# electronic_structure.py
# system imports
import itertools as it
# import threading
# import warnings
# import inspect
import shutil
# import socket
import signal
import enum
import time
# import math
import mmap
import sys
import os
from os.path import join
from os.path import isfile
# third party imports
import numpy as np
# local imports
# from ..data import vibronic_model_io as vIO
# from .. import constants
# from ..constants import hbar
from ..log_conf import log
from ..server import job_boss
# how we identify the different steps
class State(enum.Enum):
# DROPMO = 0
OPT = enum.auto()
NIP = enum.auto()
VIB = enum.auto()
IPEOMCC = enum.auto()
PREPVIB = enum.auto()
VIBRON = enum.auto()
FINISHED = enum.auto()
def max(cls):
return max([x.value for x in cls.__members__.values()])
def min(cls):
return min([x.value for x in cls.__members__.values()])
# the input filename templates that this script uses to run calculations
default_file_in = {
"parameter": "{:s}_params.txt",
"zmat": "{:s}_zmat.txt",
"DROPMO": "{:s}_hartree_fock_dropmo.in",
"NIP": "{:s}_hartree_fock_nip.in",
"geometry": "{:s}_opt.in",
"vib": "{:s}_vib.in",
"ipeomcc": "{:s}_eomcc_ip_{{:d}}.in",
"prepVib": "{:s}_prepvib.in",
"vibronIn": "{:s}_vibron.in",
# "vibronIn": "cp.in",
"vibronCp": "cp.auto",
# "vibronCp": "{:s}_vibron.auto",
# the output filename templates that this script uses to run calculations
default_file_out = {
"DROPMO": "{:s}_hartree_fock_dropmo.out0",
"NIP": "{:s}_hartree_fock_nip.out0",
"geometry": "{:s}_opt.out0",
"vib": "{:s}_vib.out0",
"ipeomcc": "{:s}_eomcc_ip_{{:d}}.out0",
"prepVib": "{:s}_prepvib.out0",
"pntheff": "{:s}_prepvib.pntheff",
"vibronIn": "{:s}_prepvib.vibron_input",
"vibronCp": "{:s}_prepvib.vibronic_coupling",
"vibron": "{:s}_vibron.out0",
# "vibron": "cp.auto0",
# supported calculation methods
basis_list = [
# "6-31+G",
# "6-31++G**",
theory_list = [
calculations_list = [
# "EA",
# "EA",
""" get the functions name """
# inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
""" get the name of the function that called the current function """
# inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def find_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_string):
"""wrapper that raises error if no substr can be found finds the first occurrence of a substring in memory mapped file"""
location = memmap_file.find(target_string.encode(encoding="utf-8"))
if location == -1:
# couldn't find target string in file
s = ("It seems \"{:s}\" was not present in the file\n\"{:s}\"\n"
"Check that the previous calculation didn't fail"
raise Exception(s.format(target_string, file_path))
return location
[docs]def rfind_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_string):
"""wrapper that raises error if no substr can be found finds the last occurrence of a substring in memory mapped file"""
location = memmap_file.rfind(target_string.encode(encoding="utf-8"))
if location == -1:
# couldn't find target string in file
s = ("It seems \"{:s}\" was not present in the file\n\"{:s}\"\n"
"Check that the previous calculation didn't fail"
raise Exception(s.format(target_string, file_path))
return location
[docs]def skip_back_n_lines(memmap_file, n, start_index):
"""gives the byte location n lines before the given byte location start_index"""
for _ in it.repeat(None, n):
temporary_start_index = memmap_file.rfind(b'\n', 0, start_index)
if temporary_start_index < 0:
start_index = temporary_start_index
return start_index
[docs]def skip_forward_n_lines(memmap_file, n, start_index):
"""gives the byte location n lines after the given byte location start_index"""
for _ in it.repeat(None, n):
temporary_start_index = memmap_file.find(b'\n', start_index + 1)
if temporary_start_index == -1:
start_index = temporary_start_index
return start_index
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------
number_dictionary = {
0: ("acetonitrile", 200),
1: ("ammonia", 201),
2: ("boron_trifluoride", 202),
3: ("formaldehyde", 203),
4: ("methane", 204),
5: ("formamide", 205),
6: ("formic_acid", 206),
7: ("hydrogen_peroxide", 207),
8: ("water", 208),
9: ("pyridine", 209),
10: ("furan", 210),
11: ("trichloroethylene", 211),
12: ("chloroethylene", 212),
13: ("acrolein", 213),
14: ("acrylonitrile", 214),
15: ("cis_12_dichloroethylene", 215),
16: ("trans_12_dichloroethylene", 216),
17: ("11_dichloroethylene", 217),
# 18: ("", 218),
# 19: ("", 219),
# 20: ("", 220),
# 21: ("", 221),
name_of_state_file = "execution_state.txt"
[docs]def pretty_print_job_status(path=None):
"""quick hack for scripting, path should look something like
# use the default path
if path is None:
path = join("/work/ngraymon/pimc/data_set_{:d}/electronic_structure/", name_of_state_file)
# assume that we we're provided with the root of the path
if "data_set_" not in path:
path = join(path, "data_set_{:d}/electronic_structure/", name_of_state_file)
for model in number_dictionary.values():
path_file_state = path.format(model[1])
if isfile(path_file_state):
with open(path_file_state, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in reversed(lines):
if line in ["", "\n"]:
last_state = str(line.strip())
log.info("({:}, {:}) last state was {:}".format(model[0], model[1], last_state))
s = "({:}, {:}) does not have an {:s} file"
log.info(s.format(model[0], model[1], name_of_state_file))
[docs]def verify_file_exists(file_path):
"""raises FileNotFoundError exception if input is not a file, or does not exist"""
if not isfile(file_path):
raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find {}".format(file_path))
return True
[docs]def pairwise(iterable):
"""returns an iterator over pairs of elements in the iterable"""
a, b = it.tee(iterable)
next(b, None)
return zip(a, b)
[docs]def get_yes_no_from_user(message):
"""return the Boolean value of the users response the a yes/no question"""
while True:
yes_no = bool('y' in input(message).lower())
except ValueError:
print("Sorry, I didn't understand that\n")
return yes_no
[docs]def get_integer_from_user(message):
"""return the integer value of the users response to a input prompt"""
while True:
user_integer = int(input(message))
assert user_integer >= 0
except ValueError:
print("Sorry, I didn't understand that\n")
except AssertionError:
print("Please provide a non negative value\n")
return user_integer
[docs]def wait_on_results(job_id, job_type):
"""synchronizes with the submitted job and verifies that the job's output is successful"""
log.flow("Waiting on job")
# wait for the job to queue up
job_boss.synchronize_with_job(job_id, job_type)
# get the recorded state of the job
result = job_boss.check_acct_state(job_id)
# check if the job failed
if "FAILED" in result:
s = "{:s} script (JOBID={:d}) failed for some reason"
raise Exception(s.format(job_type, job_id))
# needs to be completed
elif not ("COMPLETED" in result):
raise Exception("unknown result in {:s} parsing".format(job_type))
[docs]def verify_aces2_completed(path_root, file_path, job_id):
"""verifies that the aces2 output file has completed successfully"""
final_string = b'The ACES2 program has completed successfully in'
with open(file_path, "r+b") as source_file:
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as memmap_file:
# the target string should be in the last couple lines of the file
# first we find the byte location of the beginning of the 10th last line
ten_lines_back = skip_back_n_lines(memmap_file, 10, len(memmap_file) - 1)
# then we search from there to the end of the file for our target string
if memmap_file.find(final_string, ten_lines_back) == -1:
# if we don't find it then the calculation was a failure
s = ("Output for ACES2 jobid={:d} did not complete successfully!\n"
"Check output file\n{:s}"
log.error(s.format(job_id, file_path))
# verify that the slurm job didn't fail
job_boss.check_slurm_output(path_root, job_id)
s = ("Could not find an issue with slurm output in file\nslurm-{:d}.out\n"
"It appears that slurm job didn't fail but ACES2 did?\n"
"This appears to be a theory/numerical/symmetry issue.\n"
# only the aces2 job failed?
raise Exception(s.format(job_id))
[docs]def submit_job(parameter_dictionary):
"""wrapper for job_boss job submission"""
command = "sbatch"
command += (" --mem={memory_size:d}G"
" --ntasks=1"
" --job-name={file_name:s}"
" --cpus-per-task={cpus:d}"
" --workdir={work_dir:s}"
# " --output={output:s}/%x.o%j"
" --partition={partition:s}"
" --export="
# "MK_SCRATCH_DIR={make_scratch:s}"
# ",SCRATCH_COPY_IN={scratch_in:s}"
# ",SCRATCH_COPY_OUT={scratch_out:s}"
" /home/ngraymon/chem740/work_dir/submit_template"
job_id, out, error = job_boss.submit_job(command, parameter_dictionary)
# check for any errors
if error.decode('utf-8') is not "":
s = "Failed to execute script \n{:s}\n due to {:s}"
raise Exception(s.format(command, error.decode('utf-8')))
return job_id
# -----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hartree_fock_calculation(path_root, name, zmat, parameter_dictionary, hf_type):
"""creates and populates the input file and submission file for the job"""
log.flow("Setting up {:s} calculation".format(hf_type))
memory_size = 10 # in GB's
# file location
file_name = default_file_in[hf_type].format(name)
file_path = join(path_root, file_name)
# create the input file template
template = zmat.get()
template += "*ACES2( BASIS={basis:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "CALC=SCF,"
template += "\n\t" + "MEMORY_SIZE={:d}GB,".format(memory_size)
# template += "\n\t" + "{DROPMO:s},"
template += "\n\t" + ")"
template += "\n"
# populate the template using the input dictionary
output = template.format_map(parameter_dictionary)
with open(file_path, 'w') as dest_file:
# "/scratch/$USER/pimc/data_set_${DATA_SET_ID}/"
# copy_out = "mv --force /scratch/$USER/pimc/data_set_${DATA_SET_ID}/"
# path_output = "/scratch/$USER/pimc/data_set_{:d}/execution_output/"
# nothing for now
copy_in = ""
copy_out = ""
path_output = ""
slurm_parameters = {
"memory_size": memory_size+3,
"file_name": file_name,
"cpus": 1,
"work_dir": path_root,
"output": path_output,
"partition": job_boss.partition,
"make_scratch": 0,
"scratch_in": copy_in,
"scratch_out": copy_out,
"pre_amble": "jobaces",
"job_name": file_name.replace(".in", ""),
"post_amble": "",
"hostname": job_boss.hostname,
"parent_pid": os.getpid(),
# run the job
job_id = submit_job(slurm_parameters)
wait_on_results(job_id, "SCF")
file_name = default_file_out[hf_type].format(name)
file_path = join(path_root, file_name)
verify_aces2_completed(path_root, file_path, job_id)
[docs]def temp_file_path(root):
def _estimate_dropmo(file_path):
"""read the output file from a scf calculation and attempt to choose a DROPMO value """
# access the file using memory map for efficiency
with open(file_path, "r+b") as source_file:
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as memmap_file:
# find the beginning and ending of the important region
target_end = '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
begin = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_begin)
end = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_end)
# go there
# throw away the header lines
past_headers = skip_forward_n_lines(memmap_file, 4, memmap_file.tell())
# read all the relevant data
data_in_bytes = memmap_file.read(end - memmap_file.tell())
data_as_string = data_in_bytes.decode(encoding="utf-8")
lines = data_as_string.strip().splitlines()
# attempt to guess a DROPMO value
# where we store the data
list_ev = np.array([line.split(maxsplit=5)[3] for line in lines], dtype=float)
log.debug("list_ev "+str(list_ev))
# the differences in each pair of eV's
diffs = list(map(lambda e: (e[0] / e[1]), pairwise(list_ev)))
log.debug("diffs "+str(diffs))
# biggest gap in eV's
max_diff = max(diffs)
log.debug("max_diff: "+str(max_diff))
# getguess_dropmo
guess_dropmo = diffs.index(max_diff)+1
log.debug("guess_dropmo: "+str(guess_dropmo))
except Exception as error:
guess_dropmo = -1
log.debug("We failed to guess a dropmo")
string_orbital = "Here are the orbital energies\n"
string_orbital += "-"*30 + "\n"
string_orbital += "".join([str(ev)+"\n" for ev in list_ev])
string_orbital += "+"*30
# show the user the orbital energies
# ask user if our guess of dropmo is appropriate
if not guess_dropmo == -1:
s = "We guessed that dropmo should be {:d} is that acceptable?\n"
valid = get_yes_no_from_user(s.format(guess_dropmo))
print("We failed to guess a dropmo value")
valid = False
# if the dropmo value is bad then get a new value from the user
while not valid:
guess_dropmo = get_integer_from_user("Please provide an alternative dropmo value\n")
s = "You provided a new dropmo value of {:d} is that acceptable?\n"
valid = get_yes_no_from_user(s.format(guess_dropmo))
# if zero then don't put any typeword
string_dropmo = ""
if guess_dropmo == 1:
string_dropmo = "DROPMO=1"
if guess_dropmo > 1:
# a range of orbitals is indicated by '1-X'
string_dropmo = "DROPMO=1-{:d}".format(guess_dropmo)
return string_dropmo
def _extract_lines_for_estimating_NIP(path):
""" does what it says """
with open(path, "r+b") as source_file:
# access the file using memory map for efficiency
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as memmap_file:
# find the beginning and ending of the important region
target_end = '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
begin = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, path, target_begin)
end = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, path, target_end)
# go there
# throw away the header lines
past_headers = skip_forward_n_lines(memmap_file, 4, memmap_file.tell())
# read all the relevant data
data_in_bytes = memmap_file.read(end - memmap_file.tell())
data_as_string = data_in_bytes.decode(encoding="utf-8")
lines = data_as_string.strip().splitlines()
return lines
def _guess_NIP_value(lines, guess_dropmo):
""" attempt to guess a NIP value """
list_ev = []
# where we store the data
list_ev = np.array([lin.split(maxsplit=5)[3] for lin in lines], dtype=float)
log.debug("list_ev "+str(list_ev))
# the differences in each pair of eV's
diffs = list(map(lambda e: (e[0] / e[1]), pairwise(list_ev)))
log.debug("diffs "+str(diffs))
if guess_dropmo >= len(list_ev):
raise Exception("Can't remove orbitals that don't exist")
list_dropped = np.delete(list_ev, range(0, guess_dropmo+1))
log.debug("list_dropped "+str(list_dropped))
# the differences in each pair of eV's
diffs2 = list(map(lambda e: (e[0] / e[1]), pairwise(list_dropped)))
log.debug("diffs2 "+str(diffs2))
# biggest gap in eV's
second_highest = max(diffs2)
log.debug("second_highest: "+str(second_highest))
# the suggested nip value
guess_nip = len(diffs) - diffs.index(second_highest)
log.debug("guess_nip: "+str(guess_nip))
except Exception as error:
guess_nip = -1
log.debug("We failed to guess a nip")
return guess_nip, list_ev
def _estimate_NIP(vibron, path):
""" read the output file from a scf calculation and attempt to choose a NIP value"""
lines = _extract_lines_for_estimating_NIP(path)
# grab the guess_dropmo as a number
string_dropmo = vibron.parameter_dictionary["DROPMO"]
guess_dropmo = 0 if string_dropmo == "" else int(string_dropmo[-1])
guess_nip, list_ev = _guess_NIP_value(lines, guess_dropmo)
string_orbital = "Here are the orbital energies\n"
string_orbital += "-"*30 + "\n"
string_orbital += "".join([str(ev)+"\n" for ev in list_ev])
string_orbital += "+"*30
# show the user the orbital energies
# ask user if our guess of nip is appropriate
if not guess_nip == -1:
s = "We guessed that nip should be {:d} is that acceptable?\n"
valid = get_yes_no_from_user(s.format(guess_nip))
print("We failed to guess a nip value")
valid = False
# if the nip value is bad then get a new value from the user
while not valid:
guess_nip = get_integer_from_user("Please provide an alternative nip value\n")
s = "You provided a new nip value of {:d} is that acceptable?\n"
valid = get_yes_no_from_user(s.format(guess_nip))
return guess_nip
[docs]def parse_hartree_fock_output(vibron, execution_state):
""" extracts relevant data from output of job """
hf_type = str(State(execution_state).name)
file_name = vibron.file_out[hf_type]
file_path = join(vibron.path_root, file_name)
# this could possibly be redesigned
# first scf estimates the DROPMO parameter
if hf_type is "DROPMO":
# save the estimate in the vibron object
vibron.parameter_dictionary["DROPMO"] = _estimate_dropmo(file_path)
# second scf estimates the new DROPMO parameter
# and checks which orbitals to include at the optimized geometry
elif hf_type is "NIP":
