Source code for pibronic.vibronic.model_op
""" module that handles parsing model.op files"""
# system imports
import itertools as it
import mmap
# third party imports
import numpy as np
import parse
# local imports
# from ..log_conf import log
# from .. import constants
# from import file_structure
# from import file_name
from .. import helper
from .vibronic_model_keys import VibronicModelKeys as VMK
[docs]def extract_energies(path, memmap):
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Electronic Hamitonian' # NOTE - THIS IS NOT A SPELLING ERROR (Hamitonian)
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Electronic transition moments'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
# go to the beginning of that region
# skip the header
helper.readlines(memmap, 3)
# read all the relevant data
byteData = - memmap.tell())
stringData = byteData.decode(encoding="utf-8")
lines = [line for line in stringData.strip().splitlines() if "#" not in line and line is not ""]
# TODO - should remove the use of globals
# set the parameters
global numStates, States
numStates = len(lines)
States = range(numStates)
# save the reference Hamiltonian into the energies array
energies = np.zeros((numStates, numStates))
for a in States:
list_of_words = lines[a].split()
assert list_of_words[0] == f"EH_s{a+1:02}_s{a+1:02}" # this is a formatted string literal (new in python3.6)
assert list_of_words[-1] == "ev"
energies[a, a] = list_of_words[2]
return energies
[docs]def extract_normal_mode_frequencies(path, memmap):
"""store output in frequency_array"""
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Frequencies'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Zeropoint energy'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
# go to the beginning of that region
# skip headers
helper.readlines(memmap, 2)
# read all the relevant data
byteData = - memmap.tell())
stringData = byteData.decode(encoding="utf-8")
lines = [line for line in stringData.strip().splitlines() if "#" not in line and line is not ""]
# TODO - should remove the use of globals
# set the parameters
global numModes, Modes
numModes = len(lines)
Modes = range(numModes)
# extract the numbers and save them in the frequencies array
frequencies = np.zeros(numModes)
for j in Modes:
list_of_words = lines[j].split()
assert list_of_words[0] == f"w{j+1:02}" # this is a formatted string literal (new in python3.6)
assert list_of_words[-1] == "ev"
frequencies[j] = list_of_words[2]
return frequencies
[docs]def extract_linear_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms):
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Linear Coupling Constants'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Diagonal Quadratic Coupling Constants'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
# go to the beginning of that region
# skip headers
helper.readlines(memmap, 2)
# read all the relevant data
byteData = - memmap.tell())
stringData = byteData.decode(encoding="utf-8")
stringData = stringData.strip().replace('=', '').replace(', ev', '')
lines = [line.split() for line in stringData.splitlines() if "#" not in line and line is not ""]
p = parse.compile("C1_s{a1:d}_s{a2:d}_v{j:d}")
for line in lines:
r = p.parse(line[0])
index_tuple = (r['j']-1, r['a1']-1, r['a2']-1)
coupling_terms[index_tuple] = line[1]
[docs]def extract_quadratic_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms):
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Diagonal Quadratic Coupling Constants'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Cubic Coupling Constants'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't find Quadratic couplings")
# go to the beginning of that region
# skip headers
helper.readlines(memmap, 2)
# read all the relevant data
byteData = - memmap.tell())
stringData = byteData.decode(encoding="utf-8")
stringData = stringData.strip().replace('=', '').replace(', ev', '')
lines = [line.split() for line in stringData.splitlines() if "#" not in line and line is not ""]
p = parse.compile("C2_s{a1:d}s{a2:d}_v{j1:d}v{j2:d}")
for line in lines:
r = p.parse(line[0])
index_tuple = (r['j1']-1, r['j2']-1, r['a1']-1, r['a2']-1)
coupling_terms[index_tuple] = line[1]
[docs]def extract_cubic_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms):
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Cubic Coupling Constants'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Quartic Coupling Constants'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't find Cubic couplings")
# go to the beginning of that region
# skip headers
helper.readlines(memmap, 2)
# read all the relevant data
byteData = - memmap.tell())
stringData = byteData.decode(encoding="utf-8")
stringData = stringData.strip().replace('=', '').replace(', ev', '')
lines = [line.split() for line in stringData.splitlines() if "#" not in line and line is not ""]
p = parse.compile("C3_s{a1:d}_s{a2:d}_v{j:d}")
for line in lines:
r = p.parse(line[0])
index_tuple = (r['j']-1, r['j']-1, r['j']-1, r['a1']-1, r['a2']-1)
coupling_terms[index_tuple] = line[1]
[docs]def extract_bicubic_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms):
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Bi-Cubic Constants'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Bi-Quartic Constants'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't find biCubic couplings")
# go to the beginning of that region
# skip headers
helper.readlines(memmap, 2)
# read all the relevant data
byteData = - memmap.tell())
stringData = byteData.decode(encoding="utf-8")
stringData = stringData.strip().replace('=', '').replace(', ev', '')
lines = [line.split() for line in stringData.splitlines() if "#" not in line and line is not ""]
p = parse.compile("B3_s{a1:d}s{a2:d}_v{j1:d}v{j2:d}")
for line in lines:
r = p.parse(line[0])
