Source code for pibronic.server.job_boss

"""provides a number of job submission related functions - a helper module for job submission
assumes the server uses SLURM"""

# system imports
import subprocess
import threading
import socket
import signal
import time
import sys
import os

# third party imports

# local imports
# import as vIO
# from ..constants import GB_per_byte, maximum_memory_per_node
from ..log_conf import log
from .. import constants
from .. import pimc
# from ..server.server import ServerExecutionParameters as SEP

# lock for asynchronous communication
job_state_lock = threading.Lock()
job_almost_done_flag = False

# this should be redone
# partition = 'highmem' if hostname == 'feynman' else 'serial'

[docs]def get_path_to_python_executable(): """returns the absolute path to the python executable currently executing this script""" return os.path.abspath(os.__file__)
[docs]def get_path_of_job_boss_directory(): """returns the absolute path to the directory holding """ return os.path.abspath(__file__)
[docs]def subprocess_submit_asynch_wrapper(cmd, **kwargs): """ wrapper for subprocess.Popen function to allow for different implementation for different python versions""" if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): return subprocess.Popen(cmd, text=True, **kwargs) if (3, 5) <= sys.version_info[:2] <= (3, 7): return subprocess.Popen(cmd, universal_newlines=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def subprocess_run_wrapper(cmd, **kwargs): """ wrapper for function to allow for different implementation for different python versions""" if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): return, capture_output=True, text=True, **kwargs) if (3, 5) <= sys.version_info[:2] <= (3, 7): return, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_hostname(): """returns the hostname of the cluster of the server (from SLURM) as a string""" cmd = ['scontrol', 'show', 'config'] result = subprocess_run_wrapper(cmd) for line in result.stdout.splitlines(): if "ClusterName" in line: return line.split('=')[1].strip() else: raise Exception("Did not find ClusterName in the config data from scontrol!?")
[docs]def SIGUSR1_handle(signum, frame): """signal handler - uses job_state_lock to record signal using the bool job_almost_done_flag""" global job_almost_done_flag log.lock("I got the signal") # attempt to acquire the lock if job_state_lock.acquire(blocking=False): log.lock("I was able to acquire the lock") job_almost_done_flag = (signum == signal.SIGUSR1) job_state_lock.release() # if we can't acquire the lock then set an alarm else: log.lock("I couldn't aquire the lock so I'm setting an alarm") job_almost_done_flag = (signum == signal.SIGUSR1) signal.alarm(10) # set the alarm to wake up this thread return
[docs]def check_acct_state(id_job): """returns the recorded state of the job (from SLURM) as a string""" cmd = ['sacct', '-n', '-o', 'state', '-j', str(id_job)] result = subprocess_run_wrapper(cmd) return result.stdout
[docs]def check_running_state(id_job): """returns the running state of the job (from SLURM) as a string""" cmd = ['scontrol', 'show', 'job', str(id_job)] result = subprocess_run_wrapper(cmd) return result.stdout, result.stderr
[docs]def synchronize_with_job(id_job, job_type="default"): """synchronizes with a submitted job """ log.lock(f"Synchronizing with job (id={id_job:})") # if the job is in the queue wait for the signal out, error_state = check_running_state(id_job) if error_state == '': log.lock("About to Enter critical section") with job_state_lock: if not job_almost_done_flag: # wait for the signal or the alarm log.lock(f"Waiting on \'{job_type:s}\' job (id={id_job:})") signal.sigwait([signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIGALRM]) log.lock("Woke up") log.lock("About to leave the critical section") else: raise Exception(f"Undefined behaviour, the job state