Source code for pibronic.stats.stats


# system imports
import multiprocessing as mp
# import itertools as it
from functools import partial
# import collections
# import socket
# import glob
import json
import sys
# import os

# third party imports
import numpy as np

# local imports
from . import jackknife as jk
from import file_structure as fs
from import file_name
from import postprocessing as pp
from ..pimc import BoxResultPM
from .. import constants
from ..constants import boltzman

__all__ = [

__number_of_processes = 12

[docs]def calculate_basic_property_terms(*args): """calculate g/rho, sym_d1, sym_d2 given the estimation of the exact property""" delta_beta, rho, g, g_plus, g_minus = args # # Precalculate the 3 terms we will use ratio = g / rho first_symmetric_derivative = (g_plus - g_minus) / rho first_symmetric_derivative /= (2. * delta_beta) # constant factor second_symmetric_derivative = (g_plus - (2. * g) + g_minus) / rho second_symmetric_derivative /= pow(delta_beta, 2) # constant factor ret = [ratio, first_symmetric_derivative, second_symmetric_derivative] return ret
[docs]def calculate_alpha_terms(*args): """calculate g/r, sym_d1, sym_d2 given the estimation of the difference + alpha""" delta_beta, rho, g, g_plus, g_minus, alpha_plus, alpha_minus = args ratio = g / rho ratio_plus = g_plus / rho ratio_minus = g_minus / rho first_symmetric_derivative = np.mean(ratio_plus) * np.mean(alpha_plus) first_symmetric_derivative -= np.mean(ratio_minus) * np.mean(alpha_minus) first_symmetric_derivative /= (2. * delta_beta) # constant factor second_symmetric_derivative = np.mean(ratio_plus) * np.mean(alpha_plus) second_symmetric_derivative -= 2. * np.mean(ratio) second_symmetric_derivative += np.mean(ratio_minus) * np.mean(alpha_minus) second_symmetric_derivative /= pow(delta_beta, 2) # constant factor ret = [ratio, first_symmetric_derivative, second_symmetric_derivative, ratio_plus, alpha_plus, ratio_minus, alpha_minus, ] return ret
def basic_estimate_Z_monte_carlo(g_over_rho, number_of_samples): """ estimates the normalization of the quasi-probability disribution g(R) and its standard deviation """ "" Z_MC = np.mean(g_over_rho) Z_err = np.std(g_over_rho, ddof=0) Z_err /= np.sqrt(number_of_samples - 1) return Z_MC, Z_err def basic_estimate_internal_energy(first_symmetric_derivative, Z_MC): """ estimates the internal energy using finite difference , the error is always zero """ E = -1. * np.mean(first_symmetric_derivative) / np.mean(Z_MC) E_err = 0.0 # can't be measured (in the basic case) return E, E_err def basic_estimate_heat_capacity(second_symmetric_derivative, Z_MC, internal_energy, temperature): """ calculates the heat capacity using finite difference , the error is always zero """ Cv = np.mean(second_symmetric_derivative) / np.mean(Z_MC) Cv -= pow(internal_energy, 2.) Cv /= boltzman * pow(temperature, 2.) # 1 / kBT Cv_err = 0.0 # can't be measured return Cv, Cv_err
[docs]def estimate_basic_properties(*args): """ calculates the Z_MC, E, Cv, and their respective errors and returns a dictionary with 6 corresponding entries """ X, T, g_r, sym1, sym2 = args Z_MC, Z_err = basic_estimate_Z_monte_carlo(g_r, X) E, E_err = basic_estimate_internal_energy(sym1, Z_MC) Cv, Cv_err = basic_estimate_heat_capacity(sym2, Z_MC, E, T) # easy to access storage # TODO - should we rename the key to Z_MC? return_dictionary = {"Z": Z_MC, "Z error": Z_err, "E": E, "E error": E_err, "Cv": Cv, "Cv error": Cv_err, } return return_dictionary
[docs]def add_harmonic_contribution(input_dict, E_sampling, Cv_sampling): """ adds the constant harmonic contribution to the energy and the heat capacity """ input_dict["E"] += E_sampling # add the harmonic contribution to the energy input_dict["Cv"] += Cv_sampling # add the harmonic contribution to the heat capacity return
def apply_parameter_restrictions(args): """ this is just a placeholder function for a possible idea, it doens't do anything right now """ return # don't do anything # manually select specific values from those available pimc_restriction = range(12, 101, 1) # at least 12 beads before we plot # temperature is currently fixed at 300K temperature_restriction = np.array([300.00]) # apply the restriction args["temperatures"] = np.intersect1d(args["temperatures"], temperature_restriction) args["pimc_beads"] = np.intersect1d(args["pimc_beads"], pimc_restriction) # return def starmap_wrapper(FS, P, T, statistical_operation): """ this function allows us to use the multiprocessing starmap in a convient way inside basic_statistical_analysis_of_pimc() and basic_jackknife_analysis_of_pimc() input