Source code for pibronic.helper
# store numerous helper functions
import itertools as it
# import mmap
# import sys
import os
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# User convenience functions
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# Should add helper functions that can read the .npz files directly
# possibly translate them to text or csv for quick analyzing
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[docs]def readlines(mmFile, number_of_lines):
"""if we need to skip multiple lines"""
for x in range(0, number_of_lines):
[docs]def find_string_in_file(mmFile, filePath, targetString):
"""wrapper that raises error if no substr can be found
finds the last occurrence of a substring in memory mapped file
location = mmFile.find(targetString.encode(encoding="utf-8"))
if location == -1:
# couldn't find target string in file
s = "It seems \"{:s}\" was not present in the file\n" \
+ "\"{:s}\"\nCheck that the previous calculation didn't fail"
raise Exception(s.format(targetString, filePath))
return location
[docs]def rfind_string_in_file(mmFile, filePath, targetString):
"""wrapper that raises error if no substr can be found
finds the last occurrence of a substring in memory mapped file"""
location = mmFile.rfind(targetString.encode(encoding="utf-8"))
if location == -1:
# couldn't find target string in file
s = "It seems \"{:s}\" was not present in the file\n" \
+ "\"{:s}\"\nCheck that the previous calculation didn't fail"
raise Exception(s.format(targetString, filePath))
return location
[docs]def skip_back_lines(mm, numLines, startIndex):
"""gives the byte location numLines lines before
the given byte location startIndex"""
'''Factored out to simplify handling of n and offset'''
for placeHolder in it.repeat(None, numLines):
tempstartIndex = mm.rfind(b'\n', 0, startIndex)
if tempstartIndex < 0:
startIndex = tempstartIndex
return startIndex
[docs]def skip_forward_lines(mm, numLines, startIndex):
"""gives the byte location numLines lines after
the given byte location startIndex"""
'''Factored out to simplify handling of n and offset'''
for placeHolder in it.repeat(None, numLines):
tempstartIndex = mm.find(b'\n', startIndex + 1)
if tempstartIndex == -1:
startIndex = tempstartIndex
return startIndex
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[docs]def verify_file_exists(filePath):
if not os.path.isfile(filePath):
s = "The provided path {:s} does not appear to be a file, or it does not exist"
raise FileNotFoundError(s.format(filePath))
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