Source code for pibronic.pimc.pimc


# system imports
import itertools as it
from functools import partial
# import cProfile
import json
# import time
# import sys
import os

# third party imports
import scipy.linalg
import numpy as np
from numpy import newaxis as NEW
from numpy import float64 as F64

# local imports
from ..log_conf import log
from .. import constants
from ..constants import hbar
from import file_structure
from import file_name  # do we need this?
from ..vibronic import vIO, VMK
# from ..server import job_boss
from ..server.server import ServerExecutionParameters as SEP

For future thought:
see -
and -

Will have to think carefully about recording the random inputs that are sampled in a robust and cohesive manner

__all__ = [

float_tolerance = 1e-23

""" TODO - eventually this should be replaced so that each time a sample is drawn
a new seed is generated and stored in the results file indexed with the fraction it generated
np.random.seed()  # random
# np.random.seed(232942)  # pick our seed

class TemperatureDependentClass:
    """store temperature dependent constants here"""
    def __init__(self, model, tau):
        # construct the coth and csch tensors
        omega = np.broadcast_to(, model.size['AN'])
        self.cothAN = np.tanh(hbar*tau*omega)**(-1.)
        self.cschAN = np.sinh(hbar*tau*omega)**(-1.)

        # construct different sized tensors for efficiency purposes
        self.cothANP = self.cothAN.copy().reshape(*self.cothAN.shape, 1)
        self.cschANP = self.cschAN.copy().reshape(*self.cschAN.shape, 1)

        self.cothBANP = self.cothAN.copy().reshape(1, *self.cothAN.shape, 1)
        self.cschBANP = self.cschAN.copy().reshape(1, *self.cschAN.shape, 1)

        # this is the constant prefactor that doesn't depend on sampled co-ordinates
        energy = np.diag( if len( > 1 else
        tilde_energy = energy + model.delta_weight  # this is \tilde{E} from equation 34 on page 4
        prefactor = np.broadcast_to(tilde_energy, model.size['BPA'])
        self.omatrix_prefactor = np.exp(-tau * prefactor.copy())
        # this prefactor is F^P in equation 41 on page 5 where F is defined in equation 32
        prefactor = np.broadcast_to(self.cschAN, model.size['BPAN'])
        self.omatrix_prefactor *=, axis=3)**0.5

        # note that there is no sqrt(1/2*pi) because it factors out of the numerator and denominator

        # cache for the Omatrix on each block loop
        self.omatrix = np.zeros(model.size['BPAA'])
        # cache for the Omatrix scaling factor on each block loop
        self.omatrix_scaling = np.empty(model.size['BP'])