# vibron.parameter_dictionary["DROPMO"] = estimate_dropmo(file_path)
vibron.parameter_dictionary["nip"] = _estimate_NIP(vibron, file_path)
s = ("Tried to call parse_hartree_fock_output "
"with hf_type argument of {:s} which is not implemented"
raise NotImplementedError(s.format(hf_type))
[docs]def geometry_optimization(path_root, name, zmat, parameter_dictionary):
"""creates and populates the input file and submission file for the job"""
log.flow("Setting up calculation")
# in GB's
memory_size = 20
# file location
file_name = default_file_in["geometry"].format(name)
file_path = join(path_root, file_name)
# create the input file template
template = zmat.get(opt_zmat=True)
template += "*ACES2( BASIS={basis:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "CALC={theory:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "MEMORY_SIZE={:d}GB,".format(memory_size)
# template += "\n\t" + "{DROPMO:s},"
if zmat.kind == 'cartesian':
template += "\n\t" + "GEOM_OPT=RIC,"
# template += "\n\t" + "GEOM_OPT=CART,"
template += "\n\t" + ")"
template += "\n"
# populate the template using the input dictionary
output = template.format_map(parameter_dictionary)
# write the input file
with open(file_path, 'w') as dest_file:
slurm_parameters = {
"memory_size": memory_size+3,
"file_name": file_name,
"cpus": 1,
"work_dir": path_root,
"output": "",
"partition": job_boss.partition,
"make_scratch": "",
"scratch_in": "",
"scratch_out": "",
"pre_amble": "jobaces",
"job_name": file_name.replace(".in", ""),
"post_amble": "",
"hostname": job_boss.hostname,
"parent_pid": os.getpid(),
# run the job
job_id = submit_job(slurm_parameters)
wait_on_results(job_id, "geometry optimization")
file_name = default_file_out["geometry"].format(name)
file_path = join(path_root, file_name)
verify_aces2_completed(path_root, file_path, job_id)
[docs]def parse_opt_output(vibron):
"""extract substrings describing the optimized geometry from the output file generated by a geometry optimization calculation"""
file_name = vibron.file_out["geometry"]
file_path = join(vibron.path_root, file_name)
def extract_internal(file_path):
"""assume that the substrings describing the geometry are in internal coordinates"""
with open(file_path, "r+b") as source_file:
# access the file using memory map for efficiency
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as memmap_file:
# find the beginning of the important region
target_string = 'Summary of optimized internal coordinates'
begin = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_string)
# go there
# throw away the headers
lines = []
while True:
line = memmap_file.readline().decode(encoding="utf-8")
if line in ["\n", "Frequencies of the updated Hessian at convergence"]:
new_internal_geometry = dict([map(str.strip, line.split('=')) for line in lines])
return new_internal_geometry
def extract_cartesian(file_path):
"""assume that the substrings describing the geometry are in cartesian coordinates"""
with open(file_path, "r+b") as source_file:
# access the file using memory map for efficiency
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as memmap_file:
# find the beginning of the important region
target_string = 'Summary of optimized Cartesian coordinates (Ang)'
begin = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_string)
# go there
# throw away the headers
lines = []
while True:
line = memmap_file.readline().decode(encoding="utf-8")
if line in ["\n", "Frequencies of the updated Hessian at convergence"]:
# create list of updated geometry
list_of_lines = [x.split() for x in lines]
new_cartesian_geometry = ""
for line in list_of_lines:
for item in line:
new_cartesian_geometry += str(item) + " "
new_cartesian_geometry += "\n"
new_cartesian_geometry += "\n"
return new_cartesian_geometry
# return optimized geometry
if vibron.zmat.kind is "internal":
[docs]def vibrational_frequency(path_root, name, zmat, parameter_dictionary):
"""creates and populates the input file and submission file for the job"""
log.flow("Setting up calculation")
# in GB's
memory_size = 20
# file location
file_name = default_file_in["vib"].format(name)
file_path = join(path_root, file_name)
# create the input file template
template = zmat.get()
template += "*ACES2( BASIS={basis:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "CALC={theory:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "MEMORY_SIZE={:d}GB,".format(memory_size)
# template += "\n\t" + "{DROPMO:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "VIB=FINDIF,"
template += "\n\t" + ")"
template += "\n"
# populate the template using the input dictionary
output = template.format_map(parameter_dictionary)
with open(file_path, 'w') as dest_file:
slurm_parameters = {
"memory_size": memory_size+3,
"file_name": file_name,
"cpus": 1,
"work_dir": path_root,
"output": "",
"partition": job_boss.partition,
"make_scratch": "",
"scratch_in": "",
"scratch_out": "",
"pre_amble": "jobaces",
"job_name": file_name.replace(".in", ""),
"post_amble": "fcm",
"hostname": job_boss.hostname,
"parent_pid": os.getpid(),
# run the job
job_id = submit_job(slurm_parameters)
wait_on_results(job_id, "vibrational frequency")
file_name = default_file_out["vib"].format(name)
file_path = join(path_root, file_name)
verify_aces2_completed(path_root, file_path, job_id)
# make sure the output files we expect to be present are present
# verify_file_exists(join(path_root, "fcmint"))
# verify_file_exists(join(path_root, file_name))
# verify_file_exists(join(path_root, file_name))
# verify_file_exists(join(path_root, file_name))
# verify_file_exists(join(path_root, file_name))
[docs]def ip_calculation(path_root, name, zmat, parameter_dictionary):
