Source code for pibronic.plotting.grid_plots

""" analysis plotting - intensity grid of the parameters of a model"""

# system imports
import json
from os.path import join
import itertools as it

# third party imports
import numpy as np
# import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# local imports
from .prepare import prepare_mpl_rc_file, load_latex_module_on_server
from import file_structure as fs
from ..vibronic import vIO, VMK

# a useful resource for plotting the heatmaps/grids

# a simple reminder of modifying matplotlib ticks

[docs]class plotGrids(): def __init__(self, input_FS): """ x """ assert isinstance(input_FS, fs.FileStructure), "this class only takes 1 FS" self.FS = input_FS return
[docs] def load_original_models(self): """ x """ path = self.FS.path_orig_model with open(path, 'r') as file: self.original_model = json.loads( return
[docs] def load_coupled_models(self): """ x """ path = self.FS.path_vib_model with open(path, 'r') as file: self.coupled_model = json.loads( return
[docs] def prepare_data(self): """ optionally - if we want to modify the data before plotting """ # self.original_data = np.array(self.original_model[VMK.E.value]) # self.coupled_data = np.array(self.coupled_model[VMK.E.value]) return
[docs] def load_data(self): """ x """ self.load_original_models() self.load_coupled_models() self.prepare_data() return
[docs] def annotate_intensity_grid(self, fig, ax, data, title): """ commonly shared code for plotting""" A, N = vIO.extract_dimensions_of_diagonal_model(self.FS) # We want 1 tick for each square plt.locator_params(nbins=A) ax.set_yticklabels(range(0, A+2)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(0, A+2)) # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations. annotations = self.generate_sign_array(data) for a, b in it.product(range(A), range(A)): text = ax.text(a, b, annotations[a, b], fontsize=50, ha="center", va="center", color="k") label = "Electronic Surfaces" ax.set_ylabel(label) ax.set_xlabel(label) # Let the horizontal axes labeling appear on top. # ax.tick_params(top=False, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False) # Turn spines off and create white grid. for edge, spine in ax.spines.items(): spine.set_visible(False) # plot title plot_title = title plot_title += f"\nData Set {self.FS.id_data:d} - {A:d} surfaces {N:d} normal modes" fig.suptitle(plot_title) return
[docs] def generate_sign_array(self, array): sign = np.sign(array) sign_array = np.full(shape=array.shape, fill_value='y', dtype=object) sign_array[np.where(sign == 1.)] = '+' sign_array[np.where(sign == -1.)] = '-' sign_array[np.where(sign == 0.)] = '0' return sign_array
[docs] def plot_single_energy_grid(self, energy, filename, title): """ x """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(energy, origin='upper') cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)'Energy values (eV)', rotation=-90, va="bottom") self.annotate_intensity_grid(fig, ax, energy, title) path_out = join(self.FS.path_vib_plots, filename) fig.savefig(path_out, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2) plt.close(fig) return
[docs] def plot_original_energy_grid(self): """ x """ title = 'Original Energy Grid' filename = "original_energy_grid_D{:d}.pdf".format(self.FS.id_data) energy = np.array(self.original_model[VMK.E.value]) self.plot_single_energy_grid(energy, filename, title) return
[docs] def plot_coupled_energy_grid(self): """ x """ title = 'Coupled Energy Grid' filename = "coupled_energy_grid_D{:d}.pdf".format(self.FS.id_data) energy = np.array(self.coupled_model[VMK.E.value]) self.plot_single_energy_grid(energy, filename, title) return
[docs] def plot_energy(self): """ x """ # necessary for now prepare_mpl_rc_file(pretty_but_slow=True) load_latex_module_on_server() self.plot_original_energy_grid() self.plot_coupled_energy_grid() return
[docs] def plot_single_linear_grid(self, energy, filename, title): """ x """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(energy, origin='upper') cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)'Energy values (eV)', rotation=-90, va="bottom") self.annotate_intensity_grid(fig, ax, energy, title) path_out = join(self.FS.path_vib_plots, filename) fig.savefig(path_out, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2) plt.close(fig) return
[docs] def plot_original_linear_grids(self, data): """ x """ A, N = vIO.extract_dimensions_of_diagonal_model(self.FS) for j in range(N): title = f"Original linear terms Grid (Mode {j+1:d})" filename = f"original_linear_grid_D{self.FS.id_data:d}_N{j+1:d}.pdf" self.plot_single_linear_grid(data[j, ...], filename, title) return
[docs] def plot_coupled_linear_grids(self, data): """ x """ A, N = vIO.extract_dimensions_of_diagonal_model(self.FS) for j in range(N): title = f"Coupled linear terms Grid (Mode {j+1:d})" filename = f"coupled_linear_grid_D{self.FS.id_data:d}_N{j+1:d}.pdf" self.plot_single_linear_grid(data[j, ...], filename, title) return
[docs] def plot_linear_coupling(self): """ x """ # necessary for now prepare_mpl_rc_file(pretty_but_slow=True) load_latex_module_on_server() if VMK.G1.value not in self.coupled_model: raise Exception("Linear terms are zero, nothing to plot") linear = np.array(self.original_model[VMK.G1.value]) self.plot_original_linear_grids(linear) linear = np.array(self.coupled_model[VMK.G1.value]) self.plot_coupled_linear_grids(linear) return
[docs] def plot_single_quadratic_grid(self, energy, filename, title): """ x """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(energy, origin='upper') cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)'Energy values (eV)', rotation=-90, va="bottom") self.annotate_intensity_grid(fig, ax, energy, title) path_out = join(self.FS.path_vib_plots, filename) fig.savefig(path_out, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2) plt.close(fig) return
[docs] def plot_original_quadratic_grids(self, data): """ x """ A, N = vIO.extract_dimensions_of_diagonal_model(self.FS) for j1, j2 in it.product(range(N), range(N)): title = f"Original quadratic terms Grid (Modes {j1+1:d}{j2+1:d})" filename = f"original_quadratic_grid_D{self.FS.id_data:d}_N{j1+1:d}_N{j2+1:d}.pdf" self.plot_single_quadratic_grid(data[j1, j2, ...], filename, title) return
[docs] def plot_coupled_quadratic_grids(self, data): """ x """ A, N = vIO.extract_dimensions_of_diagonal_model(self.FS) for j1, j2 in it.product(range(N), range(N)): title = f"Coupled quadratic terms Grid (Modes {j1+1:d}{j2+1:d})" filename = f"coupled_quadratic_grid_D{self.FS.id_data:d}_N{j1+1:d}_N{j2+1:d}.pdf" self.plot_single_quadratic_grid(data[j1, j2, ...], filename, title) return
[docs] def plot_quadratic_coupling(self): """ x """ # necessary for now prepare_mpl_rc_file(pretty_but_slow=True) load_latex_module_on_server() if VMK.G2.value not in self.coupled_model or VMK.G2.value not in self.original_model: raise Exception("Linear terms are zero, nothing to plot") quadratic = np.array(self.original_model[VMK.G2.value]) self.plot_original_quadratic_grids(quadratic) quadratic = np.array(self.coupled_model[VMK.G2.value]) self.plot_coupled_quadratic_grids(quadratic) return