[docs]class ModelClass: """information describing a quantum mechanical system""" states = 0 modes = 0 omega = None energy = None linear = None quadratic = None cubic = None quartic = None def __init__(self, states=1, modes=1): """x""" self.states = states self.modes = modes self.state_range = range(states) self.mode_range = range(modes) return
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_file(cls, path): """constructor wrapper""" with open(path, mode='r', encoding='UTF8') as target_file: file_data = return cls.load_model(cls, file_data)
[docs] def load_model(self, path): """x""" # I think this fails if the list elements are multidimensional numpy arrays # carefully check this # lazy way of assuming that if one array is empty this is the first time if type(None) in map(type, [,, self.linear, self.quadratic]): kwargs = vIO.load_model_from_JSON(path) = kwargs[VMK.E] = kwargs[VMK.w] self.linear = kwargs[VMK.G1] A = self.states N = self.modes shape = vIO.model_shape_dict(A, N) self.linear = kwargs[VMK.G1] if VMK.G1 in kwargs else np.zeros(shape[VMK.G1], dtype=F64) self.quadratic = kwargs[VMK.G2] if VMK.G2 in kwargs else np.zeros(shape[VMK.G2], dtype=F64) else: kwargs = {} kwargs[VMK.N] = self.modes kwargs[VMK.A] = self.states kwargs[VMK.E] = kwargs[VMK.w] = kwargs[VMK.G1] = self.linear kwargs[VMK.G2] = self.quadratic vIO.load_model_from_JSON(path, kwargs) # should we update the states and modes after loading the model? self.modes = kwargs[VMK.N] self.states = kwargs[VMK.A] = kwargs[VMK.E] = kwargs[VMK.w] self.linear = kwargs[VMK.G1] self.quadratic = kwargs[VMK.G2] return
[docs]class ModelVibronic(ModelClass): """stores information about the system of interest""" def __init__(self, data): super().__init__(data.states, data.modes) self.size = data.size self.beta = data.beta self.tau = data.tau # model parameters = np.zeros(self.size['N'], dtype=F64) = np.zeros(self.size['AA'], dtype=F64) self.linear = np.zeros(self.size['NAA'], dtype=F64) self.quadratic = np.zeros(self.size['NNAA'], dtype=F64) # sampling parameters self.delta_weight = np.zeros(self.size['A'], dtype=F64) # self.state_weight = np.zeros(self.size['A'], dtype=F64) self.state_shift = np.zeros(self.size['AN'], dtype=F64) return
[docs] def compute_linear_displacement(self, data): """compute the energy shift equivalent to a linear displacement""" for a in range(data.states): # UNDO - we would have to untransform the prefactor here self.delta_weight[a] = -0.5 * (self.linear[:, a, a]**2. / return
[docs] def compute_weight_for_each_state(self, modified_energy): """these are the weights for the oscillators associated with each state""" assert False, "you shall not pass" # haha it doesn't do anything anymore self.state_weight = -self.beta * (modified_energy + self.delta_weight) self.state_weight = np.exp(self.state_weight) self.state_weight /= 2. * * / 2.)) # normalize the weights self.state_weight /= self.state_weight.sum() return
[docs] def optimize_energy(self): """ shift the energy to reduce the order of the raw partition function value """ # -- CURRENTLY DOES NOTHING -- # # So the problem here is that if you scale the energy you have to affect # the output because the initial values are just different # self.energyShift = np.nanmin(np.diagonal( # + self.delta_weight) # only shift the diagonal of the energy # for a in range(self.states): #[a,a] -= self.energyShift return
[docs] def initialize_TDP_object(self): """creates the TemperatureDependentClass object""" self.const = TemperatureDependentClass(self, self.tau) return
[docs] def finish_folding_in_terms(self, data): """ set the terms we 'folded in' to zero """ for a in range(data.states): # we 'fold' the linear term into the harmonic oscillator self.state_shift[a, :] = -self.linear[:, a, a] / # then we remove it from the calculation self.linear[:, a, a] = 0.0 # zero energy[a, a] = 0.0 return
[docs] def precompute(self, data): """precompute some constants""" self.compute_linear_displacement(data) # duplicate the diagonal and then zero it for later use in the M matrix energyDiag = np.diag( self.optimize_energy() # self.compute_weight_for_each_state(energyDiag) self.initialize_TDP_object() self.finish_folding_in_terms(data) return
[docs]class ModelVibronicPM(ModelVibronic): """plus minus version of ModelVibronic""" delta_beta = 0.0 beta_plus = 0.0 beta_minus = 0.0 tau_plus = 0.0 tau_minus = 0.0 def __init__(self, data): super().__init__(data) self.delta_beta = data.delta_beta return
[docs] def initialize_TDP_object(self): """creates the TemperatureDependentClass object""" super().initialize_TDP_object() self.const_plus = TemperatureDependentClass(self, self.tau_plus) self.const_minus = TemperatureDependentClass(self, self.tau_minus) return
# precompute some constants
[docs] def precompute(self, data): # store extra constants self.beta_plus = self.beta + self.delta_beta self.beta_minus = self.beta - self.delta_beta self.tau_plus = self.beta_plus / data.beads self.tau_minus = self.beta_minus / data.beads super().precompute(data) return
[docs]class ModelSampling(ModelClass): """stores information about the system of interest""" def __init__(self, data): # copy the sizes of the parameters self.param_dict = data.param_dict.copy() self.size_list = data.size_list.copy() self.tau = data.tau self.beta = data.beta return
[docs] def load_model(self, filePath): newStates, sameModes = vIO.extract_dimensions_of_diagonal_model(path=filePath) # replace the vibronic models state size with rho's state size self.param_dict['A'] = self.states = newStates self.modes = sameModes # construct 'size' tuples self.size = {} for key in self.size_list: self.size[key] = tuple([self.param_dict[letter] for letter in key]) # model parameters = np.zeros(self.size['N'], dtype=F64) = np.zeros(self.size['A'], dtype=F64) self.linear = np.zeros(self.size['NA'], dtype=F64) # in this case we might need to rethink the load_sample_from_JSON - here we provide quadratic when they are zero self.quadratic = np.zeros(self.size['NNA'], dtype=F64) # sampling parameters self.delta_weight = np.zeros(self.size['A'], dtype=F64) self.state_weight = np.zeros(self.size['A'], dtype=F64) self.state_shift = np.zeros(self.size['AN'], dtype=F64) self.cc_samples = np.zeros(self.size['BNP'], dtype=F64) # this brings up the good point that we might want to load a JSON file without providing the number of modes and surfaces kwargs = {} kwargs[VMK.N] = self.modes kwargs[VMK.A] = self.states kwargs[VMK.E] = kwargs[VMK.w] = kwargs[VMK.G1] = self.linear # print(kwargs[VMK.G1], "\n", self.linear) kwargs[VMK.G2] = self.quadratic vIO.load_diagonal_model_from_JSON(filePath, kwargs) self.modes = kwargs[VMK.N] self.states = kwargs[VMK.A] = kwargs[VMK.E] = kwargs[VMK.w] self.linear = kwargs[VMK.G1] # print(kwargs[VMK.G1], "\n", self.linear) self.quadratic = kwargs[VMK.G2] return