"""creates and populates the input file and submission file for the job"""
log.flow("Setting up calculation")
# in GB's
memory_size = 10
# file location
file_name = default_file_in["ipeomcc"].format(name)
file_name = file_name.format(parameter_dictionary["nip"])
file_path = join(path_root, file_name)
template = zmat.get()
template += "*ACES2( BASIS={basis:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "CALC={theory:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "MEMORY_SIZE={:d}GB,".format(memory_size)
# template += "\n\t" + "{DROPMO:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "IP_CALC=IP_EOMCC,"
template += "\n\t" + ")"
template += "\n"
template += "\n" + "*mrcc_gen"
template += "\n\t" + "nip={nip:d}"
# template += "\n\t" + "ip_low=-25"
# template += "\n\t" + "ea_high=0"
template += "\n" + "*end"
template += "\n"
# populate the template using the input dictionary
output = template.format_map(parameter_dictionary)
with open(file_path, 'w') as dest_file:
slurm_parameters = {
"memory_size": memory_size+3,
"file_name": file_name,
"cpus": 1,
"work_dir": path_root,
"output": "",
"partition": job_boss.partition,
"make_scratch": "",
"scratch_in": "",
"scratch_out": "",
"pre_amble": "jobaces",
"job_name": file_name.replace(".in", ""),
"post_amble": "",
"hostname": job_boss.hostname,
"parent_pid": os.getpid(),
# run the job
job_id = submit_job(slurm_parameters)
wait_on_results(job_id, "IP_EOM")
file_name = default_file_out["ipeomcc"].format(name)
file_name = file_name.format(parameter_dictionary["nip"])
file_path = join(path_root, file_name)
verify_aces2_completed(path_root, file_path, job_id)
[docs]def parse_ip_output(vibron):
"""extracts relevant data from output of job"""
file_name = vibron.file_out["ipeomcc"].format(vibron.parameter_dictionary["nip"])
file_path = join(vibron.path_root, file_name)
def verify_percent_singles(file_path, cutoff):
"""read the output file from an ionization potential calculation extract the \% singles and verify they they are above a cutoff"""
with open(file_path, "r+b") as source_file:
# access the file using memory map for efficiency
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as memmap_file:
# find the beginning and ending of the important region
target_begin = 'Summary of ionization-potential eom-cc calculation'
begin = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_begin)
# go there
# throw away the header lines
past_headers = skip_forward_n_lines(memmap_file, 5, memmap_file.tell())
# store the lines with the relevant information
lines = []
while True:
line = memmap_file.readline().decode(encoding="utf-8")
if(line is "\n" or "--------" in line):
# extract the relevant information
percent_singles = np.array([x.split(maxsplit=5)[4] for x in lines], dtype=float)
boolean_array = (percent_singles <= vibron.singles_cutoff).copy()
# verify that all %singles are above our cutoff point
if not boolean_array.any():
return True
# otherwise record a warning
s = "We found {:d} states with less than {:f}\% singles"
log.warning(s.format(np.count_nonzero(boolean_array), vibron.singles_cutoff))
return False
return verify_percent_singles(file_path, vibron.singles_cutoff)
[docs]def verify_ip_states(job):
"""run calculations to verify the range of states selected"""
while True:
if parse_ip_output(job):
s = "We verified that {:d} states had \% singles above {:f}"
log.info(s.format(job.parameter_dictionary["nip"], job.singles_cutoff))
if job.state is State.IPEOMCC:
job.advance() # this is a problem
# we only want to advance if we aren't already at prepVibron or vibron calc
s = "Reducing the nip from {:d} to {:d}"
log.debug(s.format(job.parameter_dictionary["nip"], job.parameter_dictionary["nip"]-1))
job.parameter_dictionary["nip"] -= 1
if job.parameter_dictionary["nip"] == 0:
s = "We failed to get \% singles above 85\% and ended up with a nip of 0"
raise Exception(s) # Don't know how to handle this right now
def _create_template(zmat, memory_size):
""" wrapper for the template creation
this is the most flexible way in case it needs to be changed in the future
template = zmat.get()
template += "*ACES2( BASIS={basis:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "CALC={theory:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "MEMORY_SIZE={:d}GB,".format(memory_size)
# template += "\n\t" + "{DROPMO:s},"
template += "\n\t" + "IP_CALC=IP_EOMCC,"
template += "\n\t" + "PREP_VIBRON=ON,"
template += "\n\t" + "GRID_VIBRON={gridVibron:d},"
template += "\n\t" + "CC_CONV={ccConv:d},"
template += "\n\t" + "SCF_CONV={scfConv:d},"
template += "\n\t" + "ESTATE_TOL={estateTol:d},"
template += "\n\t" + ")"
template += "\n"
template += "\n" + "*mrcc_gen"
template += "\n\t" + "nip={nip:d}"
template += "\n" + "*ip_eom"
template += "\n\t" + "diabatize=on"
template += "\n\t" + "heff_low=0"
template += "\n\t" + "heff_high=200"
template += "\n" + "*end"
template += "\n"
[docs]def prepVibron_calculation(path_root, name, zmat, parameter_dictionary):
"""creates and populates the input file and submission file for the job"""
log.flow("Setting up calculation")
# in GB's
memory_size = 10
# file location
file_name = default_file_in["prepVib"].format(name)
file_path = join(path_root, file_name)
template = _create_template(zmat, memory_size)
# populate the template using the input dictionary
output = template.format_map(parameter_dictionary)