is a FileStructure object, a bead value, a temperature value, and a function which preforms the calculation it loads all appropriate files it then calls the statistical_operation() function with these parameters finally it saves the returned dictionary to the appropriate *_thermo file """ # create the empty data structs which we fill with data pimc_results = BoxResultPM() rhoData = {} # load the data pp.load_pimc_data(FS, P, T, pimc_results) pp.load_analytic_data(FS, T, rhoData) # preform the statistical analysis output_dict = statistical_operation(T, pimc_results, rhoData) # now we should add the hash identifiers to it try: output_dict["hash_vib"] = FS.hash_vib output_dict["hash_rho"] = FS.hash_rho except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError(f"FS {FS:} doesn't have hash_vib or hash_rho attributes!") # save the data to disk assert pimc_results.samples is not 0, "pimc_results has 0 samples! reading the data failed?!" path = FS.template_jackknife.format(P=P, T=T, X=pimc_results.samples) with open(path, mode='w', encoding='UTF8') as target_file: target_file.write(json.dumps(output_dict)) def basic_statistical_analysis(temperature, pimc_result, analytic_data): """ takes a temperature, a BoxResult object type, and a dictionary of analytical data and calculates the basic statistical properties, Z, E, Cv and returns them in a dictionary""" # these names need to be cross referenced with the naming scheme in data = [pimc_result.scaled_rho.view(), # rho pimc_result.scaled_g.view(), # g pimc_result.scaled_gofr_plus.view(), # g+ pimc_result.scaled_gofr_minus.view(), # g- ] terms = calculate_basic_property_terms(constants.delta_beta, *data) basic_dict = estimate_basic_properties(pimc_result.samples, temperature, *terms) add_harmonic_contribution(basic_dict, analytic_data["E"], analytic_data["Cv"]) return basic_dict def alpha_statistical_analysis(temperature, pimc_result, analytic_data): """ takes a temperature, a BoxResult object type, and a dictionary of analytical data and calculates the basic statistical properties, Z, E, Cv and returns them in a dictionary""" # these names need to be cross referenced with the naming scheme in data = [pimc_result.scaled_rho.view(), # rho pimc_result.scaled_g.view(), # g pimc_result.scaled_gofr_plus.view(), # g+ pimc_result.scaled_gofr_minus.view(), # g- analytic_data["alpha_plus"], analytic_data["alpha_minus"], ] terms = calculate_alpha_terms(constants.delta_beta, *data) terms = terms[:-4] # we don't need the last four things alpha_dict = estimate_basic_properties(pimc_result.samples, temperature, *terms) add_harmonic_contribution(alpha_dict, analytic_data["E"], analytic_data["Cv"]) return alpha_dict def statistical_analysis_of_pimc(FS, method="basic", location="local", samples=None): """ preform calculation of Z, E, Cv for the given model, using either basic or alpha/difference terms """ FS.generate_model_hashes() # build the hashes so that we can check against them list_pimc = pp.retrive_pimc_file_list(FS) # a dictionary of lists args = {} args["pimc_beads"] = pp.extract_bead_paramater_list(list_pimc) args["temperatures"] = pp.extract_temperature_paramater_list(list_pimc) apply_parameter_restrictions(args) # for now this does nothing # create a list of all the parameter combinations we need to analyze arg_list = [(FS, P, T) for P in args["pimc_beads"] for T in args["temperatures"] ] # choose what statistical analysis we are going to preform if method is "basic": operation = basic_statistical_analysis elif method is "alpha": operation = alpha_statistical_analysis else: raise Exception(f"Invalid value for parameter method:({method})") # dispatch multiple processes to execute the analyze concurrently if location is "local": basic_wrapper = partial(starmap_wrapper, statistical_operation=operation) with mp.Pool(__number_of_processes) as p: p.starmap(basic_wrapper, arg_list) elif location is "server": assert False, "Need to write this code" # TODO - add a simple command to check that slurm is installed # os.system("sbatch --version") # the output should be something like "slurm*#.#.