[docs] def draw_sample(self, sample_view): """Generates collective co-ordinates and stores them in self.cc_samples with dimensions BNP""" # collective co-ordinate samples self.cc_samples = np.random.normal( loc=self.sample_means, scale=self.standard_deviation[sample_view], size=self.size['BNP'], ) return
[docs] def compute_linear_displacement(self): """compute the energy shift equivalent to a linear displacement""" self.delta_weight = -0.5 * (self.linear**2. /[:, NEW]).sum(axis=0) return
[docs] def compute_weight_for_each_state(self): """these are the weights for the oscillators associated with each state""" self.state_weight = np.exp(-self.beta * ( + self.delta_weight)) # self.state_weight /= 2. * * / 2.)) # we believe the factor of 2 on the outside cancels out in equation 49. self.state_weight /= * / 2.)) # normalize the weights self.state_weight /= self.state_weight.sum() return
[docs] def optimize_energy(self): """ shift the energy to reduce the order of the raw partition function value """ # -- CURRENTLY DOES NOTHING -- # # So the problem here is that if you scale the energy you have to affect # the output because the initial values are just different # self.energyShift = np.nanmin(np.diagonal( # + self.delta_weight) # only shift the diagonal of the energy # for a in range(self.states): #[a,a] -= self.energyShift return
[docs] def initialize_TDP_object(self): """creates the TemperatureDependentClass object""" self.const = TemperatureDependentClass(self, self.tau) return
[docs] def finish_folding_in_terms(self): """ set the terms we 'folded in' to zero """ for a in range(self.states): # we 'fold' the linear term into the harmonic oscillator self.state_shift[a, :] = -self.linear[:, a] / # then we remove it from the calculation self.linear[:, a] = 0.0 # this value should not be used after this point[:] = np.nan return
[docs] def compute_sampling_constants(self, data): # generate random surfaces to draw samples from self.sample_sources = np.random.choice(range(self.states), size=self.size['X'], p=self.state_weight ) import collections np.set_printoptions(threshold=1E6) print("sample sources", self.sample_sources) print(collections.Counter(self.sample_sources)) # the ordered offsets for multiple surfaces self.sample_shift = self.state_shift[self.sample_sources, :] # calculate the means of each Gaussian # inverse_covariance_matrix = 2. * coth_tensor[:, :, NEW] - sch_tensor[:, :, NEW] * O_eigvals[NEW, NEW, :] # inverse_covariance_matrix = 2. * self.const.coth[..., NEW] - self.const.csch[..., NEW] * data.circulant_eigvals[NEW, NEW, ...] self.inverse_covariance = (2. * self.const.cothANP - self.const.cschANP * data.circulant_eigvals) self.standard_deviation = np.sqrt(1. / self.inverse_covariance[self.sample_sources, ...]) self.sample_means = np.zeros(self.size['BNP'], dtype=F64) return
# precompute some constants
[docs] def precompute(self, data): """precompute some constants""" # HACKS - TEMPORARY CHANGE self.compute_linear_displacement() self.optimize_energy() self.compute_weight_for_each_state() self.initialize_TDP_object() self.finish_folding_in_terms() self.compute_sampling_constants(data) return
[docs]class BoxData: """use this to pass execution parameters back and forth between methods""" block_size = 0 samples = 0 blocks = 0 # rho_states = 0 states = 0 modes = 0 temperature = 0.0 beads = 0 beta = 0.0 tau = 0.0 delta_beta = 0.0 id_data = 0 id_rho = 0 # instance of the ModelVibronic class # holds all parameters associated with the model vib = None path_vib_model = "" # instance of the ModelSampling class # holds all parameters associated with the model rho = None path_rho_model = "" # it would probably be better to shuffle this json passing black magic into job boss # perhaps job boss modifies the load_json function before calling it? # or maybe one of the optional parameters to load_json is the replacement symbol which by default is a colon? # we need to use SOME symbol(semicolon for example) # to allow the string to be treated as a SINGLE environment variable # slurm uses commas as the delimiters for its environment variable list _COMMA_REPLACEMENT = ";" _SEPARATORS = (_COMMA_REPLACEMENT, ':') # the hash values for the vibronic model and the Gaussian mixture distribution hash_vib = None hash_rho = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_FileStructure(cls, FS): """constructor wrapper""" data = cls() data.id_data = FS.id_data data.id_rho = FS.id_rho data.path_vib_model = FS.path_vib_model data.path_rho_model = FS.path_rho_model A, N = vIO.extract_dimensions_of_model(FS) data.states = A data.modes = N return data
[docs] @classmethod # this feels unnecessary def build(cls, id_data, id_rho): """constructor wrapper""" data = cls() data.id_data = id_data data.id_rho = id_rho return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_file(cls, path): """constructor wrapper""" with open(path, mode='r', encoding='UTF8') as target_file: file_data = return cls.from_json_string(cls, file_data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_string(cls, json_str): """constructor wrapper""" data = cls() data.load_json_string(json_str) return data
def __init__(self): return
[docs] @classmethod def json_serialize(cls, params): json_str = json.dumps(params, separators=cls._SEPARATORS) return json_str
[docs] def encode_self(self, params=None): """encodes json str with member values or given params""" log.debug("Encoding data to JSON") if params is None: log.flow("params was none") params = { SEP.X: self.samples, SEP.nBlk: self.blocks, SEP.A: self.states, SEP.P: self.beads, SEP.N: self.modes, SEP.T: self.temperature, SEP.BlkS: self.block_size, SEP.dB: self.delta_beta, SEP.D: self.id_data, SEP.R: self.id_rho, SEP.beta: self.beta, SEP.tau: self.tau, # "s": self.hash_vib, # "x": self.hash_rho, } log.flow(params) return self.json_serialize(params)
