Source code for pibronic.vibronic.model_h
""" module that handles parsing model.h files"""
# system imports
import itertools as it
import mmap
# third party imports
import numpy as np
# local imports
from .. import helper
from ..log_conf import log
from .vibronic_model_keys import VibronicModelKeys as VMK
[docs]def get_number_of_electronic_states(path, file):
""" return the number of electronic states (int) taken from file """
# skip first line
# read in line with electronic states
line = file.readline()
# verify that we have the correct line
targetString = 'Number of electronic states'
if targetString in line:
number_of_electronic_states = int(line.split()[0])
# States = range(number_of_electronic_states)
log.debug("Electronic states: " + str(number_of_electronic_states))
s = "Input file {:s} does not contain {:s}"
raise Exception(s.format(path, targetString))
return number_of_electronic_states
[docs]def get_number_of_normal_modes(path, file):
""" return the total number of normal modes (int) and symmetric modes (int) taken from file """
# read in line with symmetric normal modes
line = file.readline()
# verify that we have the correct line
targetString = 'Number of symmetric normal modes'
if targetString in line:
number_of_symmetric_modes = int(line.split()[0])
number_of_normal_modes = number_of_symmetric_modes
log.debug("Symmetric normal modes: " + str(number_of_symmetric_modes))
log.debug("Total normal modes: " + str(number_of_normal_modes))
s = "Input file {:s} does not contain {:s}"
raise Exception(s.format(path, targetString))
# read in line with non-A1 normal modes
line = file.readline()
# verify that we have the correct line
targetString = 'Number of non-A1 normal modes'
if targetString in line:
other_modes = int(line.split()[0])
number_of_normal_modes += other_modes
# Modes = range(number_of_normal_modes)
log.debug("non-A1 normal modes: " + str(other_modes))
log.debug("Total normal modes: " + str(number_of_normal_modes))
s = "Input file {:s} does not contain {:s}"
raise Exception(s.format(path, targetString))
return number_of_normal_modes, number_of_symmetric_modes
[docs]def extract_normal_mode_frequencies(path, file, frequency_array, symmetric_modes):
"""fill the array frequency_array with appropriate values from the memmap'ed file"""
# skip headers
# read in symmetric normal modes
line = file.readline()
frequency_array[0:symmetric_modes] = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
# skip header
# read in non-A1 normal modes
line = file.readline()
frequency_array[symmetric_modes:] = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
[docs]def extract_energies(path, memmap, energies):
"""fill the array energies with appropriate values from the memmap'ed file"""
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Reference Hamiltonian'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Gradients of heff along normal modes'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
# go to the beginning of that region
# skip the header
# read all the relevant data
byteData = - memmap.tell())
stringData = byteData.decode(encoding="utf-8")
lines = stringData.strip().splitlines()
# save the reference Hamiltonian into the energies array
for d1 in States:
energies[d1] = lines[d1].split()
[docs]def extract_linear_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms, frequencies):
"""fill the array coupling_terms with appropriate values from the memmap'ed file
the frequencies need to be provided in wavenumbers"""
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Gradients of heff along normal modes'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Diagonal second order corrections of heff'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
# go to the beginning of that region
for idx, w in enumerate(frequencies):
# find the next block of linear coupling_terms terms
next_block = memmap.find(str(w).encode(encoding="utf-8"), begin, end)
# error handling
if next_block == -1:
s = ("Frequency {:f} in wavenumber_freq did not match any "
"frequencies in file {:s} while parsing the "
"{:s} region."
raise Exception(s.format(w, path, beginString))
# go there
# skip header
# store each line in the array
for a in States:
line = memmap.readline().decode(encoding="utf-8")
coupling_terms[idx, a, :] = line.split()
[docs]def extract_quadratic_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms, frequencies):
"""fill the array coupling_terms with appropriate values from the memmap'ed file
the frequencies need to be provided in wavenumbers"""
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Diagonal second order corrections of heff'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Off-diagonal second order corrections heff'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
# go to the beginning of that region
for idx, w in enumerate(frequencies):
# find the next block of quadratic coupling terms
next_block = memmap.find(str(w).encode(encoding="utf-8"), begin, end)
# error handling
if next_block == -1:
s = ("Frequency {:f} in wavenumber_freq did not match any "
"frequencies in file {:s} while parsing the "
"{:s} region."
