = vIO.extract_dimensions_of_model(FS=files) # this is the minimum amount of data needed to run an execution parameter_dictionary = { "number_of_samples": int(1e6), "number_of_states": A, "number_of_modes": N, "bead_list": bead_list, "temperature_list": temperature_list, "delta_beta": constants.delta_beta, "id_data": id_data, "id_rho": id_rho, } # create an execution object engine = job_boss.PimcSubmissionClass(files, parameter_dictionary) engine.submit_jobs() log.flow("Finished PIMC calculation") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RUN JACKKNIFE ON RESULTS TO GENERATE THERMO FILES # not fully integrated into tool chain yet log.flow("Finished running Jackknife calculations") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot results! # not fully integrated into tool chain yet log.flow("Finished plotting Z") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # All done! return
# shows docstring if --help is the second argument if (__name__ == '__main__'): assert(len(sys.argv) == 2) # make sure we provide an arg if sys.argv[1] == '--help': print(__doc__) execute(int(sys.argv[1]))