Source code for pibronic.plotting.virtual

# separating out the basic plotting class structure

# system imports

# third party imports

# local imports
from import file_structure as fs

[docs]class plotVirtual: """ outline the basic flow of plotting most members are designed to be overloaded actual plotting functions should be added to children classes """
[docs] def generate_file_lists(self): """ create lists of paths to all data files to be used for plotting """ return
[docs] def generate_parameter_lists(self): """ create lists of all possible unique valid parameters that are to be plotted for example: * a list of all possible bead values might be [12, 20, 50], * a list of all possible temperature values might be [250.00, 275.00, 300.00] which could arise from 3 data files with the following parameters: * [12, 250.00], [20, 275.00], [50, 300.00] or 5 data files with the following parameters: * [12, 250.00], [12, 275.00], [12, 300.00], [22, 300.00], [50, 300.00] the purposes of this function is to generate lists which allow for modifying the range of each parameter separately using intersections """ return
[docs] def validate_data(self): return
def __init__(self, list_of_FileStructure_objects): """ x """ # if we are provided with just one FileStructure object then wrap it in a list if isinstance(list_of_FileStructure_objects, fs.FileStructure): list_of_FileStructure_objects = [list_of_FileStructure_objects, ] self.FS_lst = list_of_FileStructure_objects for FS in self.FS_lst: FS.generate_model_hashes() # build the hashes so that we can check against them self.generate_file_lists() self.generate_parameter_lists() # might want to call these functions separately from initialization # self.validate_data() # this one will be tricky - might be optional # prepare_mpl_rc_file() return