Source code for pibronic.vibronic.vibronic_model_io

""" should handle the majority of file I/O"""

# system imports
import itertools as it
import importlib
import hashlib
import random
import shutil
import copy
import json
import os
from os.path import isfile

# third party imports
import numpy as np
from numpy import float64 as F64

# local imports
from ..log_conf import log
from .vibronic_model_keys import VibronicModelKeys as VMK
from . import model_op
from . import model_h
from . import orthonormal

    from . import model_auto
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e:
    class _FakeModule:
        def read_model_auto_file(*args, **kwargs):
            s = "fortranformat not installed, cannot call read_model_auto_file() from model_auto"
            raise Exception(s)

    model_auto = _FakeModule()

np.set_printoptions(precision=8, suppress=True)  # Print Precision!

# TODO - made the design decision that if a key is not present in the json file that implies all the values are zero
# - need to make sure this is enforced across all the code

[docs]def model_shape_dict(A, N): """ returns a dictionary with the same keys as the .json file whose values are tuples representing the dimensionality of the associated value in the .json file Takes A - number of surfaces and N - number of modes """ dictionary = { VMK.E: (A, A), VMK.w: (N, ), VMK.G1: (N, A, A), VMK.G2: (N, N, A, A), VMK.G3: (N, N, N, A, A), VMK.G4: (N, N, N, N, A, A), } return dictionary
[docs]def diagonal_model_shape_dict(A, N): """ returns a dictionary with the same keys as the .json file whose values are tuples representing the dimensionality of the associated value in the .json file Takes A - number of surfaces and N - number of modes """ dictionary = { VMK.E: (A, ), VMK.w: (N, ), VMK.G1: (N, A), VMK.G2: (N, N, A), VMK.G3: (N, N, N, A), VMK.G4: (N, N, N, N, A), } return dictionary
def _array_is_symmetric_in_A(array): """ Boolean function that returns true if the provided numpy array is symmetric in the surface dimension where the surface dimensions (A) are by convention the last two dimensions this function assumes that the array is properly formatted """ new_dims = list(range(array.ndim)) # swap the last two dimensions, which by convention are the surface dimensions new_dims[-1], new_dims[-2] = new_dims[-2], new_dims[-1] return np.allclose(array, array.transpose(new_dims))
[docs]def model_parameters_are_symmetric_in_surfaces(kwargs): """ Boolean function that returns true if the provided model's arrays are all symmetric in the surface dimension where the surface dimensions (A) are by convention the last two dimensions this function assumes that the arrays is properly formatted """ verify_model_parameters(kwargs) for key in kwargs.keys(): if isinstance(kwargs[key], np.ndarray) and kwargs[key].ndim >= 2: if not _array_is_symmetric_in_A(kwargs[key]): log.debug(f"{key} not symmetric in surfaces") return False return True
[docs]def model_parameters_are_symmetric_in_modes(kwargs): """ Boolean function that returns true if the provided model's quadratic and quartic arrays are symmetric in their mode dimensions this is a bit trickier than the surface dimension this function assumes that the arrays is properly formatted """ verify_model_parameters(kwargs) # do the quadratic case key = VMK.G2 if key in kwargs.keys(): new_dims = list(range(kwargs[key].ndim)) new_dims[0], new_dims[1] = new_dims[1], new_dims[0] if not np.allclose(kwargs[key], kwargs[key].transpose(new_dims)): return False # I don't think there is a general approach for the cubic case # do the quartic case key = VMK.G4 if key in kwargs.keys(): new_dims = list(range(kwargs[key].ndim)) new_dims[0], new_dims[1] = new_dims[1], new_dims[0] new_dims[2], new_dims[3] = new_dims[3], new_dims[2] if not np.allclose(kwargs[key], kwargs[key].transpose(new_dims)): return False return True