with open(file_path, 'w') as dest_file:
slurm_parameters = {
"memory_size": memory_size+3,
"file_name": file_name,
"cpus": 2,
"work_dir": path_root,
"output": "",
"partition": job_boss.partition,
"make_scratch": "",
"scratch_in": "",
"scratch_out": "",
"pre_amble": "jobaces",
"job_name": file_name.replace(".in", ""),
"post_amble": "vibron",
"hostname": job_boss.hostname,
"parent_pid": os.getpid(),
# run the job
job_id = submit_job(slurm_parameters)
wait_on_results(job_id, "preparing for vibron")
job_boss.check_slurm_output(path_root, job_id)
verify_file_exists(join(path_root, "fcmfinal"))
verify_file_exists(join(path_root, default_file_out["pntheff"].format(name)))
verify_file_exists(join(path_root, default_file_out["vibronCp"].format(name)))
verify_file_exists(join(path_root, default_file_out["vibronIn"].format(name)))
def _remove_extra_heff(vibron, file_name, target_string='HEFF_IP2'):
"""remove non relevant data from output files kind argument does nothing at the moment"""
file_path = join(vibron.path_root, file_name)
# access the file using memory map for efficiency
with open(file_path, "r+b") as source_file:
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0) as memmap_file:
# store the original file size
size_original = memmap_file.size()
# find the first occurrence of the target_string
start_in_bytes = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_string)
# get the byte location of the start of the line
start_in_bytes = memmap_file.rfind(b'\n', 0, start_in_bytes)
# we want to ignore that newline character however
start_in_bytes += 1
# get the EOF location in numBytes
memmap_file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
end_of_file_in_bytes = memmap_file.tell()
# the length of our source
length_in_bytes = end_of_file_in_bytes - start_in_bytes
# copy the file, resize it and write the change to disk
memmap_file.move(0, start_in_bytes, length_in_bytes)
# # store the original file size
# size_original = memmap_file.size()
# # find the beginning and ending of the important region
# destStart = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_string)
# destEnd = rfind_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, target_string)
# log.debug(destStart, destEnd)
# # find the byte location of the end of the line
# destStart = memmap_file.rfind(b'\n', 0, destStart)
# destEnd = memmap_file.find(b'\n', destEnd)
# log.debug(destStart, destEnd)
# # if we can't find a newline character
# # that means the substring was found
# # in the first line of the file
# if destStart == -1:
# destStart = 0
# destEnd += 1
# log.debug(destStart, destEnd)
# # find the start of the section to copy
# start_in_bytes = memmap_file.find(b'HEFF_IP2', destEnd)
# log.debug(start_in_bytes)
# # get the location of the beginning of the line
# start_in_bytes = memmap_file.rfind(b'\n', 0, start_in_bytes)
# log.debug(start_in_bytes)
# # get the EOF location in numBytes
# memmap_file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
# EOF = memmap_file.tell()
# # check file sizes
# destLength = destEnd - destStart
# length_in_bytes = EOF - start_in_bytes
# log.debug(memmap_file.size(), EOF)
# log.debug(destStart, start_in_bytes, length_in_bytes)
# log.debug(size_original - destLength)
# memmap_file.move(destStart, start_in_bytes, length_in_bytes)
# memmap_file.resize(size_original - destLength)
# memmap_file.flush()
def _copy_output_file(vibron, source, destination):
""" verifies source file exists before copying it to destination """
path_source = join(vibron.path_root, source)
path_destination = join(vibron.path_root, destination)
shutil.copyfile(path_source, path_destination)
def _add_nip_to_file(vibron, file_name):
""" modify file to contain the nip """
nip = vibron.parameter_dictionary["nip"]
file_path = join(vibron.path_root, file_name)
with open(file_path, "r+b") as destFile:
# access the file using memory map for efficiency
with mmap.mmap(destFile.fileno(), 0) as memmap_file:
# we assume that there is only one 'xxx' substring in the whole file
startTarget = 'xxx'
start = find_string_in_file(memmap_file, file_path, startTarget)
# go there
s = "{:>6,d}"
# attempt to write 3 bytes over the 'xxx'
bytesWritten = memmap_file.write(s.format(nip).encode(('utf-8')))
# make sure we wrote the right amount
assert bytesWritten == 6, "incorrect number of bytes written to file {:s}".format(file_name)
memmap_file.flush() # write the changes from memory to disk
except (Exception, ValueError) as e:
s = "Failed to write the nip={:d} to {:s}"
log.error(s.format(nip, file_path))
raise e # 1
[docs]def parse_prepVibron_output(vibron):
"""extracts relevant data from output of job"""
src = vibron.file_out["pntheff"]
dst = "PNTHEFF"
_copy_output_file(vibron, src, dst)
_remove_extra_heff(vibron, dst)
# _remove_extra_heff(vibron, dst, 'HEFF_0')
src = vibron.file_out["vibronCp"]
dst = vibron.file_in["vibronCp"]
_copy_output_file(vibron, src, dst)
_remove_extra_heff(vibron, dst)
# _remove_extra_heff(vibron, dst, 'Heff_0')
src = vibron.file_out["vibronIn"]
dst = vibron.file_in["vibronIn"]
_copy_output_file(vibron, src, dst)
_add_nip_to_file(vibron, dst)
[docs]def vibron_calculation(path_root, name, zmat, parameter_dictionary):
"""creates and populates the input file and submission file for the job"""
log.flow("Setting up calculation")
# in GB's
memory_size = 15
# file location
file_name = default_file_in["vibronIn"].format(name)
slurm_parameters = {
"memory_size": memory_size+3,
"file_name": file_name,
"cpus": 1,
