Source code for pibronic.vibronic.model_auto

""" module that handles parsing files"""

# system imports
# import itertools as it
# import mmap

# third party imports
import fortranformat as ff  # Fortran format for VIBRON
import numpy as np
from numpy import float64 as F64

# local imports
# from ..log_conf import log
# from .. import constants
# from import file_structure
# from import file_name
# from .. import helper
# from .vibronic_model_keys import VibronicModelKeys as VMK

""" pre-defined header formats """
title_header = ff.FortranRecordReader('(A50, A20)')
coefficient_header = ff.FortranRecordReader('2(F12.6)')
gradient_header = ff.FortranRecordReader('(t3, A15, i4, A15, F10.2)')

[docs]def read_header(f_iter, nel, nmode, frequencies): numgrid = ff.FortranRecordReader('(A26, i4)').read(next(f_iter))[1] # read the type of grid in ACESII num_irreps = ff.FortranRecordReader('(A36, i4)').read(next(f_iter))[1] # number of vibrational irreps nmodes = ff.FortranRecordReader('(A30, i4)').read(next(f_iter))[1] # read the total number of modes per symmetry # we can either grab the frequencies from the ref_freq_data, or the parent hessian if(False): # the frequency given here is in cm-1 frequencies[:] = np.asarray(ff.FortranRecordReader('(A31, 12F8.2)').read(next(f_iter))[1:], dtype=F64) else: next(f_iter) return
[docs]def fill_in_excitation_energies(f_iter, el_range, excitation_energies): """ does what it says """ for a in el_range: excitation_energies[a, :] =
[docs]def fill_in_linear_couplings(f_iter, el_range, mode_range, linear_couplings): """ does what it says """ for i in mode_range: # should 'read in' the header for a in el_range: linear_couplings[i, a, :] = return
[docs]def fill_in_diagonal_quadratic_couplings(f_iter, el_range, mode_range, quadratic_couplings): """ does what it says """ for i in mode_range: for a in el_range: quadratic_couplings[i, i, a, :] = return
[docs]def fill_in_offdiagonal_quadratic_couplings(f_iter, el_range, mode_range, quadratic_couplings): """ does what it says """ for i in mode_range: for j in range(i): next(f_iter) # 'reading in' the first line/title for a in el_range: quadratic_couplings[i, j, a, :] = for a in el_range: for b in el_range: quadratic_couplings[:, :, a, b] += np.tril(quadratic_couplings[:, :, a, b], k=-1).T return
[docs]def confirm_symmetry_in_surfaces(el_range, linear_couplings, quadratic_couplings): """ check for symmetry in surfaces """ for a in el_range: for b in el_range: assert(np.allclose(linear_couplings[:, a, b], linear_couplings[:, b, a])) assert(np.allclose(quadratic_couplings[:, :, a, b], quadratic_couplings[:, :, b, a])) return
[docs]def confirm_symmetry_in_modes(mode_range, quadratic_couplings): """ check for symmetry in modes """ for i in mode_range: for j in mode_range: assert(np.allclose(quadratic_couplings[i, j, :, :], quadratic_couplings[j, i, :, :])) return
[docs]def read_model_auto_file(filename): """ if the shift to MCTDH file structure is permanent this function will no longer be needed Read Vibronic Model file ( which contains all information on the approximate Born-Oppenheimer Ground State PES. Returns: number of electronic states number of normal modes Excitation energies: (nel, nel) frequencies (nmode) linear couplings: (nmode, nel, nel) quadratic couplings: (nmode, nmode, nel, nel) """ nel = 2 # Number of minima [energy wells] nmode = 12 # Number of normal modes el_range = range(nel) mode_range = range(nmode) # Read file (Iterator object) file_object = open(filename, 'r') # first lets strip out all the blank lines and lines like ------ lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file_object.readlines() if ((len(line.strip()) != 0) and ("--------" not in line.strip()))] f_iter = iter(lines) # make an iterator # ===== # Title # ===== # ========================== # 0. Header and Normal modes # ========================== # Initialize Variables excitation_energies = np.zeros((nel, nel)) frequencies = np.zeros((nmode)) linear_couplings = np.zeros((nmode, nel, nel)) quadratic_couplings = np.zeros((nmode, nmode, nel, nel)) read_header(f_iter, nel, nmode, frequencies) # ================== # 1. Parent Gradient # ================== # gradient_header_parent = ff.FortranRecordReader('(t3, A17, i4, t22, A15, E16.10)') for i in mode_range: next(f_iter) # ================= # 2. Parent Hessian # ================= # hessian_header_parent = ff.FortranRecordReader('(t3, A17, i4, t22, A15, F8.2, A5, F12.6, A5)') try: for i in mode_range: # store the value incase exception occurs temp_str = next(f_iter) frequencies[i] = float(temp_str.partition("cm-1")[2].partition("eV")[0]) except ValueError as err_obj: print("Having issues parsing the Hessian parent energy, why are the frequencies not digits?", temp_str, temp_str.partition("cm-1")[2], temp_str.partition("cm-1")[2].partition("eV")[0]) raise err_obj # ======================== # 3. Reference Hamiltonian # ======================== for a in el_range: excitation_energies[a, :] = fill_in_excitation_energies(f_iter, el_range, excitation_energies) # =============================== # 4. Linear couplings (gradients) # =============================== fill_in_linear_couplings(f_iter, el_range, mode_range, linear_couplings) # ======================================================== # 5. Quadratic couplings [Diagonal corrections of Hessian] # ======================================================== fill_in_diagonal_quadratic_couplings(f_iter, el_range, mode_range, quadratic_couplings) # ============================================================ # 6. Quadratic couplings [Off-diagonal corrections of Hessian] # ============================================================ fill_in_offdiagonal_quadratic_couplings(f_iter, el_range, mode_range, quadratic_couplings) confirm_symmetry_in_surfaces(el_range, linear_couplings, quadratic_couplings) confirm_symmetry_in_modes(mode_range, quadratic_couplings) return nel, nmode, excitation_energies, frequencies, linear_couplings, quadratic_couplings