[docs]def model_zeros_template_json_dict(A, N): """ returns a dictionary that is a valid model, where all values (other than states and modes) are set to 0 """ shape = model_shape_dict(A, N) dictionary = { VMK.N: N, VMK.A: A, VMK.E: np.zeros(shape[VMK.E], dtype=F64), VMK.w: np.zeros(shape[VMK.w], dtype=F64), VMK.G1: np.zeros(shape[VMK.G1], dtype=F64), VMK.G2: np.zeros(shape[VMK.G2], dtype=F64), VMK.G3: np.zeros(shape[VMK.G3], dtype=F64), VMK.G4: np.zeros(shape[VMK.G4], dtype=F64), } return dictionary
[docs]def diagonal_model_zeros_template_json_dict(A, N): """ returns a dictionary that is a valid diagonal model, where all values (other than states and modes) are set to 0 """ shape = diagonal_model_shape_dict(A, N) dictionary = { VMK.N: N, VMK.A: A, VMK.E: np.zeros(shape[VMK.E], dtype=F64), VMK.w: np.zeros(shape[VMK.w], dtype=F64), VMK.G1: np.zeros(shape[VMK.G1], dtype=F64), VMK.G2: np.zeros(shape[VMK.G2], dtype=F64), VMK.G3: np.zeros(shape[VMK.G3], dtype=F64), VMK.G4: np.zeros(shape[VMK.G4], dtype=F64), } return dictionary
[docs]def verify_model_parameters(kwargs): """make sure the provided model parameters follow the file conventions""" assert VMK.N in kwargs, "need the number of modes" assert VMK.A in kwargs, "need the number of surfaces" A, N = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(kwargs) shape_dict = model_shape_dict(A, N) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in shape_dict: assert kwargs[key].shape == shape_dict[key], f"{key} have incorrect shape" else: log.debug(f"Found key {key} which is not present in the default dictionary") return
[docs]def verify_diagonal_model_parameters(kwargs): """make sure the provided sample parameters follow the file conventions""" assert VMK.N in kwargs, "need the number of modes" assert VMK.A in kwargs, "need the number of surfaces" A, N = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(kwargs) shape_dict = diagonal_model_shape_dict(A, N) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in shape_dict: assert kwargs[key].shape == shape_dict[key], f"{key} have incorrect shape" else: log.debug(f"Found key {key} which is not present in the default dictionary") return
def _same_model(d1, d2): """ returns True if all parameters of the two dictionaries have the same dimensions and the same floating point numbers up to standard precision comparison raises an assertion error if either dictionary has incorrect parameters""" verify_model_parameters(d1) verify_model_parameters(d2) A1, N1 = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(d1) A2, N2 = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(d1) if A1 != A2 or N1 != N2: return False new_d1 = model_zeros_template_json_dict(A1, N1) new_d1.update(d1) new_d2 = model_zeros_template_json_dict(A2, N2) new_d2.update(d2) for key in new_d1.keys(): if not np.allclose(new_d1[key], new_d2[key]): log.debug(f"These models differ for key {key}\nd1: {new_d1[key]}\nd2: {new_d2[key]}") return False # elif (key not in d2 and np.count_nonzero(d1[key]) > 0) or \ # (key not in d1 and np.count_nonzero(d2[key]) > 0): # print(f"These models differ for key {key}\nd1: {d1[key]}\nd2: {d2[key]}") # return False else: return True raise Exception("This line of code should not be reached!?") def _same_diagonal_model(d1, d2): """ returns True if all parameters of the two dictionaries have the same dimensions and the same floating point numbers up to standard precision comparison raises an assertion error if either dictionary has incorrect parameters""" verify_diagonal_model_parameters(d1) verify_diagonal_model_parameters(d2) A1, N1 = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(d1) A2, N2 = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(d1) if A1 != A2 or N1 != N2: return False new_d1 = diagonal_model_zeros_template_json_dict(A1, N1) new_d1.update(d1) new_d2 = diagonal_model_zeros_template_json_dict(A2, N2) new_d2.update(d2) for key in new_d1.keys(): if not np.allclose(new_d1[key], new_d2[key]): print(f"These diagonal models differ for key {key}\nd1: {new_d1[key]}\nd2: {new_d2[key]}") return False else: return True raise Exception("This line of code should not be reached!?")