# need to confirm this?
index_tuple = (r['j1']-1, r['j2']-1, r['j2']-1, r['a1']-1, r['a2']-1)
coupling_terms[index_tuple] = line[1]
[docs]def extract_quartic_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms):
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Quartic Coupling Constants'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'Bi-Cubic Constants'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't find Quartic couplings")
# go to the beginning of that region
# skip headers
helper.readlines(memmap, 2)
# read all the relevant data
byteData = - memmap.tell())
stringData = byteData.decode(encoding="utf-8")
stringData = stringData.strip().replace('=', '').replace(', ev', '')
lines = [line.split() for line in stringData.splitlines() if "#" not in line and line is not ""]
p = parse.compile("C4_s{a1:d}_s{a2:d}_v{j:d}")
for line in lines:
r = p.parse(line[0])
index_tuple = (r['j']-1, r['j']-1, r['j']-1, r['j']-1, r['a1']-1, r['a2']-1)
coupling_terms[index_tuple] = line[1]
[docs]def extract_biquartic_couplings(path, memmap, coupling_terms):
# find the beginning and ending of the important region # start looking from the beginning of the file
beginString = 'Bi-Quartic Constants'
begin = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, beginString)
endString = 'end-parameter-section'
end = helper.find_string_in_file(memmap, path, endString)
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't find biQuadratic couplings")
# go to the beginning of that region
# skip headers
helper.readlines(memmap, 2)
# read all the relevant data
byteData = - memmap.tell())
stringData = byteData.decode(encoding="utf-8")
stringData = stringData.strip().replace('=', '').replace(', ev', '')
lines = [line.split() for line in stringData.splitlines() if "#" not in line and line is not ""]
list_B4 = filter(lambda item: item[0].startswith("B4"), lines)
pB4 = parse.compile("B4_s{a1:d}s{a2:d}_v{j1:d}v{j2:d}")
list_A4 = filter(lambda item: item[0].startswith("A4"), lines)
pA4 = parse.compile("A4_s{a1:d}s{a2:d}_v{j1:d}v{j2:d}")
for line in list_B4:
r = pB4.parse(line[0])
index_tuple = (r['j1']-1, r['j2']-1, r['j2']-1, r['j2']-1, r['a1']-1, r['a2']-1)
coupling_terms[index_tuple] = line[1]
for line in list_A4:
r = pA4.parse(line[0])
index_tuple = (r['j1']-1, r['j1']-1, r['j2']-1, r['j2']-1, r['a1']-1, r['a2']-1)
coupling_terms[index_tuple] = line[1]
[docs]def read_model_op_file(path_file_op):
"""reads/parses molecule_vibron.op file"""
# declare the arrays used to store the model's parameters
# all numbers have units of electron volts
excitation_energies = None
frequencies = None
linear_couplings = None
quadratic_couplings = None
cubic_couplings = None
quartic_couplings = None
# TODO - should remove the use of globals
global numStates, numModes, States, Modes, size
# we will overwrite these default values
numStates = numModes = States = Modes = size = 0
# store the energy offsets, and all the coupling terms
with open(path_file_op, "r+b") as source_file:
# access the file using memory map for efficiency
with mmap.mmap(source_file.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as mm:
frequencies = extract_normal_mode_frequencies(path_file_op, mm)
excitation_energies = extract_energies(path_file_op, mm)
# for readability and clarity we use these letters
A = numStates