#"" # TODO - write code that submits jobs to the server else: raise Exception(f"Invalid value for parameter location:({location})") return # TODO - the current implementation will blindly overwrite each *_thermo file every time its run, which is problematic if we want both jackknife and normal results in the same output file, the simplest fix to this is to just write a function which does all the combined statistical actions # TODO - on a second pass, this seems to be fixed by the need for jackknife to calculate the basic properties along the way, although this might be a potential issue? - worth looking into later def basic_jackknife_analysis(temperature, pimc_result, analytic_data): """ takes a temperature, a BoxResult object type, and a dictionary of analytical data and calculates the basic statistical properties, Z, E, Cv and returns them in a dictionary""" # these names need to be cross referenced with the naming scheme in data = [pimc_result.scaled_rho.view(), # rho pimc_result.scaled_g.view(), # g pimc_result.scaled_gofr_plus.view(), # g+ pimc_result.scaled_gofr_minus.view(), # g- ] T = temperature X = pimc_result.samples dB = constants.delta_beta terms = calculate_basic_property_terms(dB, *data) jk_terms = jk.calculate_jackknife_terms(X, terms) basic_dict = estimate_basic_properties(X, T, *terms) jk_dict = jk.estimate_jackknife(X, T, dB, basic_dict, *jk_terms) add_harmonic_contribution(basic_dict, analytic_data["E"], analytic_data["Cv"]) add_harmonic_contribution(jk_dict, analytic_data["E"], analytic_data["Cv"]) # create the output dictionary and rename the jackknife terms output_dict = basic_dict.copy() # does this need to be a deep copy? for key in jk_dict.keys(): output_dict["jk_" + key] = jk_dict[key] return output_dict def alpha_jackknife_analysis(temperature, pimc_result, analytic_data): """ takes a temperature, a BoxResult object type, and a dictionary of analytical data and calculates the basic statistical properties, Z, E, Cv and returns them in a dictionary""" # these names need to be cross referenced with the naming scheme in data = [pimc_result.scaled_rho.view(), # rho pimc_result.scaled_g.view(), # g pimc_result.scaled_gofr_plus.view(), # g+ pimc_result.scaled_gofr_minus.view(), # g- analytic_data["alpha_plus"], analytic_data["alpha_minus"], ] T = temperature X = pimc_result.samples dB = constants.delta_beta terms = calculate_alpha_terms(dB, *data) # we don't need the 1sym or 2sym for the jackknife terms jk_terms = jk.calculate_alpha_jackknife_terms(X, dB, terms[0], *terms[3:7]) terms = terms[:-4] # we don't need the last four things alpha_dict = estimate_basic_properties(X, T, *terms) jk_dict = jk.estimate_jackknife(X, T, dB, alpha_dict, *jk_terms) add_harmonic_contribution(alpha_dict, analytic_data["E"], analytic_data["Cv"]) add_harmonic_contribution(jk_dict, analytic_data["E"], analytic_data["Cv"]) # create the output dictionary and rename the jackknife terms output_dict = alpha_dict.copy() # does this need to be a deep copy? for key in jk_dict.keys(): output_dict["jk_" + key] = jk_dict[key] return output_dict def jackknife_analysis_of_pimc(FS, method="basic", location="local", samples=None): """ preform calculation of Z, E, Cv for the given model, using either basic or alpha/difference terms with the jackknife method""" FS.generate_model_hashes() # build the hashes so that we can check against them list_pimc = pp.retrive_pimc_file_list(FS) # a dictionary of lists args = {} args["pimc_beads"] = pp.extract_bead_paramater_list(list_pimc) args["temperatures"] = pp.extract_temperature_paramater_list(list_pimc) apply_parameter_restrictions(args) # for now this does nothing # create a list of all the parameter combinations we need to analyze arg_list = [(FS, P, T) for P in args["pimc_beads"] for T in args["temperatures"] ] # choose what statistical analysis we are going to preform if method is "basic": operation = basic_jackknife_analysis elif method is "alpha": operation = alpha_jackknife_analysis # dispatch multiple processes to execute the analyze concurrently if location is "local": jackknife_wrapper = partial(starmap_wrapper, statistical_operation=operation) with mp.Pool(__number_of_processes) as p: p.starmap(jackknife_wrapper, arg_list) elif location is "server": assert False, "Need to write this code" # TODO - add a simple command to check that slurm is installed # os.system("sbatch --version") # the output should be something like "slurm*#.#.#"" # TODO - write code that submits jobs to the server else: raise Exception(f"Invalid value for paramter location:({location:s})") return def testing_execution(FS): """ temporary""" statistical_analysis_of_pimc(FS, method="basic") statistical_analysis_of_pimc(FS, method="alpha") jackknife_analysis_of_pimc(FS, method="basic") jackknife_analysis_of_pimc(FS, method="alpha") return def main(): """ this is only used for testing at the moment """ test_path = "/work/ngraymon/pimc/testing/" id_data = int(sys.argv[1]) id_rho = 0 FS = fs.FileStructure(test_path, id_data, id_rho) testing_execution(FS) print("Finished") if (__name__ == "__main__"): main()