[docs]def create_random_model(): """ returns a dictionary that is a valid model """ d = {'numStates': random.randint(2, 10), 'numModes': random.randint(2, 20), 'quadratic_scaling': random.uniform(0.04, 0.12), 'linear_scaling': random.uniform(0.02, 0.06), 'diagonal': False, } return generate_vibronic_model_data(d)
[docs]def create_random_diagonal_model(): """ returns a dictionary that is a valid diagonal model """ d = {'numStates': random.randint(2, 10), 'numModes': random.randint(2, 20), 'quadratic_scaling': random.uniform(0.04, 0.12), 'linear_scaling': random.uniform(0.02, 0.06), 'diagonal': True, } return generate_vibronic_model_data(d)
def _hash(string): """creates a SHA512 hash of the input string and returns the byte representation""" m = hashlib.sha512() m.update(string.encode('UTF-8')) return m.hexdigest()
[docs]def create_model_hash(FS=None, path=None): """ create a hash of the coupled_model.json file's contents this is used to confirm that result files were generated for the current model and not an older one uses a FileStructure or an absolute path to the file""" if FS is None: assert path is not None, "no arguments provided" else: path = FS.path_vib_model assert isfile(path) with open(path, mode='r', encoding='UTF8') as file: string = return _hash(string)
[docs]def create_diagonal_model_hash(FS=None, path=None): """ create a hash of the sampling_model.json file's contents this is used to confirm that result files were generated for the current model and not an older one uses a FileStructure or an absolute path to the file""" if FS is None: assert path is not None, "no arguments provided" else: path = FS.path_rho_model assert isfile(path), f"The path provided is not a valid file! Path:\n{path}" with open(path, mode='r', encoding='UTF8') as file: string = return _hash(string)
def _generate_linear_terms(linear_terms, shape, displacement, Modes): """ generate linear terms that are 'reasonable' """ for i in Modes: upTri = np.random.uniform(-displacement[i], displacement[i], shape[VMK.E]) # force the linear terms to be symmetric linear_terms[i, ...] = np.tril(upTri) + np.tril(upTri, k=-1).T return def _generate_quadratic_terms(quadratic_terms, shape, displacement, Modes): """ generate quadratic terms that are 'reasonable' """ for i, j in it.product(Modes, repeat=2): upTri = np.random.uniform(-displacement[i, j], displacement[i, j], shape[VMK.E]) # force the quadratic terms to be symmetric quadratic_terms[i, j, ...] = np.tril(upTri) + np.tril(upTri, k=-1).T quadratic_terms[j, i, ...] = np.tril(upTri) + np.tril(upTri, k=-1).T return
[docs]def generate_vibronic_model_data(input_parameters=None): """redo this one but otherwise its fine returns e,w,l,q filled with appropriate values""" paramDict = { # default values 'frequency_range': [0.02, 0.04], 'energy_range': [0.0, 2.0], 'quadratic_scaling': 0.08, 'linear_scaling': 0.04, 'diagonal': False, 'numStates': 2, 'numModes': 3, } if input_parameters is not None: paramDict.update(input_parameters) # readability minE, maxE = paramDict['energy_range'] minFreq, maxFreq = paramDict['frequency_range'] # ranges for convenience numModes = paramDict['numModes'] numStates = paramDict['numStates'] Modes = range(numModes) # generate the array dimensions shape = model_shape_dict(numStates, numModes) # assume we are building a coupled model model = model_zeros_template_json_dict(numStates, numModes) # generate frequencies model[VMK.w] = np.linspace(minFreq, maxFreq, num=numModes, endpoint=True, dtype=F64) # generate energy model[VMK.E] = np.random.uniform(minE, maxE, shape[VMK.E]) # force the energy to be symmetric model[VMK.E] = np.tril(model[VMK.E]) + np.tril(model[VMK.E], k=-1).T # calculate the linear displacement l_shift = paramDict['linear_scaling'] / model[VMK.w] _generate_linear_terms(model[VMK.G1], shape, l_shift, Modes) # TODO - no quadratic terms for the moment - turn back on after further testing # calculate the quadratic displacement # q_shift = np.sqrt(np.outer(frequencies, frequencies)) / paramDict['quadratic_scaling'] # _generate_quadratic_terms(q_terms, shape, q_shift, Modes) # if we are building a harmonic model then zero out all off-diagonal entries if paramDict['diagonal']: d_model = diagonal_model_zeros_template_json_dict(numStates, numModes) d_model[VMK.E] = np.diag(model[VMK.E]) d_model[VMK.w] = model[VMK.w] for i in Modes: d_model[VMK.G1][i, ...] = np.diag(model[VMK.G1][i, ...]) for i, j in it.product(Modes, repeat=2): d_model[VMK.G2][i, j, ...] = np.diag(model[VMK.G2][i, j, ...]) return d_model assert model_parameters_are_symmetric_in_surfaces(model) assert model_parameters_are_symmetric_in_modes(model) return model