# is this still used?
[docs] def load_json_string(self, json_str): """decodes the json_str and sets member parameters""" log.debug("Decoding JSON obj") json_str = json_str.replace(self._COMMA_REPLACEMENT, ",") params = json.loads(json_str) # We should only set the value if they are not none? # replace with dictionary update? # def setVar(self, var): # for key, value in var.items(): # setattr(self, key, value) self.samples = params[SEP.X.value] self.blocks = params[SEP.nBlk.value] self.states = params[SEP.A.value] self.beads = params[SEP.P.value] self.modes = params[SEP.N.value] self.temperature = params[SEP.T.value] self.block_size = params[SEP.BlkS.value] self.id_data = params[SEP.D.value] self.id_rho = params[SEP.R.value] # self.hash_vib = params[] # self.hash_rho = params[] # dumb hacks if SEP.beta.value in params.keys(): self.beta = params[SEP.beta.value] else: self.beta = 1.0 / (constants.boltzman * self.temperature) # dumb hacks if SEP.tau.value in params.keys(): self.tau = params[SEP.tau.value] else: self.tau = self.beta / self.beads # dumb hacks if SEP.dB.value in params.keys(): if type(params[SEP.dB.value]) is float: self.delta_beta = params[SEP.dB.value] # fill the paths FS = file_structure.FileStructure(params["path_root"], self.id_data, self.id_rho) self.path_vib_model = FS.path_vib_model self.path_rho_model = FS.path_rho_model FS.generate_model_hashes() self.hash_vib = FS.hash_vib self.hash_rho = FS.hash_rho for k, v in params.items(): log.debug(type(v), k, v) return
[docs] def draw_sample(self, sample_view): """Draws samples from the distribution rho - the rho object fills its cc_samples parameter with collective co-ordinates which will be transformed to bead dependent co-ordinates by self.transform_sampled_coordinates()""" self.rho.draw_sample(sample_view) return
[docs] def generate_random_R_values(self, result, storage_array, sample_view): """Randomly generates R values that have no relation to the distribution rho or g they only have the correct dimensions BANP and are shifted appropriately """ # generate sample points in dimensionless co-ordinates R storage_array[sample_view, :, :] = np.random.random(size=self.rho.size['BNP']) np.copyto(self.qTensor, storage_array[sample_view, NEW, ...]) # we transform the dimensionless co-ordinates to surface dependent co-ordinates q = R - d self.qTensor -= self.vib.state_shift[NEW, :, :, NEW] return
[docs] def transform_sampled_coordinates(self, sample_view): """transform from collective co-ordinates to bead dependent co-ordinates""" # self.qTensor = np.broadcast_to(np.einsum('ab,ijb->ija', self.circulant_eigvects, self.cc_samples), self.size['XANP']) # self.qTensor = np.einsum('ab,ijb->ija', self.circulant_eigvects, self.cc_samples)[:, NEW, :, :] # self.qTensor = np.einsum('ab,ijb->ija', self.circulant_eigvects, self.cc_samples)[:, NEW, ...] self.qTensor[:] = np.einsum('ab,ijb->ija', self.circulant_eigvects, self.rho.cc_samples, )[:, NEW, ...] # remove sample dependent normal mode displacement (from sampling model) self.qTensor += self.rho.sample_shift[sample_view, NEW, :, NEW] for a in range(self.rho.states): self.qTempTensor[:, a, ...] = self.qTensor[:, 0, ...].copy() # add surface dependent normal mode displacement (from vibronic model) # self.qTensor -= self.vib.state_shift[NEW, :, :, NEW] return
[docs] def initialize_models(self): """x""" self.vib = ModelVibronic(self) self.vib.load_model(self.path_vib_model) self.vib.precompute(self) self.rho = ModelSampling(self) self.rho.load_model(self.path_rho_model) self.rho.precompute(self) tempSize = [self.block_size, self.rho.states, self.modes, self.beads] self.qTempTensor = np.zeros(tempSize, dtype=F64) return
[docs] def preprocess(self): """x""" # for readability and clarity we use these letters self.param_dict = {'X': self.samples, 'A': self.states, 'N': self.modes, 'P': self.beads, 'B': self.block_size, } self.size_list = ['X', 'P', 'N', 'A', 'B', 'XP', 'BP', 'AN', 'NA', 'AA', 'BNP', 'BPA', 'BAA', 'XNP', 'NAA', 'NNA', 'ANP', 'BANP', 'BPAA', 'NNAA', 'BPAN', ] # construct 'size' tuples self.size = {} for key in self.size_list: self.size[key] = tuple([self.param_dict[letter] for letter in key]) # compute constants self.beta = constants.beta(self.temperature) self.tau = self.beta / self.beads # where we store the transformed samples self.qTensor = np.zeros(self.size['BANP'], dtype=F64) # self.qTempTensor = None # storage for the numerator calculation self.coupling_matrix = np.zeros(self.size['BPAA']) self.coupling_eigvals = np.empty(self.size['BPA']) self.coupling_eigvects = np.empty(self.size['BPAA']) self.M_matrix = np.empty(self.size['BPAA']) self.numerator = np.zeros(self.size['BAA']) # construct the circulant matrix assert self.beads >= 3, "circulant matrix requires 3 or more beads" # hard check defining_vector = [0, 1] + [0]*(self.beads-3) + [1] self.circulant_matrix = scipy.linalg.circulant(defining_vector) (self.circulant_eigvals, self.circulant_eigvects ) = np.linalg.eigh(self.circulant_matrix, UPLO='L') self.initialize_models() return
[docs]class BoxDataPM(BoxData): """plus minus version of BoxData""" delta_beta = 0.0 beta_plus = 0.0 beta_minus = 0.0 tau_plus = 0.0 tau_minus = 0.0 def __init__(self, delta_beta=None): # -TODO - # consider removing the requirement of providing a delta_beta # could use a default value from constant module # with the ability to optionally override if delta_beta is None: delta_beta = constants.delta_beta self.delta_beta = delta_beta super().__init__() return
[docs] def initialize_models(self): """""" self.vib = ModelVibronicPM(self) self.vib.load_model(self.path_vib_model) self.vib.precompute(self) self.rho = ModelSampling(self) self.rho.load_model(self.path_rho_model) self.rho.precompute(self) tempSize = [self.block_size, self.rho.states, self.modes, self.beads] self.qTempTensor = np.zeros(tempSize, dtype=F64) return
[docs] def preprocess(self): """""" # compute extra constants self.beta_plus = self.beta + self.delta_beta self.beta_minus = self.beta - self.delta_beta self.tau_plus = self.beta_plus / self.beads self.tau_minus = self.beta_minus / self.beads # do the usual work super().preprocess() return