was:\n {error_state:s}") # Wait until the job's state file reflects a successful execution, or an error with execution while True: out, error_state = check_running_state(id_job) # if this string is in the job's state file then it successfully executed if "COMPLETED" in out: break # If the "COMPLETED" string is not in the job's state file AND scontrol reports no errors # the most likely cause is the state file has not been updated since the job left the queue # therefore we should wait until the state file is updated elif error_state == '': time.sleep(5) # if the error_state from scontrol is not empty then some undefined behaviour occurred else: raise Exception(f"Undefined behaviour, the job state was:\n {error_state:s}") return
[docs]def check_slurm_output(path_root, id_job): """checks ouput file from slurm for errors memory issues, incorrect arguments, etc""" # sanity check - sleep so that we are sure slurm has finished writing the output file time.sleep(10) slurm_path = os.path.join(path_root, f"slurm-{id_job:d}.out") log.debug(f"Checking slurm output:\n{slurm_path:}\n") with open(slurm_path, "r") as source_file: if not ("Finished" in source_file): log.debug("We got here too early?") # should this be an exception? elif "SIGSEGV" in source_file: raise MemoryError(f"Job {id_job:d} had a Segmentation fault, see file {slurm_path:s}") elif "Killed" in source_file: # most likely cause is that it ran out of memory if "Exceeded step memory limit" in source_file: raise MemoryError(f"Job {id_job:d} ran out of memory, see file {slurm_path:s}") raise Exception(f"Job {id_job:d} failed for an unknown reason, see file {slurm_path:s}") else: log.warning(f"Undefined execution, check file {slurm_path:s} for issues") return
[docs]def extract_id_job_from_output(out): """ returns the job id inside the str argument 'out' or None if the job id is not present if no job id can be found then a warning is raised""" id_job = None if isinstance(out, str) and len(out) >= 21: # this is hardcoded - possibly should be changed id_job = int(out[20:]) else: log.warning(f"Not sure how to extract job id from\n{out}\n") return id_job
[docs]def submit_job(command, parameter_dictionary): """craft the job submission command - no error checking""" # we should add error checking to the parameter_dictionary here command = command.format(**parameter_dictionary) """ submits the job to the slurm server""" result = subprocess_run_wrapper(command, shell=True) result.check_returncode() id_job = extract_id_job_from_output(result.stdout) return id_job, result.stdout, result.stderr
[docs]def assert_partition_exists(partition_name): """only checks that the given string is listed as a partition by sinfo""" cmd = ['sinfo', '-O', 'partition'] result = subprocess_run_wrapper(cmd) assert partition_name is not None, "The partition string is None?" assert partition_name in result.stdout, f"Partition {partition_name} is not present in {result.stdout}" return
[docs]def serialize_BoxData_dictionary(parameter_dictionary): """ wrapper for the call to BoxData's json_serialize() takes a dictionary of parameters and returns a string which is a 'serialized' version of those parameters when the submitted job eventually executes it initializes a BoxData (or child) object using that 'serialized' string""" return pimc.BoxData.json_serialize(params=parameter_dictionary)