[docs]def read_model_h_file(path_file_h): """ wrapper function to maintain functionality - possible remove in the future""" return model_h.read_model_h_file(path_file_h)
[docs]def read_model_op_file(path_file_op): """ wrapper function to maintain functionality - possible remove in the future""" return model_op.read_model_op_file(path_file_op)
[docs]def create_coupling_from_h_file(FS, path_file_h): """assumes that the path_file_h is in electronic_structure""" # A, N, E, w, l, q = read_model_h_file(path_file_h) model_dict = read_model_h_file(path_file_h) save_model_to_JSON(FS.path_vib_model, model_dict) log.debug("Created \n{:s}\nfrom\n{:s}\n".format(FS.path_vib_model, path_file_h)) return FS.path_vib_model
[docs]def create_coupling_from_op_file(FS, path_file_op): """assumes that the path_file_op is in electronic_structure""" # A, N, E, w, l, q = read_model_h_file(path_file_op) model_dict = read_model_op_file(path_file_op) save_model_to_JSON(FS.path_vib_model, model_dict) log.debug("Created \n{:s}\nfrom\n{:s}\n".format(FS.path_vib_model, path_file_op)) return FS.path_vib_model
[docs]def read_model_auto_file(path_file_auto): """ wrapper function to maintain functionality - possible remove in the future""" return model_auto.read_model_auto_file(path_file_auto)
def _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(dictionary): """x""" N = int(dictionary[VMK.N]) A = int(dictionary[VMK.A]) return A, N def _extract_dimensions_from_file(path): """x""" assert isfile(path), f"invalid path:\n{path:s}" with open(path, mode='r', encoding='UTF8') as file: input_dictionary = json.loads( VMK.change_dictionary_keys_from_strings_to_enum_members(input_dictionary) return _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(input_dictionary)
[docs]def extract_dimensions_of_model(FS=None, path=None): """returns A, N in that order A is the number_of_surfaces and N is the number_of_modes for coupling_model.json files by using a FileStructure or an absolute path to the file """ if FS is None: assert path is not None, "no arguments provided" else: path = FS.path_vib_model return _extract_dimensions_from_file(path)
[docs]def extract_dimensions_of_diagonal_model(FS=None, path=None): """returns A, N in that order A is the number_of_surfaces and N is the number_of_modes for sampling_model.json files by using a FileStructure or an absolute path to the file """ """ TODO - it might be nice to have the ability to specify id_data or id_rho, although this should be done in a way that queries file_structure so as to not "leak" the file structure out to other areas of the code """ if FS is None: assert path is not None, "no arguments provided" else: path = FS.path_rho_model return _extract_dimensions_from_file(path)
def _save_to_JSON(path, dictionary): dict_copy = copy.deepcopy(dictionary) VMK.change_dictionary_keys_from_enum_members_to_strings(dict_copy) """ converts each numpy array to a list so that json can serialize them properly""" for key, value in list(dict_copy.items()): if isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, np.generic)): if np.count_nonzero(value) > 0: dict_copy[key] = value.tolist() else: del dict_copy[key] else: log.debug(f"Value {value} with Key {key} does not appear to be an ndarray") with open(path, mode='w', encoding='UTF8') as target_file: target_file.write(json.dumps(dict_copy)) return
[docs]def save_model_to_JSON(path, dictionary): """ wrapper for _save_to_JSON calls verify_model_parameters() before calling _save_to_JSON() """ verify_model_parameters(dictionary) log.debug(f"Saving model to {path:s}") _save_to_JSON(path, dictionary) return