[docs]class BoxResult: """use this to pass results back and forth between methods""" id_job = None # TODO - temporary solution, the preference is to be able to loosely create the object and provide the necessary information later hash_vib = None hash_rho = None key_list = ["number_of_samples", "s_rho", "s_g"]
[docs] @classmethod def read_number_of_samples(cls, path_full): """x""" with np.load(path_full, mmap_mode='r') as data: return data["number_of_samples"]
[docs] @classmethod def verify_result_keys_are_present(cls, path, fileObj): """x""" for k in cls.key_list: if k not in fileObj.keys(): s = "Expected key ({:s}) not present in result file\n{:s}\n" raise AssertionError(s.format(k, path))
[docs] @classmethod def result_keys_are_present_in(cls, iterable): """ x """ for k in cls.key_list: if k not in iterable: return False return True
[docs] def initialize_arrays(self): self.scaled_g = np.full(self.samples, np.nan, dtype=F64) self.scaled_rho = np.full(self.samples, np.nan, dtype=F64) return
def __init__(self, data=None, X=None): """x""" if data is not None: self.partial_name = partial(file_name.pimc().format, P=data.beads, T=data.temperature) self.samples = data.samples self.hash_vib = data.hash_vib self.hash_rho = data.hash_rho elif X is not None: self.samples = X else: self.samples = 0 log.debug("The BoxResult object has been initialized with 0 samples this could be an issue?") # raise AssertionError("data or X must be provided to BoxResult __init__") # assert data is not None, "we can't take data's hash values if they don't exist!" # FS.generate_model_hashes() # TODO - possibly remove this in the future? # TODO - better way of passing the hashes around # self.hash_vib = data.hash_vib # self.hash_rho = data.hash_rho self.initialize_arrays() return
[docs] def compute_path_to_file(self): """ used by BoxResultPM as well """ if self.samples is 0: raise AssertionError("{:s} still has 0 samples - this should not happen".format(self.__class__.__name__)) elif self.id_job is not None: = self.partial_name(J=int(self.id_job)) # why was this a str? else: """ TODO - this could be dangerous on the server if a BoxResult object is created but not assigned a job id - need to create a test to prevent this from happening """ # should be 0 or the last number + 1 = self.partial_name(J=0) if False: # search for other job id's old_j = 90 # placeholder = self.partial_name(J=old_j+1) # result_view = slice(0, number_of_samples) return os.path.join(self.path_root,
[docs] def save_results(self, number_of_samples): """x""" path = self.compute_path_to_file() assert self.hash_vib is not None and self.hash_rho is not None, "we save hash values if they don't exist!" # save raw data points np.savez(path, # TODO - fix the hash situation - this is hacky hash_vib=self.hash_vib, hash_rho=self.hash_rho, number_of_samples=self.samples, s_rho=self.scaled_rho, s_g=self.scaled_g, # s_g=self.scaled_g[result_view], # s_rho=self.scaled_rho[result_view], ) return
[docs] def load_results(self, path): """ load results from one file""" with np.load(path, mmap_mode="r") as data: self.__class__.verify_result_keys_are_present(path, data) # TODO - check hashes here? - or do we assume they've already been checked? # BoxResult.verify_hashes_are_valid() if self.samples is 0: self.samples = data["number_of_samples"] elif data["number_of_samples"] is not self.samples: raise AssertionError("BoxResult has a different number of samples that the input file - this should not happen") self.initialize_arrays() self.scaled_g = data["s_g"] self.scaled_rho = data["s_rho"] return
[docs] def load_multiple_results(self, list_of_paths, desired_number_of_samples=None): """ load results from more than one file the optional argument desired_number_of_samples can be provided the method will then try to load as many samples UPTO the desired_number_of_samples and no more""" number_of_samples = 0 assert not len(list_of_paths) == 0, "list_of_paths cannot be empty" list_of_bad_paths = [] for path in list_of_paths: # should verify path is correct? with np.load(path, mmap_mode="r") as data: """ TODO - design decision choice here This implementation currently prints out a debug message and continues execution assuming it's job is to scan through and load as many files as possible. For each path that doesn't have the data we expect it to have we will remove it from the list. Another alternative would be to raise an AssertionError if the file it is trying to load does not have the appropriate keys, which is a good approach. """ # self.__class__.verify_result_keys_are_present(path, data) # TODO - check hashes here? - or do we assume they've already been checked? # BoxResult.verify_hashes_are_valid() # should verify file is not empty? if self.__class__.result_keys_are_present_in(data.keys()): number_of_samples += data["number_of_samples"] else: list_of_bad_paths.append(path) # first lets make sure that we had 1 or more good paths assert not set(list_of_paths) == set() # okay now remove all the bad paths! list_of_paths = list(set(list_of_paths) - set(list_of_bad_paths)) assert len(list_of_paths) > 0, "none of the provided paths were good, i.e. none of them had all the required keys {}".format(self.key_list) assert number_of_samples is not 0, "number of samples should have changed" if desired_number_of_samples is None: desired_number_of_samples = number_of_samples else: if number_of_samples >= desired_number_of_samples: number_of_samples = desired_number_of_samples elif number_of_samples < desired_number_of_samples: print("We found less samples than were requested!!") # TODO - choose what the correct procedure in this case is, for now we shall not raise an error self.samples = number_of_samples self.initialize_arrays() start = 0 for path in list_of_paths: if start >= desired_number_of_samples: break with np.load(path) as data: length = min(data["number_of_samples"], desired_number_of_samples) assert not np.any(data["s_rho"][0:length] == 0.0), "Zeros in the denominator" self.scaled_g[start:start+length] = data["s_g"][0:length] self.scaled_rho[start:start+length] = data["s_rho"][0:length] start += length return
[docs]class BoxResultPM(BoxResult): """plus minus version of BoxResult""" key_list = ["s_gP", "s_gM"] + BoxResult.key_list