"work_dir": path_root,
"output": "",
"partition": job_boss.partition,
"make_scratch": "",
"scratch_in": "",
"scratch_out": "",
"pre_amble": "jobvibron",
"job_name": file_name.replace(".in", ""),
"post_amble": "",
"hostname": job_boss.hostname,
"parent_pid": os.getpid(),
# run the job
job_id = submit_job(slurm_parameters)
wait_on_results(job_id, "VIBRON")
job_boss.check_slurm_output(path_root, job_id)
[docs]def parse_vibron_output(vibron):
"""extracts relevant data from output of job"""
file_name = vibron.file_out["vibron"]
file_path = join(vibron.path_root, file_name)
final_string = b'All done in main_vibron'
with open(file_path, "r+b") as source_file:
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as memmap_file:
# the target string should be in the last couple lines of the file
# first we find the byte location of the beginning of the 10th last line
ten_lines_back = skip_back_n_lines(memmap_file, 10, len(memmap_file) - 1)
# then we search from there to the end of the file for our target string
if memmap_file.find(final_string, ten_lines_back) == -1:
# if we don't find it then the calculation was a failure
s = "The vibron calculation failed to successfully complete"\
+ "\nCheck output file {:s}"
# log.error(s.format(file_path))
raise Exception(s.format(file_path))
log.info("vibron calculation successfully completed!")
[docs]class ZmatClass:
"""handles all details related to zmat file which represents the geometry of the molecule can hold internal or cartesian coordinates"""
kind = ["cartesian", "internal"][0]
# string that holds the relational ZMAT info
# in internal coordinates (without the bond/angle values)
_internal = None
# dictionary that holds the coordinate bond/angle values
# for internal coordinates type of ZMAT
_coord = None
# string that holds the relational ZMAT info
# in cartesian coordinates
_cartesian = None
def __init__(self, file_path):
# parse file
with open(file_path, 'r') as source_file:
# make sure there is at least one newline at the end
data = source_file.read() + "\n"
# determine which coordinates are used in the ZMAT
if "=" in data:
self.kind = "internal"
# process the input
if self.kind is "internal":
# split along the blank line
b = data.split("\n\n")
# this is the relational ZMAT info
self._internal = b[0] + "\n"
# create a dictionary that maps the angles/bonds to their values
self._coord = dict([map(str.strip, x.split('=')) for x in b[1].splitlines()])
elif self.kind is "cartesian":
self._cartesian = data + "\n"
s = "Invalid ZMAT file located at {:s}"
raise Exception(s.format(file_path))
[docs] def get(self, opt_zmat=False):
"""returns a string which represents the coordinates"""
# creates a string from zmat and self.coord
# that represents a valid ZMAT file
if self.kind is "internal":
completeZMAT = self._internal + "\n"
# if we aren't optimizing then remove the asterisks
if not opt_zmat:
completeZMAT = completeZMAT.replace("*", "")
# add the geometry values
for key, value in self._coord.items():
completeZMAT += key+"="+value+"\n"
# need a blank line coordinate list
completeZMAT += "\n"
return completeZMAT
# no modification is needed for the cartesian version
elif self.kind is "cartesian":
return self._cartesian
[docs] def set(self, geometry_new):
"""updates geometry data"""
# just update the dict values
if self.kind is "internal":
# special treatment is necessary
elif self.kind is "cartesian":
geometry_new = [line for line in geometry_new.split("\n") if line != '']
geometry_old = [line for line in self._cartesian.split("\n") if line != '']
diff = len(geometry_old) - len(geometry_new)
if diff == 0:
self._cartesian = "\n".join(geometry_new) + "\n\n"
elif diff > 0:
for i in range(0, len(geometry_new)):
geometry_old[i+diff] = geometry_new[i]
self._cartesian = "\n".join(geometry_old) + "\n\n"
s = "The new geometries have MORE? atoms than before???"\
+ "Old geometry\n{:s}\nNew Geometry\n{:s}\n"
raise Exception(s.format(self._cartesian, geometry_new))
[docs]class VibronExecutionClass:
"""handles all details related to the execution"""
# the molecule of interest
name = None
# ZmatClass object that contains the ZMAT information
zmat = None
# the directory in which we execute jobs
path_root = None
# parameters
parameter_dictionary = {
"calculation": None,
"theory": None,
"basis": None,
"DROPMO": "",
"NIP": None,
"gridVibron": 3, # or 4
"ccConv": 10,
"scfConv": 10,
"estateTol": 10,
file_in = {}
file_out = {}
# our cut off for % singles
singles_cutoff = 85.00
# our cut off for % triples
triples_cutoff = 92.00
# State enum that corresponds to location in execution workflow
state = None
def __init__(self, name, root, state=None):
self.name = name
self.path_root = root
self.file_in = default_file_in.copy()
self.file_out = default_file_out.copy()
self.path_state = join(self.path_root, name_of_state_file)
# fill in names
for key, val in self.file_in.items():
self.file_in[key] = val.format(self.name)
for key, val in self.file_out.items():
self.file_out[key] = val.format(self.name)
if state is not None:
self.state = State(int(state))
[docs] def record_state(self):
with open(self.path_state, 'a') as file_state:
string_state = str(self.state.name)+"\n"
[docs] def advance(self):
"""increase state counter and log it IF not already at the highest state"""
# create state file if it doesn't exist
if not isfile(self.path_state):
s = "State file {:s} doesn't exist, creating a blank file"
open(self.path_state, 'w').close()
# advance or write down that we are complete
if self.state == State.FINISHED:
# we have finished!
elif self.state.value < State.max():
old_state = self.state
self.state = State(old_state.value + 1)
s = "Advancing from state {:s} to state {:s}"
log.debug(s.format(old_state.name, self.state.name))
raise Exception("This code should not be executed")
[docs] def setup_zmat(self, file_path=None):
"""assumes that you formatted the ZMAT file correctly"""
# Default is to assume parameter file is in /path_root/*
if file_path is None:
file_path = join(self.path_root,
# "parameters",
self.zmat = ZmatClass(file_path)
def _set_state_from_file(self):
""" sets self.state to the value stored in the file located at self.path_state
if the file is empty it defaults to the initial state State.min()"""
log.debug("Attempting to set state using state file")
if os.stat(self.path_state).st_size == 0:
s = "State file {:s} is empty, defaulting to initial State"
self.state = State(State.min())
with open(self.path_state, 'r') as file_state:
lines = file_state.readlines()
for line in reversed(lines):
# I believe there is a cleaner way to do this, should clean this up
# low priority
if line in ["", "\n"]:
old_state = str(line.strip())
if old_state == State(State.max()):
self.state = State(State.max())
elif old_state in State:
self.state = State(State(old_state).value + 1)
for member in State:
if member.name == str(line.strip()):
self.state = State(member.value + 1)
s = ("State file {:s} contained an invalid state: {:s}"
"Defaulting to initial state"
log.debug(s.format(line, self.path_state))
self.state = State(State.min())
[docs] def hf(self, matching_state):
"""wrapper method"""
if self.state == matching_state:
hartree_fock_calculation(self.path_root, self.name, self.zmat,
self.parameter_dictionary, self.state.name)
[docs] def geom(self):
"""wrapper method"""
if self.state == State.OPT:
geometry_optimization(self.path_root, self.name, self.zmat, self.parameter_dictionary)
[docs] def vib(self):
"""wrapper method"""
if self.state == State.VIB:
vibrational_frequency(self.path_root, self.name, self.zmat, self.parameter_dictionary)
[docs] def ip_calc(self):
"""wrapper method"""
if self.state == State.IPEOMCC:
ip_calculation(self.path_root, self.name, self.zmat, self.parameter_dictionary)
[docs] def prepVibron(self):
"""wrapper method"""
if self.state == State.PREPVIB:
prepVibron_calculation(self.path_root, self.name, self.zmat, self.parameter_dictionary)
[docs] def vibron_calc(self):
"""wrapper method"""
if self.state == State.VIBRON:
vibron_calculation(self.path_root, self.name, self.zmat, self.parameter_dictionary)
[docs] def calculate_vibronic_model(self):
# prepare signal handler - this is used to synchronize with the submitted jobs
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, job_boss.SIGUSR1_handle)
if self.state.value < State.max():
# self.hf(State.DROPMO)
# parse_hartree_fock_output(self, State.DROPMO)
parse_hartree_fock_output(self, State.NIP)
self.advance() # important to do after parsing vibron_output
log.info("We have reached the end of execution.")
[docs]def test_one(molecule_name="ch2o", inital_job_state=0):
"""runs the job in the current directory stores results in folder named by the molecule"""
# create execution directory
path_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
path_root = join(path_root, molecule_name)
os.makedirs(path_root, exist_ok=True)
job = VibronExecutionClass(molecule_name, path_root, inital_job_state)
# need a better naming - distinguishing scheme between
# build_vibronic_model and calculate_vibronic_model
[docs]def calculate_vibronic_model_wrapper_one(data_set_num, molecule_name="ch2o", inital_job_state=0):
"""executes jobs using exists data_set_# file structure"""
# create execution directory
path_root = '/work/ngraymon/pimc/data_set_{:d}/electronic_structure/'
os.makedirs(path_root, exist_ok=True)
job = VibronExecutionClass(molecule_name, path_root, inital_job_state)
[docs]def main():
# we provide a specific named file
if len(sys.argv) is 2:
# we provide a specific named file
# and we provide a integer parameter
# which indicates what stage of the calculation to start at
elif len(sys.argv) is 3:
test_one(str(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))
if (__name__ == "__main__"):