[docs]def save_diagonal_model_to_JSON(path, dictionary): """ wrapper for _save_to_JSON calls verify_sample_parameters() before calling _save_to_JSON() """ verify_diagonal_model_parameters(dictionary) log.debug(f"Saving sample to {path:s}") _save_to_JSON(path, dictionary) return
def _load_inplace_from_JSON(path, dictionary): """overwrites all provided values in place with the values stored in the .json file located at path""" with open(path, mode='r', encoding='UTF8') as file: input_dictionary = json.loads( VMK.change_dictionary_keys_from_strings_to_enum_members(input_dictionary) for key, value in dictionary.items(): if isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, np.generic)): # this is a safer way of forcing the input arrays that have no corresponding key in the input_dictionary to have zero values # although this might not be necessary, it is a safer alternative at the moment if key not in input_dictionary: dictionary[key].fill(0.0) else: dictionary[key][:] = np.array(input_dictionary[key], dtype=F64) return def _load_from_JSON(path): """returns a dictionary filled with the values stored in the .json file located at path""" with open(path, mode='r', encoding='UTF8') as file: input_dictionary = json.loads( VMK.change_dictionary_keys_from_strings_to_enum_members(input_dictionary) for key, value in input_dictionary.items(): if isinstance(value, list): # if we don't predefine the shape, can we run into problems? input_dictionary[key] = np.array(value, dtype=F64) # special case to always create an array of energies that are 0.0 if not provided in the .json file if VMK.E not in input_dictionary: A, N = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(input_dictionary) shape = model_shape_dict(A, N) input_dictionary[VMK.E] = np.zeros(shape[VMK.E], dtype=F64) # TODO - design decision about which arrays to fill with zeros by default? return input_dictionary
[docs]def load_model_from_JSON(path, dictionary=None): """ if kwargs is not provided then returns a dictionary filled with the values stored in the .json file located at path if kwargs is provided then all values are overwritten (in place) with the values stored in the .json file located at path """ log.debug(f"Loading model from {path:s}") # no arrays were provided so return newly created arrays after filling them with the appropriate values if not bool(dictionary): new_model_dict = _load_from_JSON(path) # TODO - we might want to make sure that none of the values in the dictionary have all zero values or are None verify_model_parameters(new_model_dict) return new_model_dict # arrays were provided so fill them with the appropriate values else: verify_model_parameters(dictionary) _load_inplace_from_JSON(path, dictionary) # check twice? might as well be cautious for the moment until test cases are written verify_model_parameters(dictionary) return
[docs]def load_diagonal_model_from_JSON(path, dictionary=None): """ if kwargs is not provided then returns a dictionary filled with the values stored in the .json file located at path if kwargs is provided then all values are overwritten (in place) with the values stored in the .json file located at path """ log.debug(f"Loading rho model (sampling model) from {path:s}") # no arrays were provided so return newly created arrays after filling them with the appropriate values if not bool(dictionary): new_model_dict = _load_from_JSON(path) # TODO - we might want to make sure that none of the values in the dictionary have all zero values or are None verify_diagonal_model_parameters(new_model_dict) return new_model_dict # arrays were provided so fill them with the appropriate values else: verify_diagonal_model_parameters(dictionary) _load_inplace_from_JSON(path, dictionary) # check twice? might as well be cautious for the moment until test cases are written verify_diagonal_model_parameters(dictionary) return