[docs] @classmethod def verify_result_keys_are_present(cls, path, fileObj): """ x """ super().verify_result_keys_are_present(path, fileObj) for k in cls.key_list: if k not in fileObj.keys(): s = "Expected key ({:s}) not present in result file\n{:s}\n" raise AssertionError(s.format(k, path))
[docs] @classmethod def result_keys_are_present_in(cls, iterable): """ x """ for k in cls.key_list: if k not in iterable: return False return True and super().result_keys_are_present_in(iterable)
[docs] def initialize_arrays(self): super().initialize_arrays() self.scaled_gofr_plus = np.full(self.samples, np.nan, dtype=F64) self.scaled_gofr_minus = np.full(self.samples, np.nan, dtype=F64) return
def __init__(self, data=None, X=None): """x""" super().__init__(data, X) return
[docs] def save_results(self, number_of_samples): """x""" path = self.compute_path_to_file() assert self.hash_vib is not None and self.hash_rho is not None, "we save hash values if they don't exist!" # save raw data points np.savez(path, # TODO - fix the hash situation - this is hacky hash_vib=self.hash_vib, hash_rho=self.hash_rho, number_of_samples=self.samples, s_rho=self.scaled_rho, s_g=self.scaled_g, s_gP=self.scaled_gofr_plus, s_gM=self.scaled_gofr_minus, ) return
[docs] def load_results(self, path): """x""" super().load_results(path) # this could be more efficient, since we open the file twice with np.load(path) as data: self.scaled_gofr_plus = data["s_gP"] self.scaled_gofr_minus = data["s_gM"] return
[docs] def load_multiple_results(self, list_of_paths, desired_number_of_samples=None): """ load results from more than one file the optional argument desired_number_of_samples can be provided the method will then try to load as many samples UPTO the desired_number_of_samples and no more""" number_of_samples = 0 assert not len(list_of_paths) == 0, "list_of_paths cannot be empty" list_of_bad_paths = [] try: for path in list_of_paths: # should verify path is correct? with np.load(path, mmap_mode="r") as data: """ TODO - design decision choice here This implementation currently prints out a debug message and continues execution assuming it's job is to scan through and load as many files as possible. For each path that doesn't have the data we expect it to have we will remove it from the list. Another alternative would be to raise an AssertionError if the file it is trying to load does not have the appropriate keys, which is a good approach. """ # self.__class__.verify_result_keys_are_present(path, data) # TODO - check hashes here? - or do we assume they've already been checked? # BoxResult.verify_hashes_are_valid() # should verify file is not empty? if self.__class__.result_keys_are_present_in(data.keys()): number_of_samples += data["number_of_samples"] else: list_of_bad_paths.append(path) except Exception as err: print("Did we get another mangled .npz file?\nIf numpy can't load the file because it is not a zip file then just delete the offending file and rerun the script") raise(err) # first lets make sure that we had 1 or more good paths assert not set(list_of_paths) == set() # okay now remove all the bad paths! list_of_paths = list(set(list_of_paths) - set(list_of_bad_paths)) assert len(list_of_paths) > 0, "none of the provided paths were good, i.e. none of them had all the required keys {}".format(self.key_list) assert number_of_samples is not 0, "number of samples should have changed" if desired_number_of_samples is None: desired_number_of_samples = number_of_samples else: if number_of_samples >= desired_number_of_samples: number_of_samples = desired_number_of_samples elif number_of_samples < desired_number_of_samples: print("We found less samples than were requested!!") # TODO - choose what the correct procedure in this case is, for now we shall not raise an error self.samples = number_of_samples self.initialize_arrays() start = 0 for path in list_of_paths: if start >= desired_number_of_samples: break with np.load(path) as data: length = min(data["number_of_samples"], desired_number_of_samples) assert not np.any(data["s_rho"][0:length] == 0.0), "Zeros in the denominator" self.scaled_g[start:start+length] = data["s_g"][0:length] self.scaled_rho[start:start+length] = data["s_rho"][0:length] self.scaled_gofr_plus[start:start+length] = data["s_gP"][0:length] self.scaled_gofr_minus[start:start+length] = data["s_gM"][0:length] start += length return
def pos_sym_assert(tensor): """raises error if provided tensor is not positive semi-definite""" # One method is to check if the matrix is positive semi definite within some tolerance isPositiveSemiDefinite = np.all(tensor > -float_tolerance) if not isPositiveSemiDefinite: s = "The Covariance matrix is not symmetric positive-semidefinite" raise AssertionError(s) # alternatively we can try to compute the Cholesky decomposition try: np.linalg.choleskys(tensor) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: s = "The Covariance matrix is not symmetric positive-semidefinite" raise AssertionError(s) return def scale_o_matrices(scalingFactor, model_one, model_two): """divides the O matrices of the models by the scalingFactor""" model_one.omatrix /= scalingFactor[..., NEW, NEW] model_two.omatrix /= scalingFactor[..., NEW, NEW] return def un_scale_o_matrices(scalingFactor, model_one, model_two): """multiples the O matrices of the models by the scalingFactor""" model_one.omatrix *= scalingFactor[..., NEW, NEW] model_two.omatrix *= scalingFactor[..., NEW, NEW] return def build_scaling_factors(S12, model_one, model_two): """Calculates the individual and combined scaling factors for both provided models""" # compute the individual scaling factors model_one.omatrix_scaling[:] = np.amax(model_one.omatrix, axis=(2, 3)) model_two.omatrix_scaling[:] = np.amax(model_two.omatrix, axis=(2, 3)) # compute the combined scaling factor S12[:] = np.maximum(model_one.omatrix_scaling, model_two.omatrix_scaling) return def build_o_matrix(data, model, state_shift): """Calculates the O matrix of a model, storing the result inside the model object""" # add surface dependent normal mode displacement (from model) if state_shift.shape[0] == data.qTensor.shape[1]: data.qTensor -= state_shift[NEW, :, :, NEW] q1 = data.qTensor.view() else: data.qTempTensor -= state_shift[NEW, :, :, NEW] q1 = data.qTempTensor.view() # name and select the views # q1 = data.qTensor.view() q2 = np.roll(q1.view(), shift=-1, axis=3) coth = model.cothBANP.view() csch = model.cschBANP.view() # compute the omatrix o_matrix = -0.5 * np.sum(coth * (q1**2. + q2**2.) - 2.