raise Exception(s.format(w, path, beginString))
# go there
# skip header
# store each line in the array
for a in States:
line = memmap.readline().decode(encoding="utf-8")
coupling_terms[idx, idx, a, :] = line.split()
[docs]def extract_offdiag_quadratic_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms, frequencies):
"""fill the array coupling_terms with appropriate values from the memmap'ed file
the frequencies need to be provided in wavenumbers"""
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Off-diagonal second order corrections heff'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Diagonal Cubic corrections of heff'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
# go to the beginning of that region
for idx1, w1 in enumerate(frequencies):
for idx2, w2 in enumerate(frequencies[:idx1]):
# find the next block of quadratic coupling terms
next_block = memmap.find(str(w1).encode(encoding="utf-8"), memmap.tell(), end)
# error handling
if next_block == -1:
s = ("Frequency {:f} in wavenumber_freq did not "
"match any frequencies in file {:s} "
"while parsing the {:s} region."
raise Exception(s.format(w1, path, beginString))
# find the next block of quadratic coupling terms
next_block = memmap.find(str(w2).encode(encoding="utf-8"), memmap.tell(), end)
# error handling
if next_block == -1:
s = ("Frequency {:f} in wavenumber_freq did not "
"match any frequencies in file {:s} "
"while parsing the {:s} region."
raise Exception(s.format(w2, path, beginString))
# go there
# skip header
# store each line in the array
for a in States:
line = memmap.readline().decode(encoding="utf-8")
coupling_terms[idx1, idx2, a, :] = line.split()
[docs]def extract_cubic_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms, frequencies):
""" not implemented at this time """
[docs]def extract_quartic_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms, frequencies):
""" not implemented at this time """
[docs]def read_model_h_file(path_file_h):
""" reads/parses molecule_vibron.h file"""
path_file_params = path_file_h[:-2] + ".in"
# declare the arrays used to store the model's parameters
# all numbers have units of electron volts
excitation_energies = None
frequencies = None
linear_couplings = None
quadratic_couplings = None
# the frequencies with units of wavenumbers
wavenumber_freq = None
# set the number of normal modes and electronic surfaces
# store the normal mode frequencies
with open(path_file_params, "r") as source_file:
# we will overwrite these default values
global numModes, numStates
global Modes, States
numStates = get_number_of_electronic_states(source_file)
States = range(numStates)
numModes, numSymmetricModes = get_number_of_normal_modes(source_file)
Modes = range(numModes)
# for readability and clarity we use these letters
global size
size = {
'N': (numModes),
'AA': (numStates, numStates),
'NAA': (numModes, numStates, numStates),
'NNAA': (numModes, numModes, numStates, numStates),
# Initialize Variables
frequencies = np.zeros(size['N'])
excitation_energies = np.zeros(size['AA'])
linear_couplings = np.zeros(size['NAA'])
quadratic_couplings = np.zeros(size['NNAA'])
extract_normal_mode_frequencies(source_file, frequencies, numSymmetricModes)
# convert to wavenumers up to 2 decimal places
wavenumber_freq = np.around(frequencies * 8065.5, decimals=2)
# store the energy offsets, and all the coupling terms
with open(path_file_h, "r+b") as source_file:
# access the file using memory map for efficiency
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as mm:
extract_energies(path_file_h, mm, excitation_energies, frequencies)
extract_linear_couplings(path_file_h, mm, wavenumber_freq, linear_couplings, frequencies)
# extract_quadratic_couplings(path_file_h, mm, wavenumber_freq, quadratic_couplings, frequencies)
# extract_offdiag_quadratic_couplings(path_file_h, mm, wavenumber_freq, quadratic_couplings, frequencies)
# extract_cubic_couplings(path_file_h, mm, wavenumber_freq, cubic_couplings, frequencies)
# extract_quartic_couplings(path_file_h, mm, wavenumber_freq, quartic_couplings, frequencies)
# duplicate the lower triangle values into the upper triangle
# the couplings are a symmetric matrix
for a, b in it.product(States, States):
quadratic_couplings[:, :, a, b] += np.tril(quadratic_couplings[:, :, a, b], k=-1).T
# check for symmetry in surfaces
assert(np.allclose(excitation_energies, excitation_energies.transpose(1, 0)))
assert(np.allclose(linear_couplings, linear_couplings.transpose(0, 2, 1)))
assert(np.allclose(quadratic_couplings, quadratic_couplings.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)))
# check for symmetry in modes
assert(np.allclose(quadratic_couplings, quadratic_couplings.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)))
# and we are done
return_dict = {VMK.N: numModes,
VMK.A: numStates,
VMK.E: excitation_energies,
VMK.w: frequencies,
VMK.G1: linear_couplings,
VMK.G2: quadratic_couplings,
return return_dict