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def simple_single_point_energy_calculation(FS, path): """ generate new energy values for the diagonal model stored at the arg 'path' this is intended to be used for re-weighting the oscillators created using the iterative method returns a list of energy values in eV which""" iterative_model = load_diagonal_model_from_JSON(path) if VMK.G2 in iterative_model and not np.allclose(iterative_model[VMK.G2], 0.0): raise Exception("Support for non-zero quadratic terms in simple_single_point_energy_calculation() has not been implemented") Ai, Ni = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(iterative_model) # generate the oscillator minimum's minimums = np.zeros((Ai, Ni)) # if there is no linear term parameter in the model's dictionary, then they are all zero # and therefore are centered at the origin. if VMK.G1 in iterative_model: w_iter = iterative_model[VMK.w] lin_iter = iterative_model[VMK.G1] for idx in range(Ai): minimums[idx, :] = np.divide(-lin_iter[:, idx], w_iter[:]) coupled_model = load_model_from_JSON(FS.path_vib_model) A, N = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(coupled_model) E = coupled_model[VMK.E] w = coupled_model[VMK.w] lin = np.zeros(model_shape_dict(A, N)[VMK.G1]) if VMK.G1 in coupled_model: lin[:] = coupled_model[VMK.G1] if VMK.G2 in coupled_model and not np.allclose(coupled_model[VMK.G2], 0.0): raise Exception("Support for non-zero quadratic terms in simple_single_point_energy_calculation() has not been implemented") new_energy_values = np.zeros(Ai) for idx in range(Ai): q = minimums[idx, :] # we evaluate the (R/q) point # compute the harmonic oscillator contribution ho = np.zeros((A, A)) np.fill_diagonal(ho, np.sum(w * pow(q, 2))) ho *= 0.5 V = np.zeros((A, A)) V[:] += E V[:] += ho for a1 in range(A): for a2 in range(A): V[a1, a2] += np.sum(lin[:, a1, a2] * q) eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvalsh(V) new_energy_values[idx] = min(eigenvalues) return new_energy_values
[docs]def recalculate_energy_values_of_diagonal_model(FS, path): """ x """ """ note that these new energy values \tilde{E}^{a} values defined in equation 34 on page 4 from the archive paper, however the energy values stored in the *_model.json files are the E^{aa'} values in equation 26 on page 4 so we must subtract the \Delta^{a} term from the 'new_energies' to obtain the correct energy values which will be stored in the *_model.json file """ new_energies = simple_single_point_energy_calculation(FS, path) # modify the model located at the provided path model = load_diagonal_model_from_JSON(path) # TODO - should we force that the linear terms are always present in any loaded model just like the energy values? then we don't need these checks. A, N = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(model) lin = np.zeros(diagonal_model_shape_dict(A, N)[VMK.G1]) if VMK.G1 in model: lin[:] = model[VMK.G1] delta_a = -0.5 * (lin**2. / model[VMK.w][:, np.newaxis]).sum(axis=0) model[VMK.E] = new_energies - delta_a save_diagonal_model_to_JSON(path, model) return
[docs]def fill_offdiagonal_of_model_with_zeros(model): """ takes a dictionary who must have values of dimensionality (..., A, A) and set the off-diagonal (surface) elements to zero """ verify_model_parameters(model) for key, value in model.items(): if hasattr(value, 'shape') and len(value.shape) >= 2: # ndims = len(value.shape) for a, b in it.permutations(range(model[VMK.A]), 2): model[key][..., a, b] = 0.0 # x = np.diagonal(model[key], axis1=ndims-2, axis2=ndims-1).copy() # print(x.shape) # model[key][..., :, :] = np.diagonal(model[key], axis1=ndims-2, axis2=ndims-1).copy() return
[docs]def remove_coupling_from_model(path_source, path_destination): """reads in a model from path_source whose values can have dimensionality (..., A, A) creates a new model whose values have dimensionality (..., A) from the diagonal of the A dimension of the input model saves the new model to the provided path_destination""" model = load_model_from_JSON(path_source) for key, value in model.items(): if hasattr(value, 'shape') and len(value.shape) >= 2: ndims = len(value.shape) model[key] = np.diagonal(model[key], axis1=ndims-2, axis2=ndims-1).copy() save_diagonal_model_to_JSON(path_destination, model) return