*csch*q1*q2, axis=2).swapaxes(1, 2) np.exp(o_matrix, out=o_matrix) for a in range(data.states): model.omatrix[:, :, a, a] = o_matrix[:, :, a] temp_states = model.omatrix.shape[2] # asserts that the tensor is diagonal along axis (2,3) for a, b in it.product(range(temp_states), range(temp_states)): if a == b: continue assert(np.all(model.omatrix[:, :, a, b] == 0.0)) # this only works because omatrix is filled with zeros already model.omatrix *= model.omatrix_prefactor[..., NEW] # remove surface dependent normal mode displacement (from model) if state_shift.shape[0] == data.qTensor.shape[1]: data.qTensor += state_shift[NEW, :, :, NEW] else: data.qTempTensor += state_shift[NEW, :, :, NEW] return def build_denominator(rho_model, outputArray, idx): """Calculates the state trace over the bead product of the o matrices of the rho model""" # outputArray[idx] = outputArray[idx] =, axis2=2) return def diagonalize_coupling_matrix(data): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # shift to surface independent co-ordinates # data.qTensor += data.vib.state_shift[NEW, :, :, NEW] # build the coupling matrix # quadratic terms data.coupling_matrix[:] = np.einsum('acef, debc, abdf->afbc', data.qTensor, 0.5*data.vib.quadratic, data.qTensor, # optimize='optimal', # not clear if this is faster ) # linear terms data.coupling_matrix += np.einsum('dbc, abdf->afbc', data.vib.linear, data.qTensor, # optimize='optimal', # not clear if this is faster ) # reference Hamiltonian (energy shifts) data.coupling_matrix +=[NEW, NEW, :, :] # print("V\n", data.coupling_matrix[0, 0, :, :]) # shift back to surface dependent co-ordinates # data.qTensor -= data.vib.state_shift[NEW, :, :, NEW] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check that the coupling matrix is symmetric in surfaces assert(np.allclose(data.coupling_matrix.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2), data.coupling_matrix)) (data.coupling_eigvals, data.coupling_eigvects ) = np.linalg.eigh(data.coupling_matrix, UPLO='L') return def build_numerator(data, vib, outputArray, idx): """Calculates the numerator and saves it to the outputArray""" # build the M matrix np.einsum('abcd, abd, abed->abce', data.coupling_eigvects, np.exp(-data.tau*data.coupling_eigvals), # replace this part to salis data.coupling_eigvects, out=data.M_matrix, optimize='optimal' ) # data.numerator = np.broadcast_to( np.identity(data.states), # data.size['BAA'] # ) # reset numerator 'storage' to be identity(in the AA dimension) data.numerator = np.empty(data.size['BAA'], dtype=F64) for b in range(data.block_size): data.numerator[b, :, :] = np.identity(data.states) for b in range(data.block_size): for p in range(data.beads): # this is correct # data.numerator[b, ...].dot(np.diagflat(vib.omatrix[b, p, :])) # this is twice as fast # data.numerator[b, ...].dot(np.diag(vib.omatrix[b, p, :])) # this is even faster data.numerator[b, ...].dot(data.M_matrix[b, p, ...], out=data.numerator[b, :, :]) data.numerator[b, ...].dot(vib.omatrix[b, p, :, :], out=data.numerator[b, :, :]) # trace over the surfaces outputArray[idx] = np.trace(data.numerator, axis1=1, axis2=2) # if np.any(outputArray[idx] < 0.): # log.warning("g(R) had negative values!!!") # assert np.all(outputArray[idx] >= 0.), "g(R) must always be positive" return def block_compute_gR(data, result): """ Compute and save only g(R) for building data_set to train ML algorithm for block_size # of sampled points in each loop""" # labels for clarity vib = data.vib # store results here (these results are not! scaled) g = result.scaled_g.view() # should think about renaming scaled_g? for block_index in range(0, data.blocks): # indices start = block_index * data.block_size end = (block_index + 1) * data.block_size sample_view = slice(start, end) # generate sample points in collective co-ordinates data.draw_sample(sample_view) # process the sampled points data.transform_sampled_coordinates(sample_view) # build O matrices for system distribution build_o_matrix(data, vib.const, vib.state_shift) # compute parts with normal scaling factor diagonalize_coupling_matrix(data) build_numerator(data, vib.const, g, sample_view) result.save_results(end) return def save_gR_with_samples(data, result, input_R_values): """ temporary function to save g(R) results with R values don't want to pollute BoxResult with extra functions that might not be necessary in the future so this will go here for now""" result.partial_name = partial(file_name.training_data_g_output().format, P=data.beads, T=data.temperature) path = result.compute_path_to_file() np.savez(path, number_of_samples=result.samples, g=result.scaled_g, ) result.partial_name = partial(file_name.training_data_input().format, P=data.beads, T=data.temperature) path = result.compute_path_to_file() np.savez(path, number_of_samples=result.samples, input_R_values=input_R_values, ) return def block_compute_rhoR_from_input_samples(data, result, input_R_values): """ Compute and save rho(R) from input R values for testing data_set to train ML algorithm for block_size # of sampled points in each loop """ # labels for clarity rho = data.rho # views rho_of_R = result.scaled_rho.view() input_R_view = input_R_values.view() for block_index in range(0, data.blocks): # indices start = block_index * data.block_size end = (block_index + 1) * data.block_size sample_view = slice(start, end) # we copy in the data values that we read in from load_R_samples data.qTensor[:] = input_R_view[sample_view, NEW, ...] # we transform the dimensionless co-ordinates to surface dependent co-ordinates q = R - d data.qTensor -= data.vib.state_shift[NEW, :, :, NEW] # build O matrices for system distribution build_o_matrix(data, rho.const, rho.state_shift) build_denominator(rho.const, rho_of_R, sample_view) # return and let the caller of the function save the results appropriately return def block_compute_gR_from_raw_samples(data, result): """ Compute and save g(R) and R values for building