Source code for pibronic.stats.jackknife
# - although might want to rename this to
# system imports
# local imports
from .. import constants
from ..constants import boltzman
# third party imports
import numpy as np
[docs]def calculate_alpha_jackknife_terms(*args):
# LN is ratio_plus == (g_plus / rho)
# RN is ratio_minus == (g_minus / rho)
X, delta_beta, ratio, LN, alpha_plus, RN, alpha_minus = args
# first start with the full sum
jk_ratio = np.full(shape=X, fill_value=np.sum(ratio))
# only this needs special handling
jk_LN = np.full(shape=X, fill_value=np.sum(LN))
# jk_LD = np.full(shape=X, fill_value=np.sum(LD))
jk_RN = np.full(shape=X, fill_value=np.sum(RN))
# jk_RD = np.full(shape=X, fill_value=np.sum(RD))
# now subtract each term from the sum
jk_ratio -= ratio
jk_LN -= LN
# jk_LD -= LD
jk_RN -= RN
# jk_RD -= RD
# pre normalize
jk_ratio /= (X - 1)
jk_LN /= (X - 1)
# jk_LD /= (X - 1)
jk_RN /= (X - 1)
# jk_RD /= (X - 1)
# now build the first and second symmetric derivative
jk_sym_d1 = jk_LN * alpha_plus
jk_sym_d1 -= jk_RN * alpha_minus
jk_sym_d1 /= (2. * delta_beta) # constant factor
jk_sym_d2 = jk_LN * alpha_plus
jk_sym_d2 -= 2. * jk_ratio
jk_sym_d2 += jk_RN * alpha_minus
jk_sym_d2 /= pow(delta_beta, 2) # constant factor
ret = [jk_ratio,
return ret
[docs]def calculate_jackknife_term(length, array):
"""calculate the jackknife term for a given array"""
# start with the full sum
jk_term = np.full(shape=length, fill_value=np.sum(array))
# subtract each term from the sum
jk_term -= array
# normalize
jk_term /= (length - 1)
return jk_term
[docs]def calculate_jackknife_terms(length, list_of_arrays):
return [calculate_jackknife_term(length, array) for array in list_of_arrays]
[docs]def estimate_jackknife(*args):
X, T, delta_beta, input_dict, jk_g_rho, jk_sym1, jk_sym2 = args
# # Energy - jackknife edition
# the jackknife estimator
f_EJ = -1. * jk_sym1 / jk_g_rho
E = X * input_dict["E"]
E -= (X - 1.) * np.mean(f_EJ)
# error bars
E_err = np.sqrt(X - 1.) * np.std(f_EJ, ddof=1)
# # Heat Capacity - jackknife edition
# the jackknife estimator
f_CJ = jk_sym2 / jk_g_rho
f_CJ -= pow(f_EJ, 2.)
f_CJ /= boltzman * pow(T, 2.)
Cv = X * input_dict["Cv"]
Cv -= (X - 1.) * np.mean(f_CJ)
# error bars
Cv_err = np.sqrt(X - 1.) * np.std(f_CJ, ddof=1)
# easy to access storage
return_dictionary = {"E": E, "E error": E_err,
"Cv": Cv, "Cv error": Cv_err,
return return_dictionary
if (__name__ == "__main__"):