[docs]def create_harmonic_model(FS): """wrapper function to refresh harmonic model""" source = FS.path_vib_model dest = FS.path_har_model remove_coupling_from_model(source, dest) s = "Created harmonic model {:s} by removing coupling from {:s}" log.debug(s.format(dest, source)) return dest
[docs]def create_basic_diagonal_model(FS): """wrapper function to make the simplest diagonal(sampling) model""" source = create_harmonic_model(FS) dest = FS.path_rho_model if os.path.isfile(dest): s = "Sampling model {:s} already exists!" log.debug(s.format(dest)) shutil.copyfile(source, dest) s = "Created sampling model {:s} by copying {:s}" log.debug(s.format(dest, source)) return dest
[docs]def create_random_orthonormal_matrix(A): """returns a orthonormal matrix, just a wrapper for scipy.stats.ortho_group.rvs()""" from scipy.stats import ortho_group return ortho_group.rvs(A)
[docs]def create_orthonormal_matrix_lambda_close_to_identity(order, tuning_parameter): """ a wrapper for the function defined in pibronic.vibronic.orthonormal """ U = orthonormal.create.create_orthonormal_matrix_lambda_close_to_identity(order, tuning_parameter) return U
[docs]def create_fake_coupled_model(FS, tuning_parameter=0.01, transformation_matrix=None): """ take the diagonal coupled model and preform a unitary transformation on it to get a dense matrix for a tuning_parameter of 0 the transformation matrix (U) is identity the larger the value of tuning_parameter the "farther" away from identity U becomes if a numpy array of dim AxA is provided in the transformation_matrix then we won't create a new matrix and instead use the provided one note: if transformation_matrix is provided then the tuning_parameter is ignored """ assert os.path.isfile(FS.path_vib_model), "coupled_model file doesn't exist!" model = load_model_from_JSON(FS.path_vib_model) A, N = _extract_dimensions_from_dictionary(model) # we will store the matrix in U U = transformation_matrix # we now need to obtain a matrix through some means if U is None: # if no parameter is provided we create a new orthonormal matrix U = create_orthonormal_matrix_lambda_close_to_identity(A, tuning_parameter) elif isinstance(U, str) and U == "re-use": # if this special flag is provided then we will load a previous orthonormal matrix U = np.load(FS.path_ortho_mat) elif isinstance(U, np.ndarray): # and finally we might be given the orthonormal matrix assert np.allclose(, np.eye(A)), "matrix is not orthonormal" else: raise Exception("Your transformation_matrix argument is most likely incorrect?") # TODO - should we validate that the model is diagonal and not just symmetric in the surfaces? assert model_parameters_are_symmetric_in_surfaces(model) assert model_parameters_are_symmetric_in_modes(model) for key in filter(model.__contains__, VMK.key_list()): # the array of coefficients that we are going to modify array = model[key].view() # simulating a case statement op_switcher = { VMK.E: lambda old: np.einsum('bj,jk,ck->bc', U, old, U), VMK.G1: lambda old: np.einsum('bj,ajk,ck->abc', U, old, U), VMK.G2: lambda old: np.einsum('cj,abjk,dk->abcd', U, old, U), VMK.G3: lambda old: np.einsum('dj,abcjk,ek->abcde', U, old, U), VMK.G4: lambda old: np.einsum('ej,abcdjk,fk->abcdef', U, old, U), } # calculate the new Hamiltonian, by preforming the transformation with the matrix U new_values = op_switcher[key](array) # number of modes in each array mode_switcher = {VMK.E: 0, VMK.G1: 1, VMK.G2: 2, VMK.G3: 3, VMK.G4: 4} # make sure that the transformation was indeed unitary for iters in it.product(*it.repeat(range(N), mode_switcher[key])): idx = (*iters, ...) assert np.allclose(new_values[idx],[idx].dot(U.T))) # overwrite the previous array with the new values array[:] = new_values # backup the old model, i.e. the "original" model shutil.copyfile(FS.path_vib_model, FS.path_orig_model) # overwrite the old model with the new model save_model_to_JSON(FS.path_vib_model, model) # save the orthogonal matrix in case we need to use it later, U) return
[docs]def main(): """ currently does nothing """ return
if (__name__ == "__main__"): main()