data_set to train ML algorithm for block_size # of sampled points in each loop """ # labels for clarity vib = data.vib # store results here (these results are not! scaled) g_of_R = result.scaled_g.view() # should think about renaming scaled_g? input_R_values = np.empty(data.size['XNP'], dtype=F64) input_view = input_R_values.view() for block_index in range(0, data.blocks): # indices start = block_index * data.block_size end = (block_index + 1) * data.block_size sample_view = slice(start, end) # generate sample points in surface dependent co-ordinates q = R - d # but which were not sampled from data.generate_random_R_values(result, input_view, sample_view) # build O matrices for system distribution build_o_matrix(data, vib.const, vib.state_shift) # compute parts with normal scaling factor diagonalize_coupling_matrix(data) build_numerator(data, vib.const, g_of_R, sample_view) # save results with their sampled co-ordinates save_gR_with_samples(data, result, input_R_values) return
[docs]def block_compute(data, result): """Compute the numerator and denominator for block_size # of sampled points in each loop""" # block_index_list = [1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4] #"Block index list: " + str(block_index_list)) # labels for clarity rho = data.rho vib = data.vib # store results here y_rho = result.scaled_rho.view() y_g = result.scaled_g.view() # store the combined scaling factor in here S12 = np.zeros(data.size['BP']) for block_index in range(0, data.blocks): # indices start = block_index * data.block_size end = (block_index + 1) * data.block_size sample_view = slice(start, end) # generate sample points in collective co-ordinates data.draw_sample(sample_view) # process the sampled points data.transform_sampled_coordinates(sample_view) # build O matrices for sampling distribution build_o_matrix(data, rho.const, rho.state_shift) # build O matrices for system distribution build_o_matrix(data, vib.const, vib.state_shift) # compute parts with normal scaling factor build_scaling_factors(S12, rho.const, vib.const) scale_o_matrices(S12, rho.const, vib.const) build_denominator(rho.const, y_rho, sample_view) diagonalize_coupling_matrix(data) build_numerator(data, vib.const, y_g, sample_view) result.save_results(end) return
[docs]def block_compute_pm(data, result): assert isinstance(data, BoxDataPM), "incorrect object type" assert isinstance(result, BoxResultPM), "incorrect object type" np.set_printoptions(suppress=False) # for blockIdx, block in enumerate(range(0, block_size*blocks, block_size)): # block_index_list = [1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 2e4, 3e4, 4e4, 5e4, 6e4, 7e4, 8e4, 9e4, 1e5] #"Block index list: " + str(block_index_list)) # labels for clarity rho = data.rho vib = data.vib # store results here y_rho = result.scaled_rho.view() y_g = result.scaled_g.view() y_gp = result.scaled_gofr_plus.view() y_gm = result.scaled_gofr_minus.view() # store the combined scaling factor in here S12 = np.zeros(data.size['BP']) # startTime = time.process_time() #"Start: {:f}".format(startTime)) for block_index in range(0, data.blocks): # indices start = block_index * data.block_size end = (block_index + 1) * data.block_size sample_view = slice(start, end) # generate sample points in collective co-ordinates data.draw_sample(sample_view) # process the sampled points # print(data.qTensor.shape) data.transform_sampled_coordinates(sample_view) # print(np.allclose(data.qTensor[:,0,:,:],data.qTensor[:,1,:,:])) # print(data.qTensor.shape) # build O matrices for sampling distribution build_o_matrix(data, rho.const, rho.state_shift) # build O matrices for system distribution build_o_matrix(data, vib.const, vib.state_shift) # compute parts with normal scaling factor build_scaling_factors(S12, rho.const, vib.const) scale_o_matrices(S12, rho.const, vib.const) build_denominator(rho.const, y_rho, sample_view) diagonalize_coupling_matrix(data) build_numerator(data, vib.const, y_g, sample_view) # Plus build_o_matrix(data, vib.const_plus, vib.state_shift) vib.const_plus.omatrix /= S12[..., NEW, NEW] build_numerator(data, vib.const_plus, y_gp, sample_view) # Minus build_o_matrix(data, vib.const_minus, vib.state_shift) vib.const_minus.omatrix /= S12[..., NEW, NEW] build_numerator(data, vib.const_minus, y_gm, sample_view) # periodically save results to file # if (block_index + 1) in block_index_list: # curTime = time.process_time() # timeElapsed = curTime - startTime # startTime = curTime #"Time elapsed: {:f}".format(timeElapsed)) # s = "Block index: {:d}\nNumber of samples: {:d}" # + 1, end)) # result.save_results(end) result.save_results(end) return
def simple_wrapper(id_data, id_rho=0): """Just do simple expval(Z) calculation""" np.random.seed(232942) # pick our seed samples = int(1e2) Bsize = int(1e2) # load the relevant data data = BoxData() data.id_data = id_data data.id_rho = id_rho files = file_structure.FileStructure('/work/ngraymon/pimc/', id_data, id_rho) data.path_vib_model = files.path_vib_model data.path_rho_model = files.path_rho_model data.states = 2 data.modes = 2 data.samples = samples data.beads = 1000 data.temperature = 300.0 data.blocks = samples // Bsize data.block_size = Bsize # setup empty tensors, models, and constants data.preprocess() # store results here results = BoxResult(data=data) results.path_root = files.path_rho_results block_compute(data, results) return def plus_minus_wrapper(id_data, id_rho=0): """Calculate all the possible temp +/- approaches""" np.random.seed(232942) # pick our seed samples = int(1e2) Bsize = int(1e2) delta_beta = constants.delta_beta # load the relevant data data = BoxDataPM(delta_beta) data.id_data = id_data # data.id_rho = 0 files = file_structure.FileStructure('/work/ngraymon/pimc/', id_data, id_rho) data.path_vib_model = files.path_vib_model data.path_rho_model = files.path_rho_model data.states = 3 data.modes = 6 data.samples = samples data.beads = 20 data.temperature = 300.00 data.blocks = samples // Bsize data.block_size = Bsize # setup empty tensors, models, and constants data.preprocess() # store results here results = BoxResultPM(data=data) results.path_root = files.path_rho_results # block_compute(data, results) block_compute_pm(data, results) return if (__name__ == "__main__"): pass