[docs]def prepare_job_feynman(param_dict): """wrapper for job_boss job submission""" log.debug("feynman job") # for safety param_dict["hostname"] = "feynman" template_name = ("D{id_data:d}_" "R{id_rho:d}_" "P{number_of_beads:d}_" "T{temperature:.2f}" ) param_dict["job_name"] = template_name.format(**param_dict) template_from = f"\"{param_dict['path_scratch']:}results/{param_dict['job_name']:}_J\"" template_to = f"\"{param_dict['path_rho']:}results/\"" param_dict["copy_from"] = template_from param_dict["copy_to"] = template_to param_dict["execution_parameters"] = serialize_BoxData_dictionary(param_dict) job_boss_directory = get_path_of_job_boss_directory() export_options = ("" " --export=" "ROOT_DIR={path_rho:s}" ",SCRATCH_DIR={path_scratch:s}" ",COPY_FROM={copy_from:s}" ",COPY_TO={copy_to:s}" f",PYTHON3_PATH={get_path_to_python_executable()}" f",SAMPLING_SCRIPT={job_boss_directory:}" + "/nlogn_feynman/{script_name}" ",EXECUTION_PARAMETERS=\'{execution_parameters:s}\'" ) param_dict["export_options"] = export_options.format(**param_dict) sbatch = "sbatch" sbatch += ( " -m n" # this stops all mail from being sent # " --priority 0" # this defines the priority of the job, default is 0 " --ntasks=1" " --job-name={job_name:s}" " --partition={partition:s}" " -D {path_rho:}execution_output/" " --output={path_rho:}execution_output/{job_name:s}.o%A" # " --ntask={number_of_tasks:d}" " --cpus-per-task={cpus_per_task:d}" " --cores-per-socket={cores_per_socket:d}" " --mem={memory_per_node:}G" # " --mem-per-cpu={memory_per_cpu:}G" # mutually exclusive with --mem " {wait_param:s}" # optional wait parameter " {export_options:s}" f" {job_boss_directory}/nlogn_feynman/" ) return sbatch
[docs]def prepare_job_nlogn(param_dict): """wrapper for job_boss job submission""" log.debug("nlogn job") # for safety param_dict["hostname"] = "nlogn" template_name = ("D{id_data:d}_" "R{id_rho:d}_" "P{number_of_beads:d}_" "T{temperature:.2f}" ) param_dict["job_name"] = template_name.format(**param_dict) template_from = f"\"{param_dict['path_scratch']:}results/\"" template_to = f"\"{param_dict['path_rho']:}results/\"" param_dict["copy_from"] = template_from param_dict["copy_to"] = template_to param_dict["execution_parameters"] = serialize_BoxData_dictionary(param_dict) job_boss_directory = get_path_of_job_boss_directory() export_options = ("" " --export=" "ROOT_DIR={path_rho:s}" ",SCRATCH_DIR={path_scratch:s}" ",COPY_FROM={copy_from:s}" ",COPY_TO={copy_to:s}" f",PYTHON3_PATH={get_path_to_python_executable()}" f",SAMPLING_SCRIPT={job_boss_directory:}" + "/nlogn_feynman/{script_name}" ",EXECUTION_PARAMETERS=\'{execution_parameters:s}\'" ) param_dict["export_options"] = export_options.format(**param_dict) sbatch = "sbatch" sbatch += ( " -m n" # this stops all mail from being sent # " --priority 0" # this defines the priority of the job, default is 0 " --ntasks=1" # " --ntask={number_of_tasks:d}" " --job-name={job_name:s}" " --partition={partition:s}" " -D {path_rho:}execution_output/" " --output={path_rho:}execution_output/{job_name:s}.o%A" " --cpus-per-task={cpus_per_task:d}" " --cores-per-socket={cores_per_socket:d}" " --mem={memory_per_node:}G" # " --mem-per-cpu={memory_per_cpu:}G" # mutually exclusive with --mem " {wait_param:s}" # optional wait parameter " {export_options:s}" f" {job_boss_directory}/nlogn_feynman/" ) return sbatch
[docs]def prepare_job_compute_canada(param_dict): """ wrapper for jobs on compute canada servers """ template_name = ("D{id_data:d}_" "R{id_rho:d}_" "P{number_of_beads:d}_" "T{temperature:.2f}" ) param_dict["job_name"] = template_name.format(**param_dict) template_from = f"\"{param_dict['path_scratch']:}results/{param_dict['job_name']:}_J\"" template_to = f"\"{param_dict['path_rho']:}results/\"" param_dict["copy_from"] = template_from param_dict["copy_to"] = template_to param_dict["execution_parameters"] = serialize_BoxData_dictionary(param_dict) job_boss_directory = get_path_of_job_boss_directory() export_options = ("" " --export=" "ROOT_DIR={path_rho:s}" ",SCRATCH_DIR={path_scratch:s}" ",COPY_FROM={copy_from:s}" ",COPY_TO={copy_to:s}" f",PYTHON3_PATH={get_path_to_python_executable()}" f",SAMPLING_SCRIPT={job_boss_directory:}" + "/compute_canada/{script_name}" ",EXECUTION_PARAMETERS=\'{execution_parameters:s}\'" ) param_dict["export_options"] = export_options.format(**param_dict) sbatch = "sbatch" sbatch += ( " -m n" # this stops all mail from being sent # " --priority 0" # this defines the priority of the job, default is 0 " --ntasks=1" # " --ntask={number_of_tasks:d}" " --job-name={job_name:s}" # " --partition={partition:s}" # don't use partition!! " -D {path_rho:}execution_output/" " --output={path_rho:}execution_output/{job_name:s}.o%A" " --cpus-per-task={cpus_per_task:d}" " --cores-per-socket={cores_per_socket:d}" " --mem={memory_per_node:}G" " --account=rrg-pnroy" # " --mem-per-cpu={memory_per_cpu:}G" # mutually exclusive with --mem " {wait_param:s}" # optional wait parameter " {export_options:s}" f" {job_boss_directory}/compute_canada/" ) return sbatch
[docs]def prepare_job_orca(param_dict): """wrapper for job_boss job submission""" log.debug("orca job") # for safety param_dict["hostname"] = "orca" return prepare_job_compute_canada(param_dict)
[docs]def prepare_job_graham(param_dict): """wrapper for job_boss job submission""" log.debug("graham job") # for safety param_dict["hostname"] = "graham" return prepare_job_compute_canada(param_dict)
[docs]class SubmissionClass(): # the largest number of samples to be drawn for an individual job submitted to the server # any job that requires more samples is split into multiple job submissions MAX_SAMPLES_PER_JOB = int(1E4) # default values param_dict = { "delta_beta": constants.delta_beta, "temperature_list": [0.0, ], "bead_list": [0, ], "number_of_samples": 0, "number_of_samples_overall": 0, "number_of_samples_per_job": 0, "number_of_blocks": 0, "number_of_states": 0, "number_of_modes": 0, "number_of_beads": 0, "number_of_links": 0, "path_scratch": "", "path_root": "", "path_data": "", "path_rho": "", "id_data": 0, "id_rho": 0, "partition": None, "hostname": "", "block_size": 1, "memory_per_node": 1, "total_memory": 1, "cpus_per_task": 1, "cores_per_socket": 1, "wait_param": "", "script_name": None, } node_dict = { "feynman": prepare_job_nlogn, "nlogn": prepare_job_nlogn, "graham": prepare_job_graham, "orca": prepare_job_orca, }
[docs] def prepare_paths(self): """ fill the param_dict with values from the give FileStructure """ # this function may not be needed in the future? new = { "path_scratch": self.FS.path_rho.replace("work", "scratch"), "path_root": self.FS.path_root, "path_data": self.FS.path_data, "path_rho": self.FS.path_rho, "path_vib_model": self.FS.path_vib_model, "path_rho_model": self.FS.path_rho_model, } self.param_dict.update(new) return
def __init__(self, input_FS, input_param_dict=None): """ takes a FileStructure object and an optional parameter dictionary - no error checking at the moment """ # set the default hostname when initialized self.param_dict['hostname'] = get_hostname() if input_param_dict is not None: self.param_dict.update(input_param_dict) self.FS = input_FS self.prepare_paths() return
[docs] def verify_hostname_is_valid(self, hostname): """ this checks the hostname against a pre-defined dictionary this should alert the user if they are trying to submit jobs on a server without first preparing a job submission wrapper """ if hostname in self.node_dict: return True raise Exception(f"Hostname {hostname} is undefined - please confirm that a prepare_job_$HOSTNAME function has been defined in and that the respective hostname is present in the dictionary node_dict defined in\n")
[docs] def construct_job_command(self, params): """ this """ assert self.verify_hostname_is_valid(params["hostname"]), "You shouldn't see this!" return self.node_dict[params["hostname"]](params)
[docs]class PimcSubmissionClass(SubmissionClass): """ Class to store all the logic involved with submitting 1 or more jobs to a server running SLURM - should be self consistent """ # the largest number of samples to be drawn for an individual job submitted to the server # any job that requires more samples is split into multiple job submissions MAX_SAMPLES_PER_JOB = int(1E5) # TODO - this method could most likely be improved upon # default values param_dict = { # "delta_beta": constants.delta_beta, "temperature_list": [0.0, ], "bead_list": [0, ], "number_of_samples": 0, "number_of_samples_overall": 0, "number_of_samples_per_job": 0, "number_of_blocks": 0, "number_of_states": 0, "number_of_modes": 0, "number_of_beads": 0, "path_scratch": "", "path_root": "", "path_data": "", "path_rho": "", "id_data": 0, "id_rho": 0, "partition": None, "hostname": None, "block_size": int(1e3), "memory_per_node": 20, "total_memory": 20, "cpus_per_task": 4, "cores_per_socket": 4, "wait_param": "", "script_name": "", }
[docs] def prepare_paths(self): """ fill the param_dict with values from the give FileStructure """ super().prepare_paths()
def __init__(self, input_FS, input_param_dict=None): """ takes a FileStructure object and an optional parameter dictionary - no error checking at the moment """ super().__init__(input_FS, input_param_dict)
[docs] def setup_blocks_and_jobs(self): """ calculates the following: - the number of blocks per job - the number of samples per job - the number of jobs and stores them in the param_dict """ n_samples = self.param_dict["number_of_samples"] block_size = self.param_dict["block_size"] assert isinstance(n_samples, int) and isinstance(block_size, int) assert block_size <= n_samples, f"block size {block_size} must be less than or equal to the number of samples {n_samples}" assert block_size <= self.MAX_SAMPLES_PER_JOB, f"block size {block_size} must be less than or equal to the maximum number of samples per job {self.MAX_SAMPLES_PER_JOB}" # calculate how many samples we need for each job samples_per_job = min(n_samples, self.MAX_SAMPLES_PER_JOB) self.param_dict["number_of_samples_per_job"] = samples_per_job self.param_dict["number_of_samples"] = samples_per_job # calculate how many blocks we need for each job blocks_per_job = samples_per_job // block_size self.param_dict["number_of_blocks"] = blocks_per_job # calculate how many jobs we need total_samples = self.param_dict["number_of_samples_overall"] # TODO - HACKY if total_samples is 0: total_samples = n_samples self.param_dict["number_of_samples_overall"] = n_samples self.n_jobs = max(1, total_samples // self.MAX_SAMPLES_PER_JOB) return
[docs] def submit_jobs(self): """submit jobs at diff temps and beads""" self.setup_blocks_and_jobs() temperature_list = self.param_dict["temperature_list"] bead_list = self.param_dict["bead_list"] import copy for T in temperature_list: for P in bead_list: params = copy.deepcopy(self.param_dict) params["number_of_beads"] = P params["number_of_links"] = P params["temperature"] = T # clean up this area hostname = get_hostname() params["hostname"] = hostname if hostname == "feynman" or hostname == "nlogn": if params["partition"] is None: # only c params["partition"] = 'highmem' if hostname == 'feynman' else 'serial' if hostname == "orca" or hostname == "graham": params["partition"] = None if params["partition"] is not None: log.flow(f'Hostname {hostname}\nPartition {params["partition"]}\n') assert_partition_exists(params["partition"]) command = self.construct_job_command(params) for sample_index in range(0, self.n_jobs): print(T, P, sample_index) module_name = self.__class__.__module__ job_id, out, error = sys.modules[module_name].submit_job(command, params) print(f"Job ID:{job_id:}") return
[docs] def submit_job_array(self): """for each temp submit an array of jobs over the beads""" assert False, "this is currently under development" temperature_list = self.param_dict["temperature_list"] # bead_list = self.param_dict["bead_list"] for temp in temperature_list:"Submitting jobarray") # TODO - what were base_params supposed to be? # params = base_params.copy() # params["temperature"] = temp # if job_boss.hostname == "nlogn": # job_id = submit_job_nlogn(params) # elif job_boss.hostname == "feynman": # job_id = submit_job_feynman(params) # print(job_boss.hostname) return