N = numModes
size = {
'N': (N),
'AA': (A, A),
'NAA': (N, A, A),
'NNAA': (N, N, A, A),
'NNNAA': (N, N, N, A, A),
'NNNNAA': (N, N, N, N, A, A),
# Assert/Initialize array sizes
assert frequencies.shape[0] == size['N'], "Incorrect array dimensions"
assert excitation_energies.shape == size['AA'], "Incorrect array dimensions"
# predefine these arrays now that we know the values of N and A are
linear_couplings = np.zeros(size['NAA'])
quadratic_couplings = np.zeros(size['NNAA'])
cubic_couplings = np.zeros(size['NNNAA'])
quartic_couplings = np.zeros(size['NNNNAA'])
# read in the rest of the parameters
extract_linear_couplings(path_file_op, mm, linear_couplings)
extract_quadratic_couplings(path_file_op, mm, quadratic_couplings)
extract_cubic_couplings(path_file_op, mm, cubic_couplings)
extract_quartic_couplings(path_file_op, mm, quartic_couplings)
extract_bicubic_couplings(path_file_op, mm, cubic_couplings)
extract_biquartic_couplings(path_file_op, mm, quartic_couplings)
# duplicate the lower triangle values into the upper triangle
# TODO - do we not account for the symmetry in surfaces? this might be incorrect?
linear_couplings[:] += linear_couplings.transpose(0, 2, 1)
# the couplings are a symmetric matrix
for a, b in it.product(States, States):
quadratic_couplings[:, :, a, b] += np.tril(quadratic_couplings[:, :, a, b], k=-1).T
quadratic_couplings[:, :, a, b] += quadratic_couplings[:, :, b, a]
# are these two correct?
cubic_couplings[:, :, :, a, b] += np.tril(cubic_couplings[:, :, :, a, b], k=-1).T
cubic_couplings[:, :, :, a, b] += cubic_couplings[:, :, :, b, a] # this is probably incorrect
quartic_couplings[:, :, :, :, a, b] += np.tril(quartic_couplings[:, :, :, :, a, b], k=-1).T
quartic_couplings[:, :, :, :, a, b] += quartic_couplings[:, :, :, :, b, a]
# don't over count the diagonals
for a in States:
linear_couplings[:, a, a] /= 2.
quadratic_couplings[:, :, a, b] /= 2.
cubic_couplings[:, :, :, a, b] /= 2.
quartic_couplings[:, :, :, :, a, b] /= 2.
# check for symmetry in surfaces
assert np.allclose(excitation_energies, excitation_energies.transpose(1, 0))
assert np.allclose(linear_couplings, linear_couplings.transpose(0, 2, 1))
assert np.allclose(quadratic_couplings, quadratic_couplings.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2))
assert np.allclose(cubic_couplings, cubic_couplings.transpose(0, 1, 2, 4, 3))
assert np.allclose(quartic_couplings, quartic_couplings.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4))
# check for symmetry in modes
assert np.allclose(quadratic_couplings, quadratic_couplings.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3))
# either (q^3) or (q, q^2)
assert np.allclose(cubic_couplings, cubic_couplings.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
# either (q, q^3) or (q^2, q^2)
assert np.allclose(quartic_couplings, quartic_couplings.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5))
# and we are done
maximal_dict = {VMK.N: numModes,
VMK.A: numStates,
VMK.E: excitation_energies,
VMK.w: frequencies,
VMK.G1: linear_couplings,
VMK.G2: quadratic_couplings,
VMK.G3: cubic_couplings,
VMK.G4: quartic_couplings,
# if the arrays only have zeros then we might not need to store them?
return_dict = dict((k, v) for k, v in maximal_dict.items() if not np.all(